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"Walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh"
this is OUR PART! God did His when He gave us His Spirit!
Not according to Paul: "but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live. 14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God." Rom 8:13-14 ESV We simply follow the Spirit's lead. "Those who walk in the Spirit have their minds set on the Spirit" Rom 8:5 ESV - that is, they are led by another, the Spirit of God.

Walking in the Spirit is following another; it's not "our part" so much as the effect of God providing His Spirit to meet with our reliance on Him.
I kinda agree that it is a process! that the battle against the flesh is a long hard fight! But we do that by the Power of Righteousness given to us by faith in Christ! Now this thread in focused upon the issue of Gods righteousness. I have a thread on "walking in the Spirit" You are welcome to adress your issues there, but please try to keep this thread on its topic, as much as possible?
I don't think of the Spirit as some spiritual "Force" that we struggle to direct; rather the Spirit is the Director, the Counselor, as well as the Controller of the Power He uses to accomplish His will in us. Our struggle is as the one on the front lines, trained and indeed indwelt by the Commander of our walk.
Not according to Paul: "but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live. 14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God." Rom 8:13-14 ESV We simply follow the Spirit's lead. "Those who walk in the Spirit have their minds set on the Spirit" Rom 8:5 ESV - that is, they are led by another, the Spirit of God.

Walking in the Spirit is following another; it's not "our part" so much as the effect of God providing His Spirit to meet with our reliance on Him.

I don't think of the Spirit as some spiritual "Force" that we struggle to direct; rather the Spirit is the Director, the Counselor, as well as the Controller of the Power He uses to accomplish His will in us. Our struggle is as the one on the front lines, trained and indeed indwelt by the Commander of our walk.

Again I ask you to relate to the topic of the thread!
How does your point relate to Gods righteousness?
Rom 5:17

For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)
Rom 5:18

Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
Rom 5:19

For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

Only by receiving the gift of righteousness can one have power to reign in life.

God gets to make the rules, He made man for His own purpose. Now He says we must accept righteousness as a gift! Who is it then that rejects this?

I tell you that only a man in pride, will reject this gift, because in their PRIDE they think themselves able to earn it by their own works!

The scriptures declare that a man in the pride of his person refuses to keep God in all his thoughts.

It is pride of self that causes man to not submit to the righteousness of God! for they think they can produce good form that which is from Adam.

A righteous man keeps God in his heart and mind at all times and thinks nothing of his own ability.

The LAW is a witness to Gods Righteousness, YES!
It bears witness that all men are sinners and cannot keep Gods Law! It brings us to the Righteousness of God, by FAITH alone.

Rom 3:19 Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.
Rom 3:20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
Rom 3:21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;
Rom 3:22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:
Rom 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

God is a God of order and laws. He has established laws in the natural that where created by His Word, which is Spiritual.

God is a Spirit, His Word is spiritual. The natural does not rule the spiritual but the spiritual rules the natural.

Man fell from the order of God and became lawless. No man can walk in the order of God because sin (lawless disorder) is in every man.

But God made a Way!

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and these things will be added unto you!

Through the righteousness of faith, we now have LEGAL RIGHT to the goodness of God! All the promises of God are yes and Amen, to us who are IN CHRIST.

The reason so few have such things as faith to heal, to bless, power over satan Etc.. Is because they do not understand the legal rights we have in Christ and by the NEW COVENANT (CONTRACT) LEGAL AGREEMENT!

SEEK FIRST! and then these other things, will be yours!
God is a God of order and laws. He has established laws in the natural that where created by His Word, which is Spiritual.

God is a Spirit, His Word is spiritual. The natural does not rule the spiritual but the spiritual rules the natural.

Man fell from the order of God and became lawless. No man can walk in the order of God because sin (lawless disorder) is in every man.

But God made a Way!

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and these things will be added unto you!

Through the righteousness of faith, we now have LEGAL RIGHT to the goodness of God! All the promises of God are yes and Amen, to us who are IN CHRIST.

The reason so few have such things as faith to heal, to bless, power over satan Etc.. Is because they do not understand the legal rights we have in Christ and by the NEW COVENANT (CONTRACT) LEGAL AGREEMENT!

SEEK FIRST! and then these other things, will be yours!

