- Apr 4, 2013
- 1,169
- 363
While its true that the Bible is the word of God, its not the case that every verse is aimed, doctrinally, at the born again New Testament Christian.
As a matter of fact, the Book Of Hebrews is often not even directed to the born again at all, as its not dedicated or given to the "church" specifically..
And this is why much of what is in it, is actually not written to believers as any type of instruction or doctrine , and this of course creates a lot of confusion within the mentality of some who have not rightly divided the word of God (NT), and thus misapply Hebrew epistle verses, regarding the "church".
So, its not the bible that is confused, its the people who in general have been taught by the confused, which confused them.
It the people who spend more time reading theological studies then they do studying the word.
And the thing, the unfortunate thing about theological confusion, is that it tends to burrow into the self righteousness and pride of a person, evolve, and harden.
Doesn't take that long.
For example, i can show many of you that God does not count your sins against you anymore, does not even see them. Romans 4:8.
I can point out that the means to hold you guilty of them, the LAW, is gone, abolished on the Cross.
I can show you that God has removed your sin from you as far as the east is from the west.
I can explain to you that you could not be saved if you had any sin..... and that once your Faith was counted as RIGHTEOUSNESS, then righteous you are, sinless, or you were never saved......... And once you are, you remain the Righteousness of Christ for just as long as Christ has died for your ALL YOUR SIN. (Lifetime).
And how long is that?.......Its exactly as long as you will be "in Christ", and "believing on HIM who justifies the UNGODLY".
And YET.... you know what you'll do?... some of you...You'll run to 1John 1:9 and try to confess your sins that are not even there.
And then you'll say......"but what about when i do those things NOW that are called sin while i was still unsaved".
Thats easy...
You tell God you are sorry......But you dont confess the deed with the idea being that you have messed up your salvation, so you need to get it back, or redo it, or recreate it confessing sins.....trying to re-save yourself, or something similar.
Its hilarious , but its so sad when so many are just upside down and clueless about what being made RIGHTEOUS has done for you.
Look, you are in a relationship with God, ......=family.
And just like when you blow it with a brother or a mother or a son or daughter... this thing you did, sin, whatever you want to call it... they stop being your parent or your relative if you "sin"?
But you think if you "sin" against your FATHER in heaven after you are saved, that you are cut off till you confess again the sins you remember, while you dont even realize the ones you forgot?
C'MON !!
When you mess up, all you have done is created a prick against your conscience and a sick feeling in your heart.
God knew you were going to do you realize this yet?
The "sins" you commit the next decade, ..were all known to God (foreknowledge) before He saved you.
Have you figured this out yet?
Listen....You have not broken your relationship with your Righteousness when you mess up, and that is because God created and gifted you with this based on what Christ did for you, and you can't part from it......because its NOT OF YOU.
So, when you mess up, when you do that thing again that you are so sorry about...... you have ONLY messed up the harmony between you and your Father in heaven..... You have destroyed the peace.
But you have not lost your salvation or your righteous standing, because this is not of you, this is all of GOD and the free GIFT of Righteousness.
You've just lost that clean peaceful "im right with God" feeling........The harmony with Him is undone...... So, you say you are sorry, (often with tears)..... you move on, and the peace returns, the joy comes back, and the relief from your guilt, is wonderful.
"There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ".. = YOU.
But all during this time, all during this entire process of messing up<>saying you are sorry.... you were and are just as saved and just as righteous as you were before you ever did that thing that GOD knew you were going to do before you did it.
See it?
THIS is salvation.....THIS is the Atonement.......It is the FINISHED Work of God through Christ on a CROSS that is separate from you and what you do in your earth suit.
One you get this, you will be oh so happy to realize , = What God has done for you that YOU cant undo.
So, SMALLER..... all scripture is given for..........__________. But not all scripture is doctrine.
A person says, ..."all scripture , every word applies to us".
Well, if that is true, then go tell your 5 husbands that you are at the well talking to Jesus about the fact that they are not all your husbands.
Or, "you are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do"...
God and tell your pastor that this is meant just for him (doctrinally) next Sunday morning, before he steps into the pulpit, ...etc.
So, by application= all of the bible has application for us, but its not all aimed specifically at a NT believer regarding doctrine.
That is directed at the wrong person....