Jethro Bodine
- Oct 31, 2011
- 23,344
- 5,951
Interesting thoughts for discussion here.Not that I want to rehash with JLB; but between you and I -- I would still, as I did earlier in the thread, point out that Genesis is Torah, but not "THE" law of Moses. ( John 7:22 is one example of the distinction ).
Genesis is Law, according to how God created Adam, and which laid the foundation of what eg:Adultery is; The Law of Moses, then, is clearly an addition meant as a stop gap once the promise was formally made to Abraham while Jesus (the seed) had not yet come. It is NOT clear to me, for example, that the 613 statutes would have been added in the specific way they were if the Israelites had not sinned at the golden calf.
For example, Jesus refers to divorce being given by "Moses" rather than God, on account of hardness of heart (definition of sin!). So that, the Law of Moses is a mixture of laws, some added on account of sin -- some codifications of law which pre-existed the sin of the Golden calf.
It's not until the Golden calf that the whole of israel is implicated in sinning a "great" sin; and the ban of God would fall on all of them. It is after this point where Moses intercedes as a mediator to prevent their total annihilation -- and at which point the specific laws (613+) were laid out.
The ten commandments were first written before the "great" sin; and then re-written after they were broken at that "sin"; SO it's clear to me that they were intended before and after the calf incident. ( and yes, there were sins before the calf -- the stone if not originally a sign of sin, Revelation 2:17, Peter's name, the ephod, etc. definitely became one later with respect to the law; Matthew 3:9, Matthew 4:3 bread=two in one flesh, devil perverts it. )
But back to the 10 words (Decalogue).
10 is a number signifying divinity -- it's not really the number of sentences in the commandments (Go ahead and count them).
So that what Moses was really signifying, by calling them 10, is that God himself wrote them (one fingered even) as his own eternal law; And I am emphasizing this as contrary to the mediated law of Moses which happened after the Golden calf incident.
It is upon the noachide laws in Genesis (with additions), that the Church chose to lay burdens on the Gentiles eg: Acts 15:29; and it is definitely where the laws of husband and wife are always drawn; (Referring to Christ and the church as well) 1Peter 3:5, 1Corinthians 11:7-10; 1Timothy 2:13-14; Eve was deceived by an "angel" who fell. etc.
The early church appears to have mostly avoided using the laws specifically named by Moses (or even circumcision which had become SOOOO identified with Moses, though it wasn't his.); but the Apostles were not adverse to binding laws upon the early church which have their roots in Genesis. Including that man should love his wife so as to be ready to sacrifice himself for her; which Adam sort of did, but mostly did not.
I think you hit it on the head; There is a disconnect between "we don't need laws to tell us anything" and "we don't need a man to tell us to know the Lord" -- and the fact that they read Paul (a MAN) to learn these things; and that (at least superficially) there is ONE law remaining -- don't you dare do any of the laws Moses gave.But you were defending the popular thinking in the church that we don't need the Law for guidance purposes.Originally Posted by JLB View Post d. All of the above Hmm...maybe I don't know what you were doing here. Multiple choice, or multiple answers? Quote Originally Posted by JLB View Post If Satan tempts you, you fight with the written word and the prophetic word.
Which would include divorce, by the way....!!!! :D
Notice: No permission or mention of divorce happens in Genesis.
Death came before divorce.
It's hard for me to see how these things are reconcilable.
Paul clearly makes a law of fear for those who demand that the law of Moses is a curse.
The best guess I have is that their grammar (3rd grade or above) and their statements, do not really convey the message they think it does.
Plain reading of their statements generally leads to inferences that they will deny but only when cornered; and one poster after another makes the same plain inferences when discussing these issues with them.![]()
I'll chime in as I can.
JLB has me busy cutting and pasting laws to keep.