Lyric's Dad
- Thread starter
- #61
Solo said:Here is a reminder for you, Lyric's Dad of who brought Universal Reconciliation into the thread, and continued to promote it throughout the recent postings:Lyric's Dad said:Where were we debating UR? I thought we were discussing the fallacy of TULIP and the limited atonement lie?Solo said:[quote="Lyric's Dad":41267][quote="bbas 64":41267]I thought the doctrive of UR was banned here???
Peace to u,
[quote="Lyric's Dad":41267]Well, this is one place we will NEVER come to an agreement at. I will never reconcile God being a forever torturer with His statement that He IS love. They are not compatible. And as for Spurgeon? I could care less what he thought. He is fallible and not the One I follow.
Just thought since you claim to follow Jesus, quoting him in scripture with the correct translation would be something that would edify your walk and correct any error that you may be holding on to. The Word of God teaches the truth for those who are in error. My post has nothing to do with Universal Reconciliation. I think Universal Reconciliation is a topic banned on this forum, therefore, I will teach the truth that Jesus teaches. Jesus teaches in Matthew 25 about the eternal destiny of the sheep and goats. They both go to two different places, one group to eternal life, and the other group to eternal punishment. When folks understand their eternal destiny without Jesus is going to be a terrible price to pay for a temporary period of sinful pleasure, they will seek out Jesus Christ for salvation.
Let us not teach lies for the truth of God's Word, especially when Jesus is so plain and precise as to the eternal destiny of each person born of the flesh.
Now for some history of this thread. The very first post that referred to Universal Reconsiliation was the following:
cubedbee said:The "L" is false, Christ died for all, and nothing in the Bible indicates otherwise.
The next post to promote Universal Reconciliation is also from cubedbee with the following post:
cubedbee said:The Scripture says it so many times I’m honestly surprised you could be asking me this.
1 Timothy 2:5-6 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
Hebrews 2:9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.
1 John 2:2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.
1 Corinthians 15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
Wow, that’s an awfully pride-filled statement. I’m going to trust the Lordâ€â€he did in fact come to save all as is clearly evidenced in the Scripture, and I know God will never fall short in anything he wills.
Yes, I agree with this. The difference is, I don’t limit the scope of God’s power.
The next post promoting Universal Reconciliation is from Lyric's Dad with the following post:
Lyric's Dad said:Amen Cubed. That is the truth and there is nothing that can come against it.
I find it reprehensible for some to reduce God to a being that would create some humans for the sole purpose of burning them. That is maniacal and not in any form a loving thing.
Then comes another from Lyric's Dad that continues with further promotion of Universal Reconciliation:
Lyric's Dad said:LOL!! You find some peace in such a statement?
Sorry, my God is not a charles manson type who sat down with an evil grin and put together little creatures so He could use them as firewood to keep it burning. Yeah, that just sounds a little sick.
God even condemned the pagan groups who made their children walk through the fire. Hey, at least those people let their kids die in the fire. According to the L, God created people for the sole purpose of forever listening to them cry in torment. Sorry, that is not a God but a demon.
My God said He is love. I am a finite being and can see that this type of thing is not at all loving. I, as a sinner and a wretch could never do that to anyone, not even my worst enemy so am I to believe that the One who IS perfect love could? No freaking way. Jesus is love, not hate and I will never believe otherwise, even if some calvin wants me to.
Next is a response to bbas 64 from Lyric's Dad:
Lyric's Dad said:Well, this is one place we will NEVER come to an agreement at. I will never reconcile God being a forever torturer with His statement that He IS love. They are not compatible. And as for Spurgeon? I could care less what he thought. He is fallible and not the One I follow.
Then cubedbee sets out on further Universal Reconciliation promotion in this post:
cubedbee said:The verses I posted do in fact say that. The exact phrase "he came to save all" doesn't occur, nor does the exact word Trinity, but both are clearly taught. I posted the verses--they refer to salvation. If you think they do not, what are they referring to?
