There is no need to be confused over this. There are only two baptisms.
There is Baptism in the Holy Spirit that results in a man born of water already, being born again of the Spirit. This signifies that salvation is only open to humans.
Then there is the ceremonial Baptism practiced by the Levites in the temple through out their history.
This baptism is symbolic of the passing on of the priesthood from one priest to another.
In the years Of our Lords journey on the earth there was an illegitimate high priest in office, Caiaphas
He was a stoolly put in office by Herod for political reasons, he was not the legitimate descendant who should have been in office.
The whole of Judah was just one big circus! stooly high priests, robbers making the temple a den of thieves, teachers of the law leading men into their graves....
This is why I love Jesus so much, and the disciples who where a rag tag bunch some of them real roughnecks would have loved every minute of these happenings outside of the establishment. what JOY, to realize that society who had made you out to be a less than was actually a big wrought!
All of a sudden out of the wilderness comes this wild eyed long haired bum who had been living on insects and enjoying his own company (the only thing missing would have been the brown paper bag)
God was already working in the wilderness.
Guess who this guy was? Go on I dare you!
He was John the Baptist 'rightfull descendant to the office of high priest' who should have been standing in the place where Caiaphas was.
Luke 3:2
" during the high-priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John son of Zechariah in the wilderness. "
So when he baptized Jesus, as Jesus said 'he must'
He transferred the high priesthood onto Jesus! The order of Melchizidek
Baptism of the priesthood is passed down through us, one to the other in this priestly tradition of the nation of Israel in the order of Melchizadek.
That's why water baptism has it's place.
Peter seeing that Cornelius had been baptized in the Holy Spirit 'saw no reason to withhold water baptism from him'
Hallelujah Praise the Lord!