wavy said:
I changed up my mind a bit. I decided to say just a little something.
You did huh,..... good for you.
Or, based on the foolishness you wrote, maybe not so good for you.
BTW, do you attend synagogue Wavy?
wavy said:
Missing the entire point.
No, on the contrary, it is you who has admitted to not knowing Hebrew.
Yet, you attempt to throw around Hebrew words as if you know what these words mean.
Truth is, by your own admission you have told us that you are speaking in ignorance.
Must say, based on this one fact, the rest of your post does not have a very good base to stand on.
wavy said:
What does the word rest in Psalms 132 have anything to do with the sabbath?
The word we know as Sabbath comes from the Hebrew word shabbath, which comes from the primary root Hebrew word shabath, which means in its simple form, rest from exertion. Shabbath on the other hand implies more than just shabath, shabbath implies rest taken as an intermission from exertion on a continuous basis (i.e. every 7th day), with specific application to the Jewish Sabbath day.
The fact is shabath and shabbath are two different words with twi different and distinct meanings.
In Genesis 2 the word shabath was used to describe what God did on the 7th day, and in Exodus the word shabbath was introduced for the first time... and in a very specific way and thus a specific environment, namely for the Jews and in the environment of laws and the ordinances of these laws.
(On a side note, one of the most glaring points of your erroneous belief is your feeling that you can "keep" the Jewish weekly Sabbath day yet not keep all the laws and ordinances that go with this Sabbath day.)
Now, to your above question.....
Seeing that we can clearly find in scripture that the link between God's rest in Genesis and the Jewish weekly Sabbath day is found in the matter of "rest" and not in the matter of repetitive intermissions (for in Genesis the word shabath is used, and not the word shabbath), lets see how a honest link can be made between the use of the word "shabath (rested)" as it refers to God, in Genesis, and the word "m(e)nuchah (abode/place of rest)" as itr refers to God in Psalm 132.
To do this in a clear way though we must first answer the following question..... what is the reality of "rest"?
Is the reality of "rest" a specific day?
Can a specific day bring someone "rest"?
Can the hours between one sunset to another sunset guarantee a person "rest"?
Do these hours have some sort of power that just causes a person to "rest"?
Did the Jews just go from a disposition/mindset of work to a disposition/mindset of rest the moment the sun set, and then back when the sunset 24 hours later?
Of course not.
For "rest" to take place there must be some reality to it. The question therefore is "What is the reality of "rest" for a man?"
And the answer is God.
If God was not "into" the Jewish weekly Sabbath day do you think the Jews would have been able to avoid the attentions of Satan and his buddies and enjoy a 7th day rest? I don't think so.
So the Jewish weekly Sabbath day is not a weekly "rest" day if God is not in it, and by extension, if this "day of rest" is not in God.
So here we have the answer regarding the reality of the Jewish weekly Sabbath day....... God being in it, and it being in God.
Lets repeat that last thought,.....
"The reality of the Sabbath day is God being in it and it being in God."
Does that remind you of something?
Doesn't it sound like a familiar principle?
I'll leave you to ponder that thought and jump to the words in Psalm 132....
A question, if the reality of the Jewish weekly Sabbath is in it being in God and God in it,....... then the Sabbath is to be found wherever God is, right?
Well, where is God?
Psalm 132 tells us,....... He's in His desired eternal resting place..... His "m(e)nuchah (abode/place of rest)"....... which we can know from this Psalm is something called Zion (guiding, upholding pillar, truth.... really, by extension, just God in Christ).
And guess what, the word "m(e)nuchah (abode/place of rest)" is absolutely linked/associated with the reality of the term marriage.
In fact, in its definition it is defining marriage as a "location", an abode, a place.
Have you ever considered "marriage" as a place of dwelling, a place where you live?
You should,.... God does.
And this is what God is telling us in Psalms 132,.... that His desired and chosen dwelling place..... forever...... is/will be..... a place of marriage,..... to which He has given the name.... Zion (guiding, upholding pillar, truth.... really, by extension, just God in Christ).
Check this out,..... God has given a name to the definition of the word marriage as a place.
For God, to be abiding in marriage is the same as to be abiding in Zion (guiding, upholding pillar, truth.... really, by extension, just God in Christ).
And it is in this Zion (guiding, upholding pillar, truth.... really, by extension, just God in Christ), this marriage, that God finds/chooses to have His eternal rest; His eternal "shabath".
Wavy,..... God finds His eternal resting place in the marriage of His Son and His Son's bride, the church. Which is to say, God finds His resting place in the one new Man, Christ the Head and Christ the body.
This is God's Zion (guiding, upholding pillar, truth.... really, by extension, just God in Christ). This is where God rests forever. This is the reality of God's rest, and thus is simply the reality of all rest.
And today we can have a foretaste of this Zion (guiding, upholding pillar, truth.... really, by extension, just God in Christ), for there is a body and there is a Head. And best of all,..... we can abide in this body and Head even today. Believers can abide in Zion (guiding, upholding pillar, truth.... really, by extension, just God in Christ) today.
On a side note...... you asked a question regarding Numbers 10:33; about the word "rest".
Well, the verse tells us that God set out to find them (the Israelites) "a place to rest."
Do you know what and where this "rest" place is?
I'll tell you (the answer is found further along in the scriptures)...... "a place of rest" for the Israelites was and is..... the Promised Land, at the center of which is found Jerusalem (founded by God, peace/rest), at the center of which is found Mount Zion (guiding, upholding pillar, truth.... really, by extension, just God in Christ).
Isn't it ironic, that even as the Jews were "keeping" the weekly "rest" of God they did not trust Him enough to go into His promised land of "rest".
And today the principle is the same, those who do not trust God remain in useless human efforts.
Truth is, Jews "keeping" the Sabbath never brough them salvation. For even with the Jewish Sabbath "keepers" the true Lamb of God is needed.
Fact is,.... the Jewish Sabbath day "keeping" condemned the Jews in God's sight. Paul tells us this in his epistle to the Romans.
To go deeper,..... what does "land" represent to God (who is Spirit), what does a city represent, and what does the highest point represent?
Answer these questions and you will see God's kingdom.
In love,