First of all I know of no Sunday school teacher who has to earn a secular degree in order to teach Sunday school. All she heeds is to
know the bible.
- [list:2nfk1wgv]You don't see that as an arrogant statement? I'm telling you that I do know her in particular and if you would like to say, "first of all, I know of no... blah, blah, blah" and make yourself the judge of my friend saying that she doesn't exist because YOU have not met her??? What???
<This is an entirely different subject but what world do you live in? Do you know of any Sunday School teacher who gets paid or are they all expected to do their "service" to the church on a voluntary basis. If this world respected the word of God as it should the disparity between secular wages and the wages withheld from my friend would be inverted. In other words the one who taught the Bible would be paid more now and would be able to earn a living instead of having to supplement her income while she is pouring her heart out in service to God and being forced to .... Argh!!! Now I'm doing it. I'll get off my soapbox but I really would like you to pray for her situation that the injustice of it be addressed at least partially here and now --I do know her reward is great but also consider it wrong for her to not be able to earn enough to feed herself (and I think she should have enough to give generously to others too, as the Lord leads her).>
But as i said before; it's sometimes unfortunately necessary in this day and age to earn an earthly degree in order to become employed. But we are not to see our secular teachers as infallible gods. only when we know the word of God thoroughly can we know when our teachers are lying and when they are not.
- [list:2nfk1wgv]The one thing I've heard you say about education that was well thought out. Thank you for that concession. Yes, I agree. It is necessary (sometimes). Your rhetoric about idol worship applies to anything we set up as gods. Not just as you seem to suggest, "secular teachers".
for example, if one wants to learn carpentry skills, he goes to a person who knows carpentry. However, even the codes change with the seasons (I know, because my husband's a carpenter) and what works at one time doesn't work at another. So no matter how much "knowledge" a person has about a certain subject, he could
still be wrong because all humans are
- [list:2nfk1wgv]You're quite the artful dodger though. I've explained what "Equivocation" is and was ignored. I'm not the only person in thread who has asked your education level. My assumption is that it is higher than my 8th Grade education level but you have not said. Now you mention your husband's training. Are you sure that your actions and declarations are in balance with each other? No need to reply, the question is rhetorical on my part.
And that's what God means when he tells us to trust in Him alone because God is
never wrong.
- [list:2nfk1wgv]When you say that God is trustworthy there are none who can argue. Certainly not me.