And, ALL of them show Luke 22:19 concluding WITH, “…this do in remembrance of me.â€Â
The key here is "do any other scriptures support this ONE?" It is dangerous to base any belief on ONE verse of scripture as I find that when this happens, tradition takes over from truth.
Lets analyse what was said if it was in the original. The word 'do' means execute or accomplish a single act. In other words, once only, not every week.
Being a sect of the Jewish faith, the context would have been the passover meal which was once a year. There is no indication that they understood it as a weekly event.
Nowhere in the NT is it recorded that they had 'communion' as we know it. They did meet regularly for meals and again in the Corinthian church Paul was teaching them the correct conduct at the meal because he said that it was the Lord's Supper when they shared their food and not eat without regard to those who were unable to contribute.
The Corinthian church being gentile, was not required to keep the Jewish law so the annual passover meal would not have been observed.
The 'matzos' or unleavened bread was only used at the annual passover meal. All other meals would have used the standard loaf which was broken (not cut like we do) and distributed to the guests by the host as a sign that the meal was to begin.
If we insist that we replicate what happened in scripture, we have to have an annual passover meal with matzos bread. If we follow tradition and have weekly communion, we are required to have a loaf broken and passed around to guests.
If we follow the teachings of scripture, as gentiles we are not required to observe the passover meal. All that leaves us is the 'agape' communal meal. There is no injunction that it was optional.
In addition, church history shows that the church did not introduce the 'eucahrist' or 'mass' until the third century.
Therefore, all this evidence cannot be ignored in preference to one short statement in the scriptures. To allow this would mean that we can take any verse or statement out of context and make it mean whatever we want it to. Many protestant churches do this and usually that is where tradition which replaces scripture comes from.