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Animals as food.....


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Now now. At least I'm eating animals, not dogs or cats. I don't put dogs or cats down having 4 cats myself. I thought you believe in sparing animals?
Look up what PETA and animals Australia do. They try to intervene in animal rights issues for all animals. Besides they give KFC and mcdonalds heaps as well as battery farms and the fur industry
Chris, I hope you know I have tremendous love for your faith, but in these last few posts, there hasn't been anything speaking to God's Design for our diets. This film doesn't appear to speak to it either.

I eat meat, but I wouldn't think I'd have a hard time adjusting if I felt Led to not. I don't feel led to stop eating it, and I don't believe there is biblical evidence to demonstrate that God does not approve of it.
Chris, I hope you know I have tremendous love for your faith, but in these last few posts, there hasn't been anything speaking to God's Design for our diets. This film doesn't appear to speak to it either.

I eat meat, but I wouldn't think I'd have a hard time adjusting if I felt Led to not. I don't feel led to stop eating it, and I don't believe there is biblical evidence to demonstrate that God does not approve of it.

Its Ok mate all good
. our bodies are the temple of God in the same way we abstain from things that are harmful to look after it, the post about the movie was in relation to a health issues concerning our bodies and the relationship between eating meat and disease.
I thought it appropriate in a thread about should we eat animals.

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body," (1 Cor. 6:19-20).

!cor 10: 23
<sup class="versenum" id="en-NIV-28591">23</sup> “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive. <sup class="versenum" id="en-NIV-28592">24</sup> No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.

Im not really into biblical debates but i put those in for you Miike.

I had an afterthought then regarding whales. Most people would be disgusted at the concept of eating a whale. It wasn't an issue until whaling stopped. - just a thought...
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Look up what PETA and animals Australia do. They try to intervene in animal rights issues for all animals. Besides they give KFC and mcdonalds heaps as well as battery farms and the fur industry

Yeah, they must be better than the PETA here. If my beloved cat was lost and end up in their facility, there would be about a 94% chance that it would be euthanized if I did not find her right away. And even if I did, they would probably find legalese red tape to deny me my own pet and do it after I walked out.
Chris, I wasn't commenting on the appropriateness for this thread. I was just making the comment that I see things of God more compelling than rules we set up for ourselves. I think this is a man-made rule; not God's Will. If someone does feel led to be a vegetarian, great! But I don't see that God decrees it, so I don't believe that meat eaters should be disparaged either.

Your examples about seeing live animals and thinking "food" don't resonate with me, because it is neatly packaged by the time it gets to me. I could never, NEVER kill a live animal, skin it, and eat the meat. To me, that's disgusting! :verysick I don't even like to think about it when I'm eating it. I need to remove it from my mind if I want to enjoy my meal.

Killing Kosher is far more humane. The Rabbi's actually pray over the animal before being killed as a frightened animal may release toxic chemicals that can be less healthy. I forget where, but I heard that in some nations they do not allow Kosher killing, and the same ironically side up with "animal rights". While I don't make it a salvation issue (because of what Paul said), I do think that theoretically Kosher is the way to go, if nothing else for health and God's Word in the OT sanctioned it.

But you will then hear all sorts of people come out with how the OT law was "done away" and try to refute that position because people don't want to follow a (restrictive) law. But what is offered in its stead? man-made laws which IMO are more restrictive. Like you and I been saying all along, at least God allows us to eat meat. If a person's conscience says otherwise and they want to restrict themselves, then that's fine, but I get this distinct feeling that there are those determined enough to legislate their vegetarian beliefs if they could on everyone and are determined and convinced in their minds that meat-eaters are something less than a good Christian.
Chris, I wasn't commenting on the appropriateness for this thread. I was just making the comment that I see things of God more compelling than rules we set up for ourselves. I think this is a man-made rule; not God's Will. If someone does feel led to be a vegetarian, great! But I don't see that God decrees it, so I don't believe that meat eaters should be disparaged either.

Your examples about seeing live animals and thinking "food" don't resonate with me, because it is neatly packaged by the time it gets to me. I could never, NEVER kill a live animal, skin it, and eat the meat. To me, that's disgusting! :verysick I don't even like to think about it when I'm eating it. I need to remove it from my mind if I want to enjoy my meal.
the way I am wired up now is this is a fairly passionate thing for me. Eating meat of any kind is revolting to me maybe to understand how weird I am eating a person, eating an animal is the same to me, we are all made of the same stuff. sorry if I spoiled dinner. What cannibalism is to you this whole concept is to me. i would throw up If I ate meat..I have., eating it by accident.
sorry for being weird. My stupid bleeding heart, I hate it
I could never, NEVER kill a live animal, skin it, and eat the meat. To me, that's disgusting! :verysick I don't even like to think about it when I'm eating it. I need to remove it from my mind if I want to enjoy my meal.[/B]
Not me. In fact, I'm more uneasy about the thought of the process used to bring that packaged meat to my table. I would much rather know that the animal that gave me the meal was once roaming free rather than penned up to die. I have no problem killing, processing, and eating the flesh. In fact, that's precisely what we do when we take a deer. The inside tenderloins are usually cooked up that evening for dinner. Either that or the heart.

