- May 4, 2020
- 2,863
- 1,271
Explain yourself to God. The mass is idol worship. They turn wine and bread into God and worship and you participate.When I'm at Mass I KNEEL when necessary.
As to the rest,
I don't have to explain myself to you.
Transubstantiation: In many Christian churches, the doctrine holding that the bread and wine of the Eucharist are transformed into the body and blood of Jesus, although their appearances remain the same.
Accusing me of lying...
1) You claimed R.C.Sprout believed in double predestination. I said prove it, you would not. I've read R.C. I know this is not true.
2) You claimed John MacArthur said God is the author of sin. I was so sure that was not true that I found a place on the internet where MacArthur said the opposite. I asked her for a reference ... radio silence
3) You claimed John Piper said God is the author of sin. I was so sure that was not true that I found a place on the internet where Piper said the opposite. I asked her for a reference ... radio silence
4) You said you get her info about Reformed Theology from the WCF and John Calvin and always gives quotes. You never gives quotes to my recollection. I specifically asked for them.... you won't give them yet you say you give them.
5) You said Reformed Theology teaches God is UNJUST, UNLOVING and UNMERCIFUL. Like almost NO Christian of earth believes that. You say you give quotes from the WCF and Calvin's Institutes, but when asked for a quote to support you won't do it showing you claim to give quotes is false
6) More recently I said you said the Muslims could go to heaven with no knowledge of Christ. You said I misrepresented you and then, I assume, went to to an ambassador and complained which resulted in my reprimand. I subsequently searched all the relevant posts and posted them thus vindicating myself by showing you were .... hmmm, what's an appropriate word.
Then, I suppose to cover your tracks you post:
You're certainly not an honorable man fredy.
Far from it.
Let's just say your credibility can't get much lower as demonstrated above. But, I will give you another chance. Give me a quote (you say you do that though you don't which goes along with the theme of this post) .. .give me a quote (author, book, page, relevant text) from the WCF or Calvin's institute (not some Satinist NUT JOB that agrees with you) showing from either source which you yourself stated as authoritative of Reform Theology, that God is UNJUST ... or God is UNMERCIFUL ... or God is unloving.... yeah, I know I expect radio silence or "I don't have to explain myself to you" or "some NUT JOB anti-reform guy you listen too". This is an excellent opportunity, assuming your statements have been truthful, to put me in my place and demonstrate your integrity and show me to be a dishonorable accuser.