The Lord said "this is the New Covenant written in My Blood"
2 Cor 3 Shows us that the New Covenant is the "ministry of righteousness" That as we behold Christ by His Word, we are conformed to His Image as by the Spirit of God!


Be ye not conformed to the religion of this world, but be ye transformed by the RENEWING OF YOUR MIND!

what is this RENEWING?

is the process whereby we behold the Glory of Christ and by faith to faith and glory to glory are changed into His Image!

Some will say, that makes no sense! yes, go to the Cross and reckon at its purpose? Become a fool and God will make you wise!

Until you become like Peter, and begin to receive revelation from heaven about Christ, you cannot understand the things of God.
God's righteousness is right standing with God. God's righteousness is one that is unknown by many people, including Christians. Because Jesus Christ paid the price once, we as Christians are righteous in God's sight. When we sin, because of our right standing with God, we are able to ask for God's forgiveness and receive it.
God's righteousness is right standing with God. God's righteousness is one that is unknown by many people, including Christians. Because Jesus Christ paid the price once, we as Christians are righteous in God's sight. When we sin, because of our right standing with God, we are able to ask for God's forgiveness and receive it.

Thanks JimmyAk for your post! I will add this comment, that when we as righteous believers, act from the flesh and sin against who we are in Christ. This is not a sin against the law of moses! It is a sin against the law of Christ. Now what we do when we have a sin on our conscience? we go to Christ in rememberance of the truth, WE COME BOLDLY BEFORE HIS THRONE OF GRACE. we do not come as sinners! but as righteous. What some fail to see is that it is the sure confidence we have in Christ and His abounding grace, that overcomes the weakness of our flesh.
For sin will not have dominion over you for yolu are not under law but under grace.

The strength of sin is the law!

Agian I thank you for your post! and invite you to ask any questions about my veiw or to express yours in a further way.

God bless -Mitspa
Again I ask you to relate to the topic of the thread!
How does your point relate to Gods righteousness?
That what we do is not God's righteousness. It may be an effect of God's righteousness, but outward actions are not the same as internal changes.

"All our righteous acts are like filthy rags in His presence."
That what we do is not God's righteousness. It may be an effect of God's righteousness, but outward actions are not the same as internal changes.

"All our righteous acts are like filthy rags in His presence."

Agian I ask" know ye not that the Holy Spirit dwells within you"

We who have the Holy Spirit, do in fact have the "divine nature" of God! And it is God in us, who wills and acts according to His own good purpose!
We who walk in the Spirit, do in fact show forth that righteousness of God!

Now if you do not have His Spirit? That will make no sense to you! But If you do? Then renouce your flesh, go to His Cross and die to evil lust! Then you can walk in righteousness!
Agian I ask" know ye not that the Holy Spirit dwells within you"
But am I the Holy Spirit? No, I'm not. The Holy Spirit is in us. But the Holy Spirit is not us.
We who have the Holy Spirit, do in fact have the "divine nature" of God! And it is God in us, who wills and acts according to His own good purpose!We who walk in the Spirit, do in fact show forth that righteousness of God!
Okay, but where does that leave us? It leaves us as a cloak, or a badge, of God's righteousness.
Now if you do not have His Spirit? That will make no sense to you! But If you do? Then renouce your flesh, go to His Cross and die to evil lust! Then you can walk in righteousness!
I believe the Scriptural term is "walk in the Spirit", which Scripture actually defines as being led by the Spirit. As to "walk in righteousness", I believe David was called that. And he had an adulterous relationship, killed people as a warrior, had his own friend killed ....

I'll be clear. I'm not saying "walking in the Spirit" is a vacuous statement. I'm asserting that "walking in the Spirit" does not indicate something about how well we do good works or not. It is rather a walk from sin toward righteous works. It is not an arrival at righteous works.
But am I the Holy Spirit? No, I'm not. The Holy Spirit is in us. But the Holy Spirit is not us.

Okay, but where does that leave us? It leaves us as a cloak, or a badge, of God's righteousness.

I believe the Scriptural term is "walk in the Spirit", which Scripture actually defines as being led by the Spirit. As to "walk in righteousness", I believe David was called that. And he had an adulterous relationship, killed people as a warrior, had his own friend killed ....

