Apparently you are not understanding what I have been saying.
Mystery Babylon is the mother of harlots. Babylon is her first daughter followed by three more daughters, Medo/Persian Empire, Grecian Empire and Roman Empire. The ten horns represent the nations the Roman Empire scattered to when the deadly wound was put upon them, Daniel 7:23-25; Rev 13:3. I am not mixing anything as it is these four Empires, being political and a false religion as being pagan, that are her four daughters that follow in the footsteps of their harlot mother.
Rev 13 The beast out of the sea, meaning people and nations, is the Luciferian system that controls world wide economics, political, military, educational and false religious system. This beast system that Satan works through gives its power to the beast out of the earth as the beast out of the earth appears as the Lamb of God, but is a false Christ being the son of perdition, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12 with two horns. The two horns represent the Old Roman Empire that received its deadly wound back in 1798 by General Berthier who made his entrance into Rome and abolished the Roman government and established a secular one. That caused them to scatter into the other ten nations (ten horns). The wound was healed in 1929 by Mussolini.
I understand what you're saying. I just disagree.
In my opinion, Mystery Babylon did not produce the beast, the Persisan, or Grecian, or Roman empires. She is certainly part of those empires.
Mystery Babylon, the woman, (Rev. 17:1-6) is only the religious aspect of Babylon. The beast is the political aspect of Babylon.
The beast was introduced in (Rev. 13). But even there, in order to understand the beast. distinction had to be made between the political and religious. This is done by describing two beasts. One beast rises out of the sea. (Rev. 13:1-10). Another beast rises out of the earth. (Rev. 13:11-18). The beast out of the sea speaks to the political. The beast out of the earth speaks to the religious. These certainly work together to form one evil system. Babylon.
In (Rev. 17) further information and distinction is given concerning the religious and political aspects of Babylon. The woman is the religious. The beast is the political.
So, in my opinion, we cannot use any papal authority or person to describe anything, including the 7 heads and 10 horns, concerning the beast. The papal authority or person can be used to describe the woman that sits on the beast.
This is where I am at, at this time. This is a difficult portion of Scripture.