Dorothy Mae
- May 23, 2020
- 7,282
- 1,799
Anyone with such distain for fellow believers as well as blind to the scriptures already presented (Fhg presents reams of them) is less likely to have a handle on the truth.Jesus Himself informed us that as far as Christians are concerned that there would be no sign whatsoever given as to His return:
Luke 12:40
"Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not."
Yet in His detailing the anti-christ assuming world power and establishing a covenant with Israel, Jesus gives clear indication that the future Temple in Jerusalem will already be built and active in the offering of sacrifices.
( Matt.24:15 ).
It is not a mere coincidence that in this thread and in all others on the subject post-trib advocates avoid these specifics, both in terms of the Christian being able to set their watch to the exact day Jesus's coming again, ( which Christ said you could not do), and the emphasis given in both old and new testament to this period being exclusively about the nation Israel in the " time of Jacob's distress" ( Jer.30:7) .
Never in this thread or in any other dealing with the post-trib theory will you find the advocates of it dealing with these scriptural specifics of their own initiative .
They have to be dragged kicking and screaming to deal with these scriptures.
Just search through this thread?
You will find none of it being delt with .
Only when forced or pressed too will they begin their tap dance on these scriptural specifics .
Just as certain portions of the book of Isiah are never read, if not forbidden to be read in Jewish Synagogues today
the post-trib advocates consistently avoid these vital congruent old & new testament teachings on the tribulation at all costs.
Go ahead and search through this thread or any other on the subject , and you will find them bringing up NONE of it unless pressed against their will to do so.
Anytime you are forced to avoid the Word of God to promote a point you are on the shakiest of ground.
Okay ,Now let the tap-dancing begin !
What you probably can’t do is recognize scripture within a text. If we use thee act same words without the bells and whistles to alert you to “bible verse coming” you think none are there. This is pretty common. Too many Christians don’t know or live the words so many don’t recognize them. They need large font, bold and in color. If they lived the words, they’d instantly recognize them.