ok ...
... have at it.
(Let me know when you are ready to accept John 3:19-20 and Genesis 3:8 and acknowledge scripture.)
I acknowledge them both. Please notice I'm not playing ping pong.
Jn.3:18 - Believers aren't under condemnation. Unbelievers are under condemnation
Jn.3:19 - The condemnation is how God himself appeared as one of us and many didn't want anything to do with him. The people who did want something to do with him (please see vs.18, the believers) came to the light, even though they had sinned, because they wanted forgiveness.
Adam was physically capable of going to God.
Adam was unwilling to go to God.
Sinful men are capable of going to God (just like Adam).
Sinful men are unwilling to go to God (just like Adam).
I'm not denying Adam initially hid when he heard the Word walking in the garden. I don't know anybody who would deny they've done the same thing. I know I have.
I also know I confessed those sins to people I've injured and to God. That's what Adam did when the Voice of God called to him. It doesn't say, "Adam kept running away and refused to admit what he did.
Adam did confess his sin.
There is no COUNTERPOINT: Scripture and I have presented you with the point. It says what it says!
Are you ready to believe it, yet?
I believe what I previously told you. I believe Paul had trouble with a mixed congregation of Jews and gentiles.
When Paul told gentiles they didn't need to be circumcised, unbeliving (or even some confused believing Jews) accused Paul of teaching that believers no longer have to keep the law.
Ok? So when Paul says,
Rom.3-1 - Do Jews have any advantage over gentiles?
Rom.3:2 - Yes, (as one people or nation) we Jews had the word of God before anyone else.
Rom.3:3 - What if some of the Jews didn't believe what God said? Would that make our faith, what we believe, Gods' word untrue?
Rom.3:4 - No, because David, the greatest king in Jewish history (except for Jesus), admitted committing sin worthy of death. Then David said,
thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give
it: thou delightest not in burnt offering.
The sacrifices of God
are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. Psa.51:16-17
Rom.3:5 - Since our sinfulness shows how God is just, why would God be angry? (I'm speaking like a man (like an idiot.)
Rom.3:6 - Because God is going to judge us Jews by the law. So no Jew is going to say, "Hey.....lets go sin so God is glorified."
Now this is Pauls' sumation,
Rom.3:7 Because (going back to vs.5), if I really believed doing evil glorifies, I wouldn't care about sin at all.....
Rom.3:8 But here's the truth....people who accuse me of breaking the law (by not requiring circumcision....their damnation is just.
So, the Bible isn't teaching that we will never be truthful about our sins, or that the people who understand how the law condemns all, are the ones with tombs for mouths.
What's the problem?[/B]
(remember YOU wanted to do this, I wanted to obey Philippians 4:8)
I love Phl.4:8. It reminds me of how untrue Calvanism is.