- Mar 28, 2009
- 2,175
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Drew said:My specific point here is that when Paul refers to an "us" that is pre-destined, he is not necessarly making a statement about all believers. In fact, and I can discuss this if you like, there is every reason to believe that the "us" in verse 4 is a very small set of New Testament saints.Adullam said:Verse 4 concerns the saints only. Of course Paul wishes all to run that race. The fact remains that very few will do so. The phrase "faithful in Christ Jesus" is a generic term for all Christians, whether saints or not.
Note the distinction that Paul makes. (Also in Colossians)
My point is to challenge those who use Ephesians 1:4 to support a doctrine of pre-destination in respect to humanity in general.
I agree with you! The saints are a subset of Christians. The bible makes a distinction between spiritual and carnal Christians. Those are the only 2 kinds that exist!