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Yes I understand why you would say this. But why does Paul say the law empowers sin so as to cause sin to abound? Don't you think that's an important thing to know? As you say, Sheesh.I wouldn't say empowers. rather defines it.
Boy this is really going to take a little imput from you. Empowers is not a King James word. I totally understand you are using an often discussed statement, but my little narrow knowledge leaves me a little lost. Kind of like prevenient grace discussions (lots is said about a made up phrase).
I will go here, but I understand we will ultimately have to work through empowered.
Romans 3:20
20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
To know sin you need the Law. Law defines sin, shows sin, gives knowledge of sin (I used a word or two myself that are not KJ).
Romans 5:14
13 (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law.
14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.
In Mississippi talk: Sin was around from Adam to Moses, but folks did not know how to really talk about it. There was no way to have theological discussions about all the legal and spiritual aspects of this stuff called sin. In the Law came the discussion of sin.
With the Law came an avalanche of information about sin (not a KJ word either). We can discuss the Law, but we really need to discuss our background words and margin notes we were raised with (sometimes we need to chunk our former thoughts and see what the Word says about a subject). I have some things that I was told that are just not in alignment with the Word of God. When called to examine another thought we tend to go in shock. Our buddies will revoltl and consider us to have lost the faith (our groups version of faith).
I realize I talk in riddles when some here me discuss body parts in understanding God, but those body parts were made by God to teach (another subject).
We need common ground to discuss empowers. Not a ten page source of a teaching on the history of empowers as presented in the past, but look at the scriptures that the original thought came from, and try and work with those words and thoughts.
Imputed was used in one of my quotes. We seldom use imputed today, but I have no problem trying to find modern words to parallel the meaning. It really gets rough in trying to find a set of thoughts that work.
Okay, but not okay. I need to hear you say what I asked you to say. I need to see if you can say it and believe it Jasoncran. It is important to me. Can you say it just like I said it, and mean it? Because if you can't mean it, don't even say it.of course.
I will say it in a jewish way. the curse of the ground and the creation was an example of Gods love for adam and all men.for without it we wouldn't know that there is a God in heaven whom cares about us and sent the redeemer.
Once again, I see us dealing with semantics here. I would submit that there is a difference between what I would call works of faith and works of the law. While the ends may be the same, the reasons or intents may not. As I understand the law, there is a reason for it seen through the eyes of the one who ordains it. But I also see that with any good motive for law, Love must be both the cause and purpose of the law. So as to say, that the law was meant to be beneficial when followed and is a blessing in it's self to all of society, not just the doer of it. For I surmise that in this world it is possible that there is even a punishment for doing what is right sometimes according to the law, in which case the servant of Love would break the law because he must follow the law of Christ. Moreover, I would do the law of Christ not for the sake of being blessed by God nor in avoidance of being cursed, but because it is the right thing to do by faith. But of course I do not perceive that such is your intent or sentiment, for you point to a heavenly hope.I feel very driven to
understand; for it is eternity that we speak of after our life here ends ; and
many seem to chant the slogan "ignore works, for all is grace -- be lazy." Yet,
Ryan is correct in principlet: Although there is no earning of salvation, there
is -- none the less -- a blessing in accordance with our works once we die.
Yes, the seeking of God to me is a finding of one's self. And it is good to find His righteousness not in one's self by volition, but by God's providence. For without this, there can be no honesty, nor should the impure of heart wield power.For, if it pleases God that we seek after him to find him; Hebrews 11:6, then it
also follows that those who seek him more fully, please him more.
6:33 ; and although I have already said so before, notice that passage leads
immediately into the passage on Judgment: Matthew 7:1-5 ; and warnings against
Ah, a correction in my use of language. I rejoice that God has sent someone onto the forum with such an eye for detail and exactness. Thank you for any of your attention applied to my lack of skill. You may be surprised at how much a little thing corrected matters to me. Then again you may not be surprised at all.I agree with the sentiment; though I would say "man is the impression of God"
because I don't think a knife works on the immortal... You might like this
passage: Acts 17:26-28, where Paul spoke approvingly of a poetic work of some of
the Ancient Greeks;
but of course this happened before there was ever any law according to
my knowledge of the term.
