What they really are defending is their own right to add their own words and ideas into scripture wherever they choose to add them.Could you post the verse with context you are referring to?
For example, man became a living soul when God breathed into the man the breath of life.
What they says is, man was given an immortal soul when God breathed into the man.
Please show me where the term “immortal soul” is found in scripture.
It’s not!
It’s a man-made idea they added to scripture.
Adam became a living soul, he was NOT given an immortal soul.
A while back I had a discussion with a RCC scholar who was very knowledgeable in all the doctrines of the Catholic Church. And very crafty in his defense of them.
I asked him, “when is man given an immortal soul?”
He replied, “at his creation”.
Isn’t that interesting. The text says Adam became a living soul, not that he was given an immortal soul.
The RCC changes the wording of the creation of man becoming a living soul to man being given an immortal soul.
Oh, they’re very crafty alright.
Good thing we have the real idea and truth given to us by God.
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