wavy said:
..... Nice way to try to take me through a loop and then turn around and say I'm not honest...
You're not. And I've said that on more than one occasion, and given examples of it using your own words.
wavy said:
This has absolute zero to do with anything I said.
Its unfortunate that instead of discussing the point I made, a point that is scripturally sound, you just make a silly "... zero to do with anything remark."
Honestly, a remark like that just expresses you lack of depth regarding your ability to discuss the things of God.
Putting away leaven has absolutely everything to do with the rest of God for men. You simple don't know how it is related, and instead of being humble and asking you make the silly "zero" statement.
Seriously Wavy, if you don't understand something I'm saying just ask for more info.
wavy said:
Ya know, I am really starting to think that you are sitting where ever you happen to be at laughing your head off because you are delberately trying to play with my head.
No doubt about it, the "playing" with your head part (isn't that the way of the Lord, to mess with what we think we know about things). But "laughing", absolutely not. This is no laughing matter. As I care for the things of the Lord, so too I really care for the condition of the saints.
wavy said:
I am seriously thinking that you are joking. To put away leaven here was ONLY TEMPORARY for the passover period. It did represent sin, but because the word shabath is used here, does not mean it means "rest with no indication of..." yaddy ya, the rest of what you keep saying.
What you keep ignoring Wavy is the the weekly Jewish Sabbath day was only a temporary ritual shadow of the reality that was to come. Thus the "put(ting) away of the leaven" that was required by the Jews was also just a temporary shadow.
But the significance of it was not found in the obedience (i.e. work of men) but in the cutting-off of the natural desire, which is what is the eternal matter.
You are failing to see the reality of the shadow because you have your eyes only on the shadow.
And we can see a perfect example of this in your words.....
... It did represent sin, but because the word shabath is used here,....
You admit that the leaven represents sin in man, yet you feel its necessary to interject a "but" into scripture.
Why do you do this, why do you add your own editing to scripture?
In Genesis 2 the scripture declares that God rested (forever) from His work.
But in Exodus the scripture uses a different word, one that means to pause from work.
God did not pause from work on the seventh day, He stopped working because He had accomplished all that He wanted to accomplish.
wavy said:
Please notice that the word in Exodus 12:15 and the word in Genesis 2:2 is the exact same word: "shabath", Strong's #7673.
I have not confirmed this, but for the moment let's say it is,..... when taken in context to the reality of the matter of leaven, God absolutlely means that sin in us be "put away" forever.
What is so hard in this for you to understand, do you want to remain "leavened" some of the time?
wavy said:
And he didn't rest from work forever. For a few examples, please read Isaiah 43:13; Psalm 95:9; and John 5:17
Isaiah 43:13 -.... Who is Israel's Redeemer, Israel's King?
Christ Jesus,...... the God-Man.
Psalm 95:9,..... And what is God's work?
Christ Jesus,.... the God-Man.
John 5:17,..... The Father working, the Son working, are there two working?
No, just one, Christ Jesus, He who does the Father's work, in fact, that is why He was sent, to finish the Fathers work. So scripture says.
Wavy, because God stopped working at the end of the creation period, it does not mean that the work of God does not continue.
When a father dies, or when a son leaves his father's house to go out on his own, the work that the father did to raise his son does not just disappear, rather it continues in the son's living. This is the principle by which God works through His Son, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Tell me, what took place between the time of God's Son being slain as a sacrificial lamb, which took place from the foundation of the world, and this slaying actually being manifested on the cross some two thousand years ago?
Do you think that Christ Jesus was just waiting in the wings for His earthly time to come along?
Do you think that the work which Christ Jesus did only began with His earthly incarnation?
Tell me Wavy,... what do you think happened when God created Adam,... with regards to the Son of God who was the MAN-Lamb (really, a huMAN sacrifice)?
Do you realize that the moment Adam was created the Lamb was slain?
wavy said:
You missed the entire point. Of course not. But that doesn't mean he still didn't ask him.
There you go again, telling me I missed something.
