- Apr 22, 2011
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When I said you lack understanding I meant in the area of pretrib like I did at one time believing all those teachings. I never meant that you lacked knowledge in all areas of what the Bible teaches or that your studies are not deep. How would I know how you study or what or who you follow. I'm not here to change anyone's mind, but to give that of what I have learned.Well, that is strange. You said I lack understanding. You said your study is deep and implied mine is not. Yet now you say you have no idea how I study the Scripture. ???
Sorry, but your 'knowledge' is based upon your method of interpretation of Scripture, just as mine is. You say you used to be pre-trib, but that was not based upon your knowledge because you just believed whatever someone else told you.
As I said before, you had to have changed your method of interpretation. What caused that? What made you believe the allegorical/metaphorical/spiritual method of interpretation was true as opposed to the literal method of interpretation.
Don't tell me it is when you finally understand the Scripture. For I understand the Scripture and disagree with you. What or who changed your mind?
When I said I use to believe in pretrib it was because I was not very mature in the word being a new Christian back in the 80's and felt like I lacked knowledge because I could not see it in the scriptures they taught from. For many years I believed everything that came from the pulpit, but yet questioned many things that were not sitting well in my spirit as I could not see in the scriptures that of what they were teaching. Nothing was lining up with what was written in the scriptures. I was so confused and that's when I had to empty my head of all those teachings and start researching all of this for myself.
I wanted to believe in a pretrib and I wish it was true, especially in what I now know that must come first before Christ returns. It took me twenty years of intense digging into Revelations cross referencing between the OT prophecies about end times and what Christ taught in the NT about the end of days without using any commentaries or other books praying earnestly to the Holy Spirit to reveal all of this to me. The reason I teach against it is because I want others to be prepared for that which is to come during the seven trumpets, especially when the son of perdition takes his seat in Jerusalem deceiving the very elect of God if possible. I could only hope I am wrong in all of this, but scripture is to explicit as far as what God has given in great detail to the Prophets and Apostles to write as we also see history repeating itself even now with what is in the world.
This is the questioned I asked that seemed strange to you.
"What would be the purpose of God's great wrath being poured out into the world and that of the mark of the beast if we are already taken out before all this happens?"
God's seven trumpets of wrath being poured out into the world has nothing to do with God's final judgement as that comes on the last day when Christ returns. What God sends down are His final chastisements, as severe as they will be, His patience and longsuffering will have come to an end at that time and He would hope that none should perish, but everyone would turn back to Him before the door of Salvation is closed forever when Christ returns. It's like giving everyone a last chance before it's to late.
Going back to your post # 68 Do not all believers in Christ who are of faith in Him make up His true Church as their is only one body with many members as Christ is the head of the body. There is only one resurrection when Christ returns as all who are in their graves will hear His voice to come forth in judgement. Those who are of faith in Christ will be raised and joined with those of faith who are still alive at His coming and will be caught up to Him in the air to be with Him for eternity. Those who died rejecting faith are raised to damnation.
Matthew 24:29-31; John 5:28-29; 6:40; 1 Corinthians 15:51-58; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Rev 19:11-21.