Brother Lawrence
- May 26, 2011
- 107
- 1
- Thread starter
- #81
So based on the way you worded the above statements it is obvious to the reader that you are confident that the beliefs you espouse are in fact equal to truth.
If they weren't, I wouldn't have much to be confident about.
Here's a news flash, many of the people you accuse of heresy hold the same conviction, so what is used to determine who's conviction is in fact closer to the truth?
So? More than one person at a time can be a heretic, you know. And I'll tell you how I know that: scripture, history, logic.
Saying that there is no reason for folks to be ignorant and especially no reason for them to be deluded is not a statement that is backed by observable reality.
What in Gehenna are you talking about?
Confusing abounds by those seeking truth through religion because in religion, and I am specifically speaking of the self proclaimed christian religion, massive confusion and desention has existed for centuries.
Only for the uneducated and deluded. Those who seek do indeed find, doors are opened for those who knock. The proud and stiff necked can make little sense of it.
So as you try to "explain" christianity please understand that what you are explaining is very likely YOUR TAKE and the BRAND of so called christianity you believe to be correct.
As is everything you have claimed here - YOUR OPINION.
As such, know that what you are espousing is very subjective and to depict others as heretics because they feel your stance is incorrect and can supply biblical support for what they believe does nothing but make you appear to be somewhat of a bigot.
Oh, the bigot card. You must be getting nervous.
I can supply Biblical support for my beliefs, too. I noticed that you all avoided my post on the Isaiah Trinity post like the plague. There are places you will just not go, because your beliefs are indefensible.
Now to be fair, were I to do the same to you I would be guilty of the same bigotted behavior that oftentimes us "saved" folks are perhaps unwhitingly guilty of as we hold up our beliefs as the standard.
Knock yourself completely and directly out. I can defend my beliefs better than you can defend yours, and have done so on numerous occasions. I doubt that the moderators will come to your defense here and bail you out, so be careful what you wish for.
I am "instantly dismissive" of ideas that are non-scriptural and anti-Christian. If you are wrong I will tell you so. Jesus was humble but he didn't make any bones about heresy when he heard it. And I didn't find your slander against the church particularly humble, either.Since we are all hopefully truth seekers, why not try to approach things in a slightly different manner? Instead of saying, "I have the truth, here it is, believe it or be damned;" why not have the attitude of humility Jesus spoke so highly of and use one another to help us all ensure that we come to a correct understanding of what is taught in scripture. That will require us not being instantly dismissive of ideas we do not hold and actually hearing out others and examining the supporting evidence they put forth with as open a mind as possible to see how their view stands up to the grand context of scripture.
We may all need to have others "proof read" the thesis of belief we have individually before we are so brash as to put it forth as truth that all others must accept.
Nobody is asking you to "accept" anything. This is supposed to be a discussion forum. If, after having kicked a few ideas around you still cling to your heresies, that's okay with me.
It is likely that none of us has it all right and even more likely that none of us has it all wrong, so why not cooperate so that WE ALL can get closer to the truth.
No, some of us have it right and some of us don't. Outcome based evangelism doesn't cut it. It's what has caused the confusion you were talking about earlier. So I am not about to add to it by lending credence to certain heresies.
Try to put on paper your full understanding of the gospel message and what it intails and place that "personal thesis" on the forum for all to view so that we can both learn from and aid in one another's understanding. As we comment on what others put forth how about we mention both the positive and correct things they say as well as what we disagree with so that a spirit of love and cooperation can rule as opposed to bitter rancor and total opposition.
How about if you answer the question before you, which is, where did you get that word "Christendom"? Was it at the Kingdom Hall? Do that first, then I will consider teaching you the Gospel message. It's already been alluded to in this thread, twice, once by me and once by Jason.
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