Problem is, for you, I missed nothing. You said something foolish and I called you up on it.
But instead of responding honestly you try to dance yopur way around your foolish response.
God question's Adam about his location and you say that its not important to note that this was the first thing God asks.
And you have the gall to say I missed the point?
Then tell me, what do you think God does in His desired resting place?
wavy said:
This is irrelevant to anything, and a silly question.
Its not,.... you just can't answer it as you have no ability to do so.
Truth is, I doubt you've ever considered the matter of God's obvious interest in "locations", which is seen throughout the bible.
Its even seen in the matter of the Jewish weekly Sabbath keeping.
But you don't have a clue about it do you? And you want to preach to folks about the Sabbath.
You know little but you want to preach to others.
God calls this an excercise in vanity.
wavy said:
"...all your dwellings" - Leviticus 23:3.
Wonderful,.... now, tell us what this means?
Oh, BTW,...... maybe before you call someone out on their "poor" English you should check to make sure that you are actually correct about what you are pointing out.
wavy said:
What? It didn't say the leaven was "sanctified". It said the leaven was to be "put away", that is "rested from", Strong's #7673, shabath. Forever? No...
The "implication" is, that it is not an intermission.
Think Wavy,..... what do you think the Jews did with the leaven? Do you think they hid it somewhere until the Sabbath was over?
Or do you think they threw all the leaven away, and thus had to get new leaven after the Sabbath?
Do you even know what leaven is and how they would have gotten it?
Fact is Wavy, the leaven that was "put away" (i.e. thrown out into the garbage, never to be used again) was NEVER again brought into the house.
And this is why I can say that you have little clue about what you are trying to talk to others about. You really don't know much about the Jewish weekly Sabbath,........ that which you claim to "keep".
wavy said:
You can say that, yeah, because it fits this abstract doctrine
Again,..... more meaningless smoke from you. How about showing me the scripture verses that refute what I said.
wavy said:
Once again, irrelevant to anything to do with sabbath day keeping.
Not to God it isn't,.... just to those who follow some man-made false doctrine based on make-believe concepts.
Also, I did not make up the Hebrew words "shabath" and "shabbath", nor did I make up the fact that they mean different things.
wavy said:
I didn't say you did. My point was that that your knowledge of the difference (which isn't something spectacular by the way, as is easily seen from looking at a lexicon or concordance)....
So now you say there is a difference..... good.
But hold yur horse a moment Wavy,.... not once did I say that knowing that there is a difference was anything spectatcular, so please, don't make yourself out to be a real a** by attempting to imply that I did.
wavy said:
..... has nothing to do with Psalm 132 and thus Psalm 132 is not some special, cosmic, mystical passage about some true rest that makes sabbath day keepers in error, which is what you are trying to prove. It isn't working, however.
Follow this,...... the Jewish weekly Sabbath day was expressedly, by God, linked to a specific location.
Why then is it okay for you to relate your shabbath keeping to the shabath of God on the seventh day,.... but you ignore the link between the matter of the location of the "keeping" of the Jewish shabbath and the location of God's shabath.
Again I ask you,..... and you call me a hypocrite.
You decide in yourself what to link and what not to link, and you call me a hypocrite.
As for the "tree" comparison, I know this, one tree can bring only death, and another tree only life.
wavy said:
They have nothing to do with each other, though.
You think that the death of Jesus on the cross has nothing to do with the trees in the garden?
Are you that blind Wavy?
wavy said:
You've presented nothing for me to necessarily "challenge", if you really want to know.
Wavy, "challenge" was your word, not mine.
You stated...
... when some one challenges what you say like I have,...
I was just saying that you have presented no challenge to me.
You sound like you don't even know what you're saying.
wavy said:
You do realize, LoL, that you just answered your own question. I didn't write that.
You can't write it as doing so would be a rejection of the silliness of your trying to "keep" the Jewsih weekly Sabbath.
Say it and you make a hypocrite out of yourself; don't say it and you make a liar out of Jesus.
Sounds like you're between a Rock (Jesus) and a hard place (your hardened heart).
In love,