I'm not sure what to make of the last statement; but considering I talked of
parables and "dark sayings", and I see other's reacting as if I infected you
with a "riddle" virus.... Perhaps I ought to make a concrete
If love is the basis of Law, (and it is), then what we have
before us in the courts in the U.S.A regarding homosexual unions being on par
with marriage is a strike at love and conscience itself; Yet it is on the very
grounds of the emotive value "love" which the opponents of traditional marriage
will stake their claim on; eg: in publicity stunt after publicity stunt;
For the slogans taken from the bible can be turned on their ear: "I love my
same sex partner, so it can't be wrong for love does no wrong."
language of love by feeling, is very subjective. Without Mosaic law, which is
statutory, then Paul's judgments are going to be seen every bit as arbitrary as
the laws forbidding women to speak in church. For: If women aren't silent, why
must that be the case with same sex union couples? ( Is there not a reason,
excuse, that someone will find? )
Mere horror or shock at the
contradictions in certain verses of Paul will not stop this kind of thinking;
for people accept Paul here, reject him there, and Paul himself looks the
hypocrite in any event when it comes to "being all things to all people'; for
that's impossible.
I do believe that probing Paul's sayings, in terms of
Christ's parables, and the laws which came before Moses by way of dark parable,
are very vital to understanding Jesus himself.
For, it really is as
sparrowhawke said early on in the thread (paraphrase) "I need the law, for I am
The coming of Jesus Christ gave us the Paraclete, but at the
same time -- he did not give us omniscience. One of the sins that animals were
butchered over was "sins committed in ignorance."; Just so, it is still
possible to put a car into reverse and kill a child whom one didn't know was
there --- or to move money from one place to another, precipitating an
unintended financial collapse of someone's livelihood. There is still an
absolutely necessary place for statutory law, even for Christians for many laws
deal with subtle points that aren't obvious to even the honest
Do we obey St. Paul's rules on long hair, short hair,
women speaking; and if not, then why anything else?
For if any of Paul's
rules which come from the law of Moses can be ejected, then many will object
that the homosexual laws, TOO, are Mosaic in nature.
Each rule of Paul
has to be explained and justified; for people BELIEVE things are loving, which
other's believe are NOT loving.
And therefore Paul's own words will be used
against him, for everyone wants to excuse their sin on account of
But the fact remains that although we are no longer "under the
law" -- John the Apostle warned us that sin is
I am appealing to the EXACT meaning of the Greek when I say this:
Law is
"nomia", therefore lack of law is "anomia".
The very strongest roots
of law can be seen in how God made us; and by applying human reason to what God
has made though revelation; It's worth looking at carefully because of the
environment we now live in.
of course. I do thank him for the cross. I do come from a bad background. that is why I emphasized the reading of the word so that one can know what proper love is. my dad wasn't bad to me but neither did he really show love to my mom. thus I must also struggle with that.
jesus set the example of love. but where in the gospels does it show how man should love his wife? paul mentions it in Ephesians.
jesus demonstrated his love for us yet while we who were his enemies died for us. I thank him for that act.
Y'-va-re-ch'-cha A-do-nai v'-yish-m'-re-cha;Please forgive me, but I would respectfully ask that you permit me to hear one thing spoken or rather written here on this forum, from your honest heart. I feel badly for asking this, but would you please, say "Thank You" to our Father for His Spirit of Love that is our only goodness?I agree. Helping a brother, sister, neighbour, friend, enemy should come from a desire and inclination to love one another. If one is doing it solely to earn brownie points with God, and begrudgingly assist someone else out of obligation instead of empathy as you said, they need to look at their heart. So yes, I believe we are on the same wave length.If you have children, have you ever told them a new rule, only for them the next second later to be doing the same thing you told them not to do? That is what that passage is referring to in simplicity. It is human nature to be rebellious, and to do that which we are told not to do. Now that we know what sin is, there is a realization of the truth and an internal struggle to deal with it. Romans 7 is a difficult chapter. But think of when you may have been given a rule, and that rule invoked in you a response to break it when that opportunity came. Whatever rule that may have been. Or, you were told to not ride your bike on the street when all along that is what you were doing. Now you were told you can't ride your bike on the street, but you want to do it because that is what you did before. My understanding anyways.
Yes of course this happens and I agree with this. Deeper still is the question of why does one tend to rebel in the defense of their intense desire to be their own boss rather than submit and trust in a loving guidance? It is because we feel we must prove ourselves. My view of why the law empowers sin is because we are prideful flesh and sold to sin after this manner of vanity. Any attempt to do good out of that flesh is based upon an ignorance that God is our goodness and that there is nothing good in us that is not God's to begin with.