"Wow, that’s an awfully pride-filled statement. I’m going to trust the Lordâ€â€he did in fact come to save all as is clearly evidenced in the Scripture, and I know God will never fall short in anything he wills.
Assertion, yopu have not provided a passage that says "he came to save all"
And you haven't provided one that says "He did not come to save all" So what? I provided verses that convey my assertion that Christ came to save all(yes, there are synonyms for save used in the Bible), while you in fact have not provided evidence for your assertion . You have to prove that "his people" refers to a limited number of people, instead of all people.
Are all people saved??
Not currently.
Is it Gods will that all people be saved?
Yes, it is. Does it get clearer than this?
1Ti 2:3-4 For this [is] good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
How have I limted the power of God?? He uses his power to SAVE HIS PEOPLE.
Mat 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.
Peace to u,
You've limited it by implying that HIS PEOPLE are only a limited number of people who meet whatever set of criteria you have in your head, instead of all of humanity as God has made clear throughout the Scripture. I am taking the words at their face value--God wills that all be saved, Christ died for all, my God is omnipotent, the power of Christ's death cannot be resisted, therefore all will be saved. Any other "interpretation" is a pure denial of the Scripture.
After all of this Universal Reconciliation promotion in the thread specifically posted for the 5 points of Tulip, I posted Jesus teaching on the eternal position of sheeps and goats in Matthew 25.
Cubedbee answers my post with the following Universal Reconciliation post:
cubedbee said:Your first paragraph is absolute truth. Your second paragraph is not, it is a mistranslation into English, it takes something that is a finite age that Christ will ultimately end when he accomplishes God's will, a will that cannot be resisted or twarted, and falsely portrays it as eternal, a portrayal which makes a liar out of God and makes him powerless over sin, unable to ultimately conquer it even though he wills it. I will not deny God's sovereignty, God's omnipotence. Neither will I deny hell. The only way to reconcile these two is two correctly translate Aionios as an age, one of finite duration, a meaning which is definitely valid for the word and which is definitely used in certain Bible passages.
And then Lyric's Dad comes out of the pretense of not knowing the promotion of Universal Reconciliation, a false doctrine that he buys into, with the following response to bbas 64:
[/quote:41267]Lyric's Dad said:Where were we debating UR? I thought we were discussing the fallacy of TULIP and the limited atonement lie?
Excuse me solo? This was not a discussion on UR as there are too many blind people who choose not to actually discuss that topic with their brains in tact so we don't do that here.
I know that this was not a topic for discussion on Universal Reconciliation, but you and cubedbee turned it into one. Notice the posts from cubedbee and yourself. Cubedbee says that the "L" is false and that Christ died for all. BBas 64 asks cubedbee where in scripture that it says that Christ came to save all. Cubedbee replies that he is surprised that bbas 64 is asking him that question because the scripture says it so many times. He then goes on to quote various scriptures (1 Timothy 2:5-6, Hebrews 2:9, 1 John 2:2, and 1 Corinthians 15:22).
cubedbee said:The Scripture says it so many times I’m honestly surprised you could be asking me this.bbas 64 said:Good Day, Cubedeecubedbee said:The "L" is false, Christ died for all, and nothing in the Bible indicates otherwise.
Mat 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son; and thou shalt call his name JESUS; for it is he that shall save his people from their sins.
He only came to save his people, where in the Scripture does it say he came to save all?
1 Timothy 2:5-6 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
Hebrews 2:9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.
1 John 2:2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.
1 Corinthians 15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
cubedbee said:Wow, that’s an awfully pride-filled statement. I’m going to trust the Lordâ€â€he did in fact come to save all as is clearly evidenced in the Scripture, and I know God will never fall short in anything he wills.bbas 64 said:If he in fact came to save all he has fallen short and will spend eternity un forfilled.
cubedbee said:Yes, I agree with this. The difference is, I don’t limit the scope of God’s power.bbas 64 said:He saves his people, his sheep, the ones given to him by the Father. He does not only try too, he really does save them.
All the Father gives me I "will" rasie up on the last day......
