Imagician –
You posted…
How does one ACCEPT Christ into their hearts?
As I have already posted above, I see the scriptures telling us that there are five, distinct, steps that one must observe to become a born again Christian.
When one - 1) hears the Gospel preached, and then 2) believes in their heart that Jesus is the one, true, living Son, of Jehovah, the one, true, living God – then, at this point in time, it would seem to me that one HAS, indeed, accepted Christ into their heart.
But, while this is a very necessary part of the trip, I don't see this as the end of the journey. This belief that one experiences must be followed by confessing it publicly, repentance, and finally, baptism, before one can call onself a Christian. A BELIEVER!
Is this NOT what the scriptures tell us?
Folks, FIRST comes HEARING, then BELIEF, and then FAITH in that 'belief'. NO amount of ritual whether it be Baptism or communion, or ANY act of WORKS that is able to BEGIN these FIRST THREE
Apparently, I’m the only one holding these views on this issue, which, until I see evidence to the contrary, is perfectly fine with me.
As I see it…BELIEF, once it is combined with OBEDIENCE, becomes FAITH.
You know how we always hear old adages such as, “Old so-and-so can sure “talks-the-talk, but s/he doesn’t walk-the-walk!â€Â
Isn’t this just another, kinder, way of saying that someone is a hypocrite? No??? Yes!!!
Let me use another, worldly example.
Let's say that one is driving their car on a road that is posted with a speed limit of 55 MPH. Just because one knows that the speed limit is 55 doesn't keep one from going 60 MPH, or more! One can believe what the speed limit is, and yet still violate it, becoming an outlaw.
But, it is the ones who not only believe what the posted speed limit says, but who also obey the speed limits, that will be deemed law abiding citizens, right!
Somebody PLEASE say AMEN!!!
Will a simple act of emersion PLACE Christ into the heart of one that performs such a RITUAL? if so, then WORKS ARE able to 'save' one.
I have no idea…but, I personally, DO think that at this very point in time, it does cause our name to be entered into a book in heaven. At that point we climbed out of the sea of alien sinners, and became a Christian. And, if we shall endure, obediently in our faith, heaven will be our reward.
When one presents themselves before a congregation to confess their belief (faith) and to repent for their past sins, THAT is all I have to see, to convince me that their heart is in the right place, and of their sincerity. Not that convincing me, or you, or anyone else, of anything, is required or necessary to one’s salvation!.
The scriptures talk of those who walk around believing, but not obeying. Some of them were called Pharisees.
Works ALONE will not save one! Nothing ALONE, will save one.
It takes a combination of things!
We are saved by God’s grace, through our faith in Christ, and obedience to His commands.
Faith without works is dead!
That the commision is that Christ commanded that the APOSTLES go out and Baptize offers NOTHING so far as indication that this is a commandment to those that were NOT apostles. And it most certainly offers NOTHING so far as commandment towards those that have NOT been Baptized. This is NOT a command to BE Baptized but to BAPTISE in the name of.....
I’m sorry, but I don’t know quite what to make of this statement, other than it seems self-contradictory.
Beware of what you CHOOSE to believe that is NOT offered through scripture or Spirit. And beware of what you ALLOW 'others' to teach you to believe.
I agree!
In Christ,