Consequently, if I endeavour to give charity for the sake of my personal stature with God or my peers, it is not out of the pure love of empathy. If I endeavour to even love God with all my heart mind and soul so that I strain with all my might to keep that commandment by my own volition, I have already failed. But when He reveals Himself to me wherein I cannot help but adore Him for Who He is, I cannot fail to keep that commandment. I therefore don't seek to keep the law anymore. But by the Love that I know is Him inside me, for which I am truly thankful, with all purity and confidence, and with all humility, I trust I will do what He intended in the law. I think you know this from the things you write. In summary, the law empowers sin because when I try to prove I am good, I prove I am bad.
See here the problem with semantics:
Romans 2:13
New International Version (NIV)
13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.
Romans 3:20
New International Version (NIV)
20 Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin.
Thank you Ryan for your great prayer. I feel silly so I apologize for any misunderstanding. I think because I put the quotations marks wrong, that is why I am not getting what I would like to see you type out here. Again, could you please say this exactly like you see that is in the bold print and mean it? Don't say it if you don't mean it. "Thank You to our Father for His Spirit of Love that is our only goodness."Y'-va-re-ch'-cha A-do-nai v'-yish-m'-re-cha;Please forgive me, but I would respectfully ask that you permit me to hear one thing spoken or rather written here on this forum, from your honest heart. I feel badly for asking this, but would you please, say "Thank You" to our Father for His Spirit of Love that is our only goodness?I agree. Helping a brother, sister, neighbour, friend, enemy should come from a desire and inclination to love one another. If one is doing it solely to earn brownie points with God, and begrudgingly assist someone else out of obligation instead of empathy as you said, they need to look at their heart. So yes, I believe we are on the same wave length.
ya-er A-do-nai pa-nav a-le-cha vi-chu-ne-ka;
yi-sa A-do-nai pa-nav a-le-cha.
v'ya-sem-l'-cha sha-lom.
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make
his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto
you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you &
grant you peace. In the name of the Prince of
Peace, Yeshua, Ha-Mesheach
Heavenly Father, I lift this thread and all who read this up to you in prayer. We thank you for the sacrifice of your Son, the sinless and innocent Lamb of God for paying the debt for our sins for all those who call upon Jesus's name. Your Word says there is no greater love then one who lays down their life for his friends, and through your life being laid down for us, you paid the debt of death we all deserve for our sins. We've been forgiven, because you were forsaken and we give you all the glory and praise for giving us the perfect example in how to love one another. May our focus be on your Son, and only in him and through him will we be able to transformed into the image our Father so much desires for us. Father, I thank you for putting within childeye a spirit of unity and shalom towards others, and bless him in all that he does. Father, may your Spirit of Truth abound in this thread, in this site and throughout its members. We ask not for carnal, human wisdom, but the knowledge and wisdom that descends directly from the Throne Room. May we humble ourselves, and look towards the Word of Truth and reveal to us the revelations and instructions you would have us to know. I desire shalom with my brothers and sisters in Christ, and pray that through our faith in your Son, and being one in the Body of Christ, we unite ourselves with the love we have for our Savior, our Redeemer, our Master, the one who reigns on high and will soon rule out of Jerusalem. In Yeshua's most precious and Holiest Names above all other names, Amen.
Thank you so very much for your cooperation in this experiment. An explanation is coming, but first I would ask you this: Are there any prayers or writings in the Torah that say that God is our Spiritual goodness?Thank You to our Father for His Spirit of Love that is our only goodness.
Curious, what test am I passing, or failing? :biglol
In Yeshua's most precious and Holiest Names above all other names, Amen.
Amen and Amen.In Yeshua's most precious and Holiest Names above all other names, Amen.
Amen and Amen
Well Genesis through Deuteronomy speaks to this. But how about start at Exodus 15 after the crossing of the Red Sea and Miriam's song.Thank you so very much for your cooperation in this experiment. An explanation is coming, but first I would ask you this: Are there any prayers or writings in the Torah that say that God is our Spiritual goodness?Thank You to our Father for His Spirit of Love that is our only goodness.
Curious, what test am I passing, or failing? :biglol
Scripture is so much more fun when it interprets itself, instead of your theological mess that has people being told to be disobedient to God's Good Word.
I have a question for those that hold to the fact that torah doesn't teach. if I have a child(see the avatar) and love her. DO not I set rules for her, tell her no when she does something bad for her. demonstrate love for her by giving to her and also correction?
if yes then that is what the torah is for.otherwise, lets just pray to jesus and not read bible. somehow God will just transform us to his will. yet paul says the bible(in his day it was the tanach) is for correction.
Nobody in this thread has stated the Torah doesn't teach.
Those are your words.
You are mixing together the Laws of Gods kingdom, which are Eternal, together with the Law of Moses.
Laws, commandments, rules, precepts... do not have their origin in the Law of Moses.
They come from God and were here from the beginning.
