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A discussion on TOTAL DEPRAVITY

When I'm at Mass I KNEEL when necessary.
As to the rest,
I don't have to explain myself to you.
Explain yourself to God. The mass is idol worship. They turn wine and bread into God and worship and you participate.

Transubstantiation: In many Christian churches, the doctrine holding that the bread and wine of the Eucharist are transformed into the body and blood of Jesus, although their appearances remain the same.

Accusing me of lying...

1) You claimed R.C.Sprout believed in double predestination. I said prove it, you would not. I've read R.C. I know this is not true.
2) You claimed John MacArthur said God is the author of sin. I was so sure that was not true that I found a place on the internet where MacArthur said the opposite. I asked her for a reference ... radio silence
3) You claimed John Piper said God is the author of sin. I was so sure that was not true that I found a place on the internet where Piper said the opposite. I asked her for a reference ... radio silence
4) You said you get her info about Reformed Theology from the WCF and John Calvin and always gives quotes. You never gives quotes to my recollection. I specifically asked for them.... you won't give them yet you say you give them.
5) You said Reformed Theology teaches God is UNJUST, UNLOVING and UNMERCIFUL. Like almost NO Christian of earth believes that. You say you give quotes from the WCF and Calvin's Institutes, but when asked for a quote to support you won't do it showing you claim to give quotes is false
6) More recently I said you said the Muslims could go to heaven with no knowledge of Christ. You said I misrepresented you and then, I assume, went to to an ambassador and complained which resulted in my reprimand. I subsequently searched all the relevant posts and posted them thus vindicating myself by showing you were .... hmmm, what's an appropriate word.

Then, I suppose to cover your tracks you post:
You're certainly not an honorable man fredy.
Far from it.

Let's just say your credibility can't get much lower as demonstrated above. But, I will give you another chance. Give me a quote (you say you do that though you don't which goes along with the theme of this post) .. .give me a quote (author, book, page, relevant text) from the WCF or Calvin's institute (not some Satinist NUT JOB that agrees with you) showing from either source which you yourself stated as authoritative of Reform Theology, that God is UNJUST ... or God is UNMERCIFUL ... or God is unloving.... yeah, I know I expect radio silence or "I don't have to explain myself to you" or "some NUT JOB anti-reform guy you listen too". This is an excellent opportunity, assuming your statements have been truthful, to put me in my place and demonstrate your integrity and show me to be a dishonorable accuser.
Explain yourself to God. The mass is idol worship. They turn wine and bread into God and worship and you participate.

Transubstantiation: In many Christian churches, the doctrine holding that the bread and wine of the Eucharist are transformed into the body and blood of Jesus, although their appearances remain the same.

1) You claimed R.C.Sprout believed in double predestination. I said prove it, you would not. I've read R.C. I know this is not true.
2) You claimed John MacArthur said God is the author of sin. I was so sure that was not true that I found a place on the internet where MacArthur said the opposite. I asked her for a reference ... radio silence
3) You claimed John Piper said God is the author of sin. I was so sure that was not true that I found a place on the internet where Piper said the opposite. I asked her for a reference ... radio silence
4) You said you get her info about Reformed Theology from the WCF and John Calvin and always gives quotes. You never gives quotes to my recollection. I specifically asked for them.... you won't give them yet you say you give them.
5) You said Reformed Theology teaches God is UNJUST, UNLOVING and UNMERCIFUL. Like almost NO Christian of earth believes that. You say you give quotes from the WCF and Calvin's Institutes, but when asked for a quote to support you won't do it showing you claim to give quotes is false
6) More recently I said you said the Muslims could go to heaven with no knowledge of Christ. You said I misrepresented you and then, I assume, went to to an ambassador and complained which resulted in my reprimand. I subsequently searched all the relevant posts and posted them thus vindicating myself by showing you were .... hmmm, what's an appropriate word.

Then, I suppose to cover your tracks you post:

Let's just say your credibility can't get much lower as demonstrated above. But, I will give you another chance. Give me a quote (you say you do that though you don't which goes along with the theme of this post) .. .give me a quote (author, book, page, relevant text) from the WCF or Calvin's institute (not some Satinist NUT JOB that agrees with you) showing from either source which you yourself stated as authoritative of Reform Theology, that God is UNJUST ... or God is UNMERCIFUL ... or God is unloving.... yeah, I know I expect radio silence or "I don't have to explain myself to you" or "some NUT JOB anti-reform guy you listen too". This is an excellent opportunity, assuming your statements have been truthful, to put me in my place and demonstrate your integrity and show me to be a dishonorable accuser.
Wondering brings strife and contention.

She is the authority above the word of God.

Why is she even a moderator, ambassador or whatever title she has?

Classic case of, I am a know it all.

I'm waiting for the one true God thing but not quite a Christian person to be found .
JLB so you have no idea of the things you post

If You alone are right and no agreed with you then they are anethemia?

In your church there's no disagreement everyone believes the pastor because he alone or she is right? They all either keep quiet on it or lie?

That's my point .

Has Jesus returned ?
No so you nor I can say eschatology I'd this way and people divide over that .we can't see or know how God worked for save outside if what is told.

The Cherokee or Aztec who died without the gospel are either judged and damned or are in heaven .

The Aztec have some interesting beliefs .human sacrifice is part of it .the Cherokee have a great spirit but not a personable diety.these in My case never heard any gospel.

If they did it didn't stay .

That's in part the say we should not be divided .are you sure you have it all figured out ?

No grey areas at all the Bible says it prophetically and it's gonna happen exactly as you see it ?

Reading past commentaries that didn't have the internet and where these had to learn it the old way.they didn't know on that .

