- Jul 13, 2012
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Please know that I'm not in disagreement here, but I would like to parse this out because there is always another level.
At the time of Paul's writing, there were numerous "laws" and covenants and the Law of Moses was just one of them.
Here are three main biblical laws.
1. Noahide Laws
2. Sinia Laws
3. Law of Moses
Generally speaking, the Noahide laws are virtually unknown, and the Sinia Laws are generally clumped in with the Mosiac laws.
The Noahide Laws are the seven laws that all mankind were subject to after the flood and are associated with the universal covenant God made and set a reminder with the rainbow. This covenant is still in effect and has not been abolished. If it were, I believe we would no longer see the rainbow.
The Sinia laws are the laws God gave to Israel at Mt. Sinia and is associated with the Sinia Covenant which the Jews of that day willingly accepted. I believe it is important to note that gentiles where never under that covenant and as a result, were never subject to the laws with their associated ordinances.
The Law of Moses would include the Laws Moses himself imposed on the Israelites and are found in Deuteronomy. These Laws of Moses were combined with God's laws given at Mt. Sinai and complete the 613 laws. One law in particular which came from Moses, and not God was divorce.
NIV Matthew 9:8 Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning.
Anyway JLB, I'm just yabberiing accademics lol. Hope it brought some value to somebody.
It’s good for us to see the continuity of God’s “moral” and righteous laws since Noah.
In no way am I implying that the commandments are not for the Church to obey, rather quite the opposite.
I do want people to understand however, the disconnect between the law of Moses and the New Covenant.
The Foundational Covenant is the Abrahamic Covenant that was made between the Lord Jesus (before He became flesh) and Abraham.
Later, 430 years, the law was added to the Abrahamic Covenant, UNTIL the Seed should come.
What purpose then does the law serve? It was added because of transgressions, till the Seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was appointed through angels by the hand of a mediator.
Galatians 3:19
By saying “until” the Holy Spirit is indicating the law was temporary.
We as the people of God must understand that the laws and commandments of God’s kingdom are eternal.
The laws and commandments contained in ordinances of the law of Moses were always temporary.
Ordinances such as food laws, Sabbath laws, feast days, ceremonial washings, animal sacrifices as well as Temple mandates were all added to the Abrahamic Covenant and were abolished at the cross, at the inauguration of the New Covenant (Renewed Abrahamic Covenant).