- May 17, 2009
- 38,271
- 185
we dont know much after the millenium or if amil in nature, what is after the final judgment of man. its speculation that i care not to engage. God will tell us when we get there by him taking us/judging men when he comes to that , or when stand before him in the ressurection. either way thats for him to know and me to be told.:yesFundamentally, I don't disagree with any of you, BTW. It's just that most do not agree with me because to use the example again, everyone's seeing heads face up on the ground and adamantly believe that's all there is to the coin. I just understand that there's a tails, too. Maybe heads is all that's needed to "win" by definition, but that does not discount the need for and existence of tails to make a complete coin.
Chosen does not always equal salvation. At least not in this age. The question was not "Who are God's saved people?" And here's another thought. For those that have salvation, what is the fundamental purpose, just to save from sin, or is there a job to do in being chosen not only now, but the age to come? I'll just sit back and watch the diversity of opinion now and as a reminder, remember the OP.