It started for us with -
And the Lord God commanded the man, saying,
"Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die." Genesis 2:16
Thus the Law of sin and death was introduced.
As you can see, this did not begin with the law of Moses.
A commandment is something God tells you to do.
Which is not necessarily one of the 10 commandments, for God spoke of Abraham, who by the way was a Gentile, in this manner 430 years before the Law of Moses -
because Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws." Genesis 26:5
Please have pity upon my blind eyes, but in all honesty, I do not see where it says that God is our Spiritual goodness. Here is Exodus 15 and Miriams song and Deuteronomy 6:Exodus 15Well Genesis through Deuteronomy speaks to this. But how about start at Exodus 15 after the crossing of the Red Sea and Miriam's song.Thank you so very much for your cooperation in this experiment. An explanation is coming, but first I would ask you this: Are there any prayers or writings in the Torah that say that God is our Spiritual goodness?
As well the Shema in Deuteronomy 6.
To me, it means to be stubborn.What does stiff necked mean?
I am thinking that spirit animates the flesh; So how is it that flesh can do anything by itself?
What exactly does Paul mean in terms of flesh, a man's spirit,; and my extension to other spirits which may also manipulate his body?
Is Paul, in your opinion, saying that the sinful desires are not something that the spirit (of a man) can choose? For if this "law of sin", is actually in the flesh (not just metaphorically) -- and it's nowhere in the spirit -- then upon death, the spirit is free of sin; it merely needs clean flesh to arise in;
It would seem possible, then, that "sin" is merely the defect of the body, and a medical condition... and medication, or surgery might even remove the devil .... :D !
But -- let's move away from Paul's symbology into your more theological idea;
I think there is still a mysterious element of the sin nature/original sin which is passed on by "propagation"; for I am pretty sure that not even Catholics allow for evolutionary polygenesis where sin infects man in "parallel" (Polygenesis are theories of many Adams and Eve's, or races of man from different parents. All must be *from* Adam for original sin to hold -- I post this just to verify the position, not to go off on a tangent.... -- "Humani Generis" Pope Piux XII? circa 1950; google search for it. )
I look at Paul's writing, and your comment, and I can't help wondering if Paul's statement implies we need a new source of flesh; for that which we have is unclean.
Jethro has stated the idea that the Holy Spirit cleanses the spirit, but he only talks about water cleaning the flesh -- !! so that must be some pretty powerful water !!
Although the old law certainly had purifications for flesh, and for sin,
Jethro also spoke about there being sin that the law (Old law) could not forgive...
For Jethro said: the Law could not forgive certain sins (eg: murder) -- but at the same time; I have noticed that a man's life has a fixed monetary value according to the law of Moses (I can look it up in Exodus-Numbers, but a quick example for now -- Jesus went for a *calculated* price of 20 pieces of silver) They were mistaken concerning Jesus, but none the less -- a normal man's life has a fixed value relative to other men.
In a real sense, then (Moses law wise), when a person dies they are "paying" for their sin, for that person has to give up (forfeit) the value of the remainder of their life. It's not entirely clear, then, whether or not the sin needs to be forgiven; for reparation (in some cases) can be made by death. ( this is getting fun ).
However, I meant spiritual as only "life giving"; but you are totally correct. The devil is personified death, power of death, (and there's a real devil, TOO!); Yet spirit, as a word, is intrinsically life. So the devil is the exception to the rule.... Is there a foot in mouth emoticon? :crazy
But if I am not mistaken, There are historians (A Calvinist mentioned a "St." Augustine, I think, once) arguing against Pelagius around the year ~400; and used the fact that exorcisms were performed in all the churches of his time without exception, during baptism of infants, as a proof that man had a sin nature/original sin -- eg: as a tradition all known churches once accepted; and therefore assumed to go all the way back to Jesus himself.
SO, although I'm tracing this from a strictly biblical point, I don't see how your remark about "lack" can in any way really be different, unless your churches don't perform and exorcism any more (rejecting of Satan?).![]()
I realize there is a difference between "concupiscence" and sin; but I don't know that we can really work that out here....
Back to the "tittles" of the law:
One of the largest correspondences I can see between the old law and the new is on the comparison of Circumcision with Baptism ; so although you might not see the value in exploring possession of babies, yet, I think it's actually very close to the heart of the matter of what "power" the new law has over the "old";
I honestly don't know where it will lead, but I hope by sharing thoughts -- I'll learn something new, or more perfectly.
John 3:5-6
... If flesh begets flesh, then how is it that sin propagates? ( if sin is a lack, what does the flesh lack?)