A carnal mind is a mind that sets its values on the things that please the flesh. It’s a fleshly minded person. A mind that serves the flesh.Romans 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. 8 So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
How is a natural man going to do what he doesn't want to?
Now, the flesh is such that it cares nothing for any laws whatsoever. It does not subject itself to them. Nor can it.
If not for fear of certain consequences under man’s laws and a basic instinct for self preservation, men could not summon the strength to combat the flesh with all of its desires. And the flesh would have a field day and take all it could get.
A day of stealing, raping and murder would be a good day for the flesh.
“The law is made weak by the flesh”
You see, the flesh itself has its own desires and does not subject itself to laws. It only wants what it wants.
This is a very basic thing to learn about the flesh and blood nature of man.
If a man does not exercise some control over his own nature he will end up in prison or dead.
So, this is what Paul is referring to in Romans 8:7
Being in the flesh refers to walking according to the dictates of the flesh.
“Walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh”
Paul is not saying that a person who walks according to the flesh cannot learn the truth and repent and be saved. He is simply explaining the flesh nature of man and how it works.
Called, “the works of the flesh”