I'll be clear. I'm not saying "walking in the Spirit" is a vacuous statement. I'm asserting that "walking in the Spirit" does not indicate something about how well we do good works or not. It is rather a walk from sin toward righteous works. It is not an arrival at righteous works.

Your right! WE GROW IN GRACE AND KNOWLEDGE. we mature as Christ is formed in us and we overcome the lust of our flesh as we yeild to the Spirit of God.

Christ IN YOU is the hope of Glory.

it is a process! John used the terms "children" Young men" and " fathers"

Paul uses the term spiritual and carnal, and speaks of growing in who we are in Christ!

Paul says it this way to Philamon, That working of your faith may become effectual by the acknowleging of ever good thing that is IN YOU, IN CHRIST JESUS.

as we grow in knowledge and grace of Christ we are conformed to His Image by the Spirit from faith to faith and glory to glory.

This is the purpose of the New Testament, the perfect law of liberty that sets us free from the bondage of our flesh and this world and its lust.
Yes. I think -- do we agree? -- that a result of it being a process to walk out of corruption and into righteousness, it's not yet an arrival. So Christians still commit sinful actions.

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Phil 3:12 NIV

I don't know if that's all the qualification that's needed. If you're committed to fleshly thinking (according to Romans 8) then Paul rejects this as not being repentant in the first place, and thus non-Christian. But in 1 Corinthians 3 Paul identifies Christians as thinking carnally. It would not make sense for Paul to address this issue as dictating that these people aren't Christians. He simply says they are Christians.

The comparison of Romans 8 and 1 Corinthians 3 (and 1 Corinthians 1 for that matter) bears really careful analysis. I'm interested to know if there's another way to treat these passages, because it doesn't seem to me Paul is stating it outright. I just see Romans 8 as some kind of "dedicated commitment" to thinking carnally, while in 1 Corinthians Paul allows that Christians are thinking this way, but simply haven't noticed yet.
Yes. I think -- do we agree? -- that a result of it being a process to walk out of corruption and into righteousness, it's not yet an arrival. So Christians still commit sinful actions.

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Phil 3:12 NIV

I don't know if that's all the qualification that's needed. If you're committed to fleshly thinking (according to Romans 8) then Paul rejects this as not being repentant in the first place, and thus non-Christian. But in 1 Corinthians 3 Paul identifies Christians as thinking carnally. It would not make sense for Paul to address this issue as dictating that these people aren't Christians. He simply says they are Christians.

The comparison of Romans 8 and 1 Corinthians 3 (and 1 Corinthians 1 for that matter) bears really careful analysis. I'm interested to know if there's another way to treat these passages, because it doesn't seem to me Paul is stating it outright. I just see Romans 8 as some kind of "dedicated commitment" to thinking carnally, while in 1 Corinthians Paul allows that Christians are thinking this way, but simply haven't noticed yet.

well perfection comes by love and it is to be sought with diligence. But the lust of the flesh will die as we walk in the spirit. " walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh" And by the spirit we do put to death the lust of the flesh.

The point of Paul is always that Christ is so big so much more to learn and receive, that we never come to the place where we think we have attained all that He is.

The First lesson of walking in the spirit? If any man thinks he knows anything let him admit he knows nothing yet as he should know.

Its a continued learning and growing in grace and knowledge of Christ and His Glory.

Now most do not take this attitude! They are puffed up with carnal knowledge and refused to learn from those who are spiritual. Carnal people love to hear carnal things! "itching ears" do not want to hear that we must die to our natural mind! We must become fools at His Cross and die to the flesh and natural thought!

The lie abides in the flesh? "YE SHALL NOT SURELY DIE"
The flesh is and be very religious! The pharisees are perfect examples! The flesh is the natural condition of man! The spirit is that divine nature from God.
Yes, the trick is getting that corrupted fleshy soul of our old nature to align with the nature of the Spirit of God. Our spirit is in the right place but our flesh needs to be transformed by the Holy Spirit. As we willingly give up the old and put on the mind of Christ, He changes us into what He has for us to be. What an amazing adventure it is.
Yes, the trick is getting that corrupted fleshy soul of our old nature to align with the nature of the Spirit of God. Our spirit is in the right place but our flesh needs to be transformed by the Holy Spirit. As we willingly give up the old and put on the mind of Christ, He changes us into what He has for us to be. What an amazing adventure it is.