Peace to u,
So cubedbee has began the Universal Reconciliation dialog within the thread of the 5 Tulips (which is not allowed by the TOS), and you, Lyric's Dad responded, not with a reminder to cubedbee to follow the rules of the TOS, but instead an AMEN to his post with a praise that it was truth and "there is nothing that can come against it". Note the post below:
Lyric's Dad said:Amen Cubed. That is the truth and there is nothing that can come against it.
I find it reprehensible for some to reduce God to a being that would create some humans for the sole purpose of burning them. That is maniacal and not in any form a loving thing.
After showing the history of the off topic direction that the thread has taken with the emphasis changing to the Universal Reconciliation doctrine, you, Lyric's Dad post the following response:
Lyric's Dad said:This was a discussion on the filthy lie of the L.
You can try and attribute all you want to me of trying to promote this doctrine but you would be wrong. I did not discuss the issue of puishment as an absolute but the fact that God setting out to choose certain people to burn up while others were chosen to be in heaven is a disgusting lunacy.
Imagine that.
I did not discuss the issue of hell being real or not though that could be fun, but the fact that God setting out to choose ahead of time certain people destined to just be burned forever and ever while others were chosen to be in heaven is a disgusting lunacy. It makes God out to be a maniac and I choose not to believe that my God is One who does such things or supports people who think they are better then others.
Furthermore, if you think I am so out of line, please do us both a favor and report me. Until that time do NOT try and manipulate my intentions.
You really ought to come to grips that your understanding is lower than God's, and your ways are not God's ways. You should not let unbelief govern your attitudes towards the truth contained in the doctrines of God in the Word of God, and should take the Words of Jesus to heart, instead of wearing his name in a false manner.
Jesus is very clear in describing the judgment of the sheep and goats. I even showed in your favorite translation where Jesus says that the goats will go to eternal punishment, and the sheep will go to eternal life. The same word is used by Jesus in both instances. You can call God's plan and Jesus' Words lunacy if you want, but you are telling on yourself. How reprehensible is this? Jesus did not say that it was reprehensible.
How long should one be able to burn in the lake of fire before it becomes lunacy or maniacal? I wonder why Jesus did not describe the torment of the rich man as being short so that God didn't appear to be a maniac or lunatic?
By the way, your misunderstanding of the Word of God in no way portrays God as a maniac. You should know better.
6 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: 7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. 8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:6-9[/quote:41267]
Solo, I am going to move on after this post. I do not see merit in even speaking to you on any of these subjects as you are stuck in your way of thinking and mainly look for ways to attack people who are not just like you, as if that is a bad thing. I find your bahavior and attitude reprehensible and see absolutely nothing in your walk or talk that would cause me to believe you are a sincere Christian. Being able to regurgitate scripture aligned with one interpretation does not make a follower of Christ. Christ showed love, something you lack in severely.
Furthermore, if you have ANY issue with me personally I will expect that you take it to one of the Admins and I have come to completion with my interactions with you and desire no further. I despise your antics and your constant badgering of all the members here who don't cow to your views and how you use the TOS as your personal whip to keep people in line. I despise how you speak to people and think that it is amazing that any even continue coming here the way that you treat them.
I personally could not care less what you think of my views on scripture and think is laughable that you would even begin to start lecturing me on right and wrong in these areas. Jesus said to love one another. I see nothing but hatred from you. I would have thought a tragedy in your life like you had would have produced a measure of decency and respect for others but it appears to have done the exact opposite.
I don't care either how you view the area of UR. It is not for discussion on this forum and I will respect that. My personal views though are mine and I will not debate that with someone with the lack of ability to step outside a council created box and consider other things for merit such as yourself.
I am now closing and officially finished with you. I will not respond to your next tirade whatsoever though I will hold you accountable to this TOS
Rule 2 - No Flaming:
You will not post any messages that harass, insult, belittle, threaten or flame another member or guest. This will include misquoting another member out of context. You may discuss another member's beliefs but there will be no personal attacks on the member himself or herself.
each and EVERY time you violate it by belittling the members of these forums with your hatred and name calling.
Good day.