Rick W said:
"Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up"
"No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father."
And the above aren't mine.
The Word does the commandment of the Father, has power to raise His dead body and does so. The Word IS life and the Word IS the Resurrection. The Word says so. It was God's will that the body of Christ be raised and the will of God was done. God raised the physical body of Christ, the flesh, from the dead through the power of His Word. And the Word is Christ.
I believe that the words offerd above can have a 'deeper meaning' than taking them completely literal. How about this:
I have chosen, by my obedience, to lay down my life for YOU. And I KNOW that through such obedience to the will of the Father, I will be 'raised again'. And I KNOW that these sayings are TRUTH for I have received this directly from The Father.
Many times we read and what we receive is only PART of what is actually offered. How many times have we read something, only to go back to it at a later date, and receive something TOTALLY different than what we first perceived?
I had never heard this even questioned; Who raised Christ, until discussion in this forum. I thought that it was a 'given' that God raised Christ. God MADE Christ 'human'. Therefore, it would only stand to reason that His ressection would have been completed by God as well.
I guess, when one begins to believe that Christ IS God Himself, then EVERYTHING that was done usward was done BY God Himself.
Yet Christ offers and utter distinction between Himself and The Father. And He plainly offers that The Father IS God Himself. Never is it offered that God IS The Son. Only in the minds of those that wish to SEEK something that was never offered.
IF Christ WERE God Himself, explain these words: "Father forgive them for they know not what they do". I mean, isn't it obvious that IF Christ WERE God Himself, then there would be NO NEED to make such a request. For He would have simply been ABLE to offer the forgiveness that He pleaded for.
When Christ spoke out and asked, "My Father, why hath thou forsaken me", isn't it obvious that at the moment of these words being uttered, The Father, by necessity, HAD abandoned Christ in order for Him to suffer the sins of the world. That at that moment, Christ WAS ALONE. The entity that was nailed to that cross, at that moment, was JUST Jesus Christ.
God was not nailed to a cross. But He sent His Son to suffer such a fate. Sent Him informed of what 'must be' in order for 'death to be defeated'. To sin was death and therefore one SINLESS had to die as the ultimate sacrifice for everyone else.
We have the words of Christ offered to God in the garden, PRAYING for strength to carry out the wishes of The Father and The Son. But, being 'in the flesh', He was subject TO the flesh. Therefore we have the witness of the words offered up in the garden: Christ begging the Father; first, that 'this cup pass over me, then, not MY will by THINE be done'.
How deceptive an offering if it were indeed God HImself that was being led to such a challenge. And of what purpose would it have served for GOD to be nailed to the cross? It was by MAN that sin entered the world, and it was NEEDED that sin be defeated by MAN. Therefore God sent His ONLY begotten Son so that HE could DIE for our sins. To SHOW His love usward, God SENT His Son to DIE FOR US. Even while we were yet His enemies.
Christ openly stated that the power that He possessed was 'given Him by The Father'. That in itself states that WITHOUT such a 'gift', that the power that Christ exhibited wouldn't even have existed.