Amen sister! Its all based upon the confidence we have in Gods Righteousness and that given to us by faith!

Gods Blessings and His Righteousness shining forth upon your life!
Rom 10:3

For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

When those who are in the "flesh" hear the term "righteousness" they always think of what THEY must do?

But a believer who is "spiritual" always thinks of what God has done by the WORK of Christ Jesus, One who walks by the Rightoeusness of God walks in the grace and power of God!:thumbsup

The pupose of the Law was to bring us to a place of surrender.
Now why do some continue to attempt to justify themselves by the law? Well it is the pride of flesh that says I can keep the law. Pride keeps men from admitting the truth? "I know nothing good lives in me"

When a man sees the truth, there is no other way but by grace alone! He is ready to submit to God and His righteousness.

All those who go about to justify themselves by law, are in fact in rebellion against God and His Mercy.
well perfection comes by love and it is to be sought with diligence. But the lust of the flesh will die as we walk in the spirit. " walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh" And by the spirit we do put to death the lust of the flesh.

The point of Paul is always that Christ is so big so much more to learn and receive, that we never come to the place where we think we have attained all that He is.

The First lesson of walking in the spirit? If any man thinks he knows anything let him admit he knows nothing yet as he should know.

Its a continued learning and growing in grace and knowledge of Christ and His Glory.

Now most do not take this attitude! They are puffed up with carnal knowledge and refused to learn from those who are spiritual. Carnal people love to hear carnal things! "itching ears" do not want to hear that we must die to our natural mind! We must become fools at His Cross and die to the flesh and natural thought!

The lie abides in the flesh? "YE SHALL NOT SURELY DIE"
The flesh is and be very religious! The pharisees are perfect examples! The flesh is the natural condition of man! The spirit is that divine nature from God.
Yes, I'm pretty sure we agree on this point.

To me it's the essence of carnality to obscure, ignore, deny our own remaining corruption in this life; while the spiritual person honestly, openly enters into the light along with the reality of sinfulness in his life, and shows thereby that he is in it for the truth, not for the kudos.
Yes, I'm pretty sure we agree on this point.

To me it's the essence of carnality to obscure, ignore, deny our own remaining corruption in this life; while the spiritual person honestly, openly enters into the light along with the reality of sinfulness in his life, and shows thereby that he is in it for the truth, not for the kudos.

Yes I think we do.
John wrote that the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

Only with the assurance of being justified freely by His grace, can we allow the light of the Truth to overcome the darkness in us all.
There is therefore now no comdemnation, allows us to be open and honest with our God.
This is power of grace! that no matter the weakness, if we will just be honest and come to Him, He will cause His Grace to abound over every weakness.

Religion works against this truth in many ways? we often put on false mask and attempt to justify ourselves in our religious duties.

Thanks for your post! Mitspa
we are declared the righteousness of GOD through Christ the moment of the new birth. then we are sanctified-made HOLY then it becomes a work in progress 2nd corithians 3:18
I remember as I came into the truth of the righteousness of God by faith, that it seemed to be a great battle! For I had been placed under law and dead works by false teaching, just like most of the mordern church. I remember fasting every week and striving to please God by my own efforts. I was harsh and judgmental upon all those who fail to keep the religious standard that had placed upon me by false teaching.
I did notice however that the Holy Spirit seemed to meet the weak where they were and did not carry the religious yoke that I felt was upon me. As the Holy Spirit began to open my mind and heart to the righteousness of faith, the religious yoke soon lost its power over me.
I remember when I first dared to call myself the righteousness of God in Christ? It was a confession that I believed more in who and what God said than what the world or even my own eyes was telling me. Now this is faith!

I remember in this battle that as I prayed one day, I told the Lord "that my mistakes seem so real" They seem as if they were the most real thing in the world. The Lord spoke to me and said "when My Righteousness becomes more real to you than your mistakes? then you will understand"

As His Righteousness became greater in revelation to me? sin consciousness began to lose its power. I found the truth that sin is only overcome by Grace.

Where sin abounds, grace does much more abound! The only biblical answer to sin is grace! Any sin brought to light of His Grace will be overcome by His grace!

Only in the confidence of the righteousness of Faith, can grace have its place and power.

The great secret for those who have ears to hear?
That God says it is a righteous act to make us righteous!

Let God be true, and every man a liar.