- Apr 2, 2003
- 23,041
- 6,253
I do understand what you're saying, that's why I'm saying you're wrong and you have some significant problems with your position. That isn't "slapping [you] around."Free, instead of slapping me around, just say you're not getting what I am saying. There's plenty I don't get....I admit it. See how easy that was?
Think about this. Why did Paul say that in him dwells no good thing, and that he was nothing without Christ?
And this. Why does Christ dwell in us and the Spirit will teach us all things if we can figure it all out by natural means?
If natural intellect, reason, logic, etc., etc. is all it takes to figure out the spiritual stuff, why then did Jesus tell Nicodemus that unless a man is born from above he cannot see/understand the kingdom of God?
And if our natural faculties were sufficient for understanding all things spiritual, why then did Jesus tell His disciples to tarry until the Holy Spirit comes on them? Why did He not just send them forth if they were already equipped?
He told them not to plan ahead what they would say if they were arrested and ordered to give an accounting before their captors. He said that God would give them what to say at that moment by the Holy Spirit. Their natural intellects and reasoning were overlooked by Christ for He knew anything proceeding from their mouths that was not birthed by the indwelling Spirit, would accomplish nothing, zero, zip!
The issue is that you have made the claim, in one form or another, that our reason cannot be used to gain knowledge about Jesus or things spiritual. But that is not biblical. God never bypasses our intellect, our reason. The very writing of the Bible proves this. The Bible wasn't written via automatic writing or something of the sort. God used specific men via their reason and their ways of thinking about things to write down what He wanted written.
Now you're also presuming that I am saying "natural intellect, reason, logic, etc., etc. is all it takes to figure out the spiritual stuff," and that "our natural faculties were sufficient for understanding all things spiritual," which I am not. I have not made any such claim. I am merely pointing out that your continued argument against all use of reason in understanding things spiritual is in error.
And lastly, it does the discussion no good if you simply say "Paul said such and such," or "Jesus said such and such." You need to provide the actual verses so they can be looked at and properly considered in their context.