For God so loved the world the elect that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him is predestined to be saved should not perish but have everlasting life. Calvinism 3:16
This verse reminds me of a lesson I learnt recently.
I was helping my daughter move flats. I was carrying some wooden legs from the van to the flat, and left them outside a similar block, thinking it was right, because the door was closed. When asked where the legs were, I said outside the flat. I went to look and they were gone. In the process of looking for them we met a neighbour and chatted a bit.
The legs were found, and it made me realise, sometimes failure becomes success because we reach out to others. Need and being open to help, could be seen as weakness, or opportunity to show support and sharing. So Jesus loved the world, whether they respond or not, because through this there is hope for all. And yes the elect are those that respond, but everyone could, except for sinful self blindness.
Once you get wrapped up in depraved, people are so evil, they deserve judgement. But if you realise there is nothing to save, because they are not whole, a house built on sand, that breaks and falls to pieces, chaff in the wind, the wind blows and it is gone. Just watch when trauma comes, who stands the storm and who folds. Jesus loves us and is our friend. He gave us the tools to becomes children of God, eternal beings who can dwell with the Father.
I have heard a story about someone who seemed to be complete and successful. Mindfulness came along and suggested they should listen to their emotional life. Sadly they were a self contradiction, and when these feelings were set free it tore them apart. We are more fragile that we realise, and more prone to damage. Jesus came to shine a light into the beauty of His love and the love that dwells within, and to learn how to walk this road, the road of eternity and grace. Praise the Lord His words are life, real life, real foundational joy and eternity in this world of superficial loneliness and cynicism, that eats away peoples souls without them seeing it.
God bless you