Personal Spirit of eternal conscious intelligence and abilities that exceed the human imagination or the angels imagination. Powerful enough to create not only the universe but the spirit realm as well and able to destroy both and raise up a junction of the two realities into one new reality. Yet compassionate enough to number the hair on our heads or make delicate beauty in nature which serves no survival of the fittest or other such nonsense. Always good. Always loving. Always giving. Always misunderstood or taken for granted and rarely adequately thanked by men or angels. Always honest. Always true to himself. Always wanting salvation, grace, peace for all his people.
The nature of God.The Bible says there is one God (Deuteronomy 4:35), the Creator of the universe (Genesis 1). He is sovereign over the world (Isaiah 46:10), He is intimately involved in our lives (Matthew 10:29-31), and He is comprised of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:16-17). He is spirit (John 4:24), and He is eternal (Psalm 90:2). False teachers, however, may claim God is only one of many, capricious, or completely disinterested gods. Some false teachers say God began as a human and worked His way up
Original posts should reference specific scripture and what it is the member wants to say or ask about that scripture.
Subsequent opposing responses should include references to supportive scripture relevant to the thread and offer explanation for the contrary understanding.
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