Nope, nice try. That was in the other thread, not this one. In this one you said that Abraham was justified in Gen. 12. and (I assume) in Gen. 15:6. That's twice. Here are the questions again:
1) Are you sticking by your contention that Abraham was justified in
Gen. 12?
2) Do you believe that Abraham was justified in
Gen. 15 when Paul says his faith was "credited to him as righteousness"?
Will you answer this time?
Ive already answered this.
I wrote a BOOK.
I explained that the bible has to be rightly divided through study, and that concerning doctrines, you dont find them explained all in one place, and so it is with Gen 12 and 15.
Gen 12 and 15 correlate with Romans, and Galatians, and Ephesians, and Colossians., etc.
But here is the short version.
God accepts faith, and thereby justifies.
So, whenever Abraham believed, he was justified.
He is not justified twice, or during a process of 4546 justifications.
He is justified once, and i see that He was told to GO, and he went based on Trust, as this is belief.
Later, he offered his boy, but he had already trusted- believed, or he would have have never left the tent.
So, the leaving, and the offering, are both connected to trust/belief, and this what God accepts.
Abraham believed God and God accepted his faith and GAVE him Righteousness.
Works didnt make Abraham righteousness, GOD made him Righteous, so, try to get that., as if you dont, you have not understood Salvation or Grace.
Pauline theology = "his FAITH is counted for RIGHTEOUSNESS".
So, the confusion here on this thread or any like it is always based on someone not understanding that
Righteousness is given as a Gift from God that justifies, and the Righteousness is a completed situation, that happens once,
when a person has Faith in God <> the Gospel., understanding the purpose of the Cross., and BELIEVES IT and is born again without water.
Its not a process that God uses to give Righteousness,.... its a GIFT.
And you cant become more righteous then God makes you based on the Blood atoning for your sins, when you are born again, and that is why works or water have nothing to do with this imputation, this "gift of Righteousness".