He became sin that we might be made the Righteousness of God in Him.
Think the reason so many struggle with the gospel is because they do not see that the flesh and sin of all was judged in the Body of our Lord!
The bronze serpent was a type of this indwelling sin, being judged on the Cross! He bore our sins in His own body!
Some would say if He took it. why do I still have it?
Because, the Cross and its power to slay the flesh, works by faith! One must go there for themselves, by faith.
The reason communion does not heal the "church" is because we do not understand by faith, that with our sins, He took our sickness and disease!
Paul said the reason many in the Chruch are sick and weak is because they do not decern the Lords Body, which was broken for us.
To suffer with Christ?
Religion has really twisted this one! Christ is not in any mans flesh, we cannot by the flesh suffer with Christ!
Christ is in our hearts, Paul suffered because Christ was in his heart! Paul loved as Jesus loved Him, and for that reason he suffered that others might be saved!
Christ, when He went to His Cross, was full of love for all of us, and for loves sake, He did suffer!
Paul likewise says that we can give our bodies to be burned, but without love it profits us nothing!
In the Epistle of Col. It is written that neglect of the body is of no value against the indulgence of the flesh.
Many fast and such things, and they are just more religious than before, only now they have some extra pride to add to their religions works!
Ye fast for strife and debate, that ye might piont the finger (Isa 58) No go share your bread with the hungry, this is what pleases God!
Many religious things are done, but they are not done from the motives of love and compassion for those who are weak!
If any man thinks he suffers with Christ, and does not have His Love? He is suffering for his own religious ego!
And seeing how your ego is satisfied? you have your reward!
Christ Jesus loved and for sake of love He suffered at the hands of those he loved, What a Savior!