Nothing about any post .mid or pre trib rapture at all .

What does any of this have to do with denominations which are also called sects or cults.

What does any of this have to do with denominations which are also called sects or cults.


Your absolutely right if a person doesn't believe that he needs to be saved and have the Holy Spirit as evidence per pentacostalism and dies he damned because you literally say that about churches that are skeptical of modern day pentacostals.its your way or the highway in theology .

You can't call church theological differences albeit at times petty all demonic when you yourself argue incessantly on eschatology.

If my elders got that dogmatic members would leave .

That is exactly my point
Actually, the passages you cited, which never say sinners are incapable of changing their minds. Our Lord admonished people for not repenting, bucause they could have.
Actually, I prefer to say “unwilling”. I have no idea what people are “theoretically” capable of, I just know what the Bible says they do and do not do.

John 6:44 … people DO NOT come to Jesus unless the Father draws (compels by an external force) them.

John 3:19-20 … sinners DO NOT approach God.

Romans 3:10-12 … people DO sin, and DO NOT seek after God.

Romans 1:18 … people DO surpass the truth.
Please explain.
Anyone can repent. Many choose not to,

Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you. For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not: but the publicans and the harlots believed him: and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward, that ye might believe him. Mt.21:31-31
Actually, I prefer to say “unwilling”. I have no idea what people are “theoretically” capable of, I just know what the Bible says they do and do not do.
"Unwilling" is fine. Our Savior told parables about why people are unwilling.
John 6:44 … people DO NOT come to Jesus unless the Father draws (compels by an external force) them.
They context says what compelled people to come to him is what they "heard and learned" of our Father (vs.45).
People who heard and learned that God is loving, forgiving, etc. were drawn to Jesus, because he's loving, forgiving, etc.
John 3:19-20 … sinners DO NOT approach God.
No. Unrepentant sinners do not approach God. Repentant sinners do approach God for forgivness. People do evil because they hate the light, the Son, God himself.
Romans 3:10-12 … people DO sin, and DO NOT seek after God.
Yes and the subjects of the last 2 chapters are, Jews with law, or gentiles with conscience have both sinned. He isn't saying people are never willing to repent.
Sending Jonah to Nineveh wasn't useless.
Romans 1:18 … people DO surpass the truth.
That's right. Read the gospel that way, because the only people who thought Jesus was accursed for being hanged on a
tree were the ignorant, or the liars who wanted him executed. Put the light on how our gentle God bore the sins of mankind.
Actually, the passages you cited, which never say sinners are incapable of changing their minds. Our Lord admonished people for not repenting, bucause they could have.
Sinners are incapable of repentance towards God, God must give repentance Acts 11:18

18 When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life.
God must give us repentance to acknowledge the Truth 2 Tim 2:25-26

25 In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;

26 And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.
Your absolutely right if a person doesn't believe that he needs to be saved and have the Holy Spirit as evidence per pentacostalism and dies he damned because you literally say that about churches that are skeptical of modern day pentacostals.its your way or the highway in theology .

You can't call church theological differences albeit at times petty all demonic when you yourself argue incessantly on eschatology.

If my elders got that dogmatic members would leave .

That is exactly my point

Jason, this has nothing to do with eschatology or Pentecostals or theology.

A denomination is the dividing of the Church by man into sections.

If you are good with that, so be it.

Jason, this has nothing to do with eschatology or Pentecostals or theology.

A denomination is the dividing of the Church by man into sections.

If you are good with that, so be it.

Jason, this has nothing to do with eschatology or Pentecostals or theology.

A denomination is the dividing of the Church by man into sections.

If you are good with that, so be it.

It has plenty you just really can't see the things you say .

Would you undermine your pastor on things you can't say is for sure

Ya know that yak know you are post trib and you are know God is gonna do that way ...

That's the grey area .no one church has it all right. If they think they do chances are they are a cult .

The reformed even there seasoned ones don't say that .

They have opinions .I know some elders who are reformed and have been for six or more decades . They aren't gonna argue it. They disagree with the other side .but they didn't see it as a hill to die on .
It has plenty you just really can't see the things you say .

Would you undermine your pastor on things you can't say is for sure

Ya know that yak know you are post trib and you are know God is gonna do that way ...

That's the grey area .no one church has it all right. If they think they do chances are they are a cult .

The reformed even there seasoned ones don't say that .

They have opinions .I know some elders who are reformed and have been for six or more decades . They aren't gonna argue it. They disagree with the other side .but they didn't see it as a hill to die on .

Do you believe denominations, (the Church divided into sections based on diffetent beliefs and teachings) are from God, Jason?

Some posters just want to complain as they deny what the bible says. They do not want answers, they just want to declare error without being questioned. mt.15
13 But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.

14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
Those not elected shall be rooted up.
Do you believe denominations, (the Church divided into sections based on diffetent beliefs and teachings) are from God, Jason?

Do you believe that we all must agree 100 percent to be in the same church ?

If you were pastor and teaching eschatology.i would tune you out.

Why because I don't agree .I already know your arguments yet you would think I'm following and I'm reading gnr bible on another chapter on my device .

Would you rather have that or simply saying ok you don't agree and I can't change your mind and simply allow them to teach otherwise .few pastors can do that .mine can on escahtology.we have one like me ,another like a pre mil pre trib .

Pastor is amil .
I don't go into their classes arguing they are wrong .

Some can't find a way to be unifying .we should but God allows it
I don't see females as pastors

Yet you do

I can post versus on why.

If a man desire to be an elder he must be a man of one wife

Not if a woman desires to be an elder .she must be a man of one wife .

Yet despite clear words churches do it and God uses them .