There's nothing better than to bring home fresh fish for dinner or even better yet...shore lunch.
Your examples about seeing live animals and thinking "food" don't resonate with me, because it is neatly packaged by the time it gets to me. I could never, NEVER kill a live animal, skin it, and eat the meat. To me, that's disgusting! :verysick I don't even like to think about it when I'm eating it. I need to remove it from my mind if I want to enjoy my meal.
Several thoughts came to mind on this:

One, this is one of my perennial funny stories, one I'll never tire of telling but I tell it now for a purpose.

Here in good ole' Idaho, when I was working for the computer manufacturing company, we had a girl come in from New Yawk City! We were all just kind of sitting around one day, and I was telling everyone that I had been out earlier explaining to my hens that there were two ways chickens contributed to farm life, and if they didn't want to wind up in the pot, they'd better get to laying. The New Yorker looked at me with horror and disgust and said, "You eat eggs from a chicken!?!" I was like..."Yes, don't you eat eggs?" and she said, "Yeah, but I don't eat eggs from a chicken!" So, I had to ask, "What do you eat eggs from?" and honest to goodness, this 20 something young woman actually said,"From the STORE!"

:o My purpose for telling this story is....people, please, don't lose touch with the reality of where your food comes from.

Two: I grew up on a little ranch, much like the one we have now. We had a milk cow, bred her each year, plus bought a steer and raised meat for butchering and one to auction that just about covered the cost of the cattle, and we raised chickens for eggs and meat as well. I grew up knowing that the cute little calves were going to wind up on a table sooner or later, either our table or someone else's. It was a fact of life. I had to kill and pluck chickens, as well as clean fish sometimes. I also had to help plow, plant, water and weed the garden. I didn't mind doing these things, mainly because the very first winter we lived on that ranch, my father was only working part-time, minimum wage, when he could find work, and we went through a period of time when we would eat oatmeal for breakfast, pinto beans for lunch, and pinto beans with a slice of bread for supper. That truly was all there was for a long while...long enough to help me understand that having a variety of good food is never to be taken for granted. Our animals were well cared for, fed well, had plenty of green pastures to roam around on and a fresh water, mountain creek to drink from. Happy life for them and their end came very quickly and painlessly.

We eventually moved from that ranch to a small town and store bought food and milk became the norm. Where we lived there were many, many Foster Farms chicken and turkey ranches. My brother got work at one of the chicken ranches and sometimes I would go with mom to either drop him off or pick him up. It really was bad, he only worked there for a while. He actually refused to eat chicken for a long, long time. He only started again long after he had married and moved his family out to the country where they could raise their own. Chicken ranches are every bit as bad as PETA makes them out to be. Now, I have been to a number of small, family owned dairys, and honestly, most milk in the stores tend to come from dairys like that, and the cows are happy and well cared for. Your more local egg ranches can be happy enough places for hens as well. But, for the big "brand" names, like Foster ain't happy.

Three: Since God didn't create the animals to be food, and they were only given as food when the world was destroyed because of man's sin, I think there is value in at least thinking about where our food comes from, and whether we choose to eat meat or not eat meat (and I choose to eat meat), remembering that the animal has a value to God other than just food for our belly. So perhaps looking into how that steer was treated during it's life should be something to consider rather than just how many minutes to grill it before flipping.
I saw this by Drew on the "Animal Rights" thread, and decided it was a topic all it's own and made this thread...

I know that some Christians do indeed believe, in spite of Genesis 9, that it is sin to eat animals.

Yes, in Genesis 9, God did give the animals to be eaten...but, was that just a "temporary" thing...something to keep Noah and the others alive until they could plant crops and harvest them?

Since God created all as vegetarians...animals included...doesn't it stand to reason that, although it is permitted to eat is better to follow God's original plan and be vegetarian?

lol Handy regarding people thinking eating animals is sinful, if your going to bind yourself up in one OT verse or 2 you might was well obey all the 600 other laws in the OT too too. I think coz we are under grace now neither of the genesis verses are that binding the pro veges and pro meat eating ones. I decided not to live under the law. I'm not stirring but just trying to avoid a trap in thinking. Paul in Corinthians also said go into the meat market and buy whatever you want without the guilt imposed by the law regarding food.
This does not mean you must by meat but the idea is you are under grace don't be bound by lawmakers ideas regarding Ot stuff. That was his message to the audience at the time he wrote it.

Eat whatever you want your under grace its personal preference. You make your own mind up here.

So then If I choose not to eat meat on ethical reasons It is 100% correct..for me.

If Mike wants to eat meat this is 100% correct...for Mike.

If Handy is somewhere in between..!00% correct...For Handy
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Eat whatever you want your under grace its personal preference. You make your own mind up here.

So then If I choose not to eat meat on ethical reasons It is 100% correct..for me.

If Mike wants to eat meat this is 100% correct...for Mike.

If Handy is somewhere in between..!00% correct...For Handy

Here, I believe Dora, Tim, WIP and I will completely agree with you! That's what it's all about - freedom from legalistic suffocation! None of the three should be looked down upon for their own decision.

To Dora and WIP, if you're able to eat animal product with the animals fresh in your mind, good on you! I have a very hard time with it. If I'm eating eggs, I cannot be thinking about what I'm eating. They taste great, but if I start thinking about what they actually are, I have to push the plate away.

Dora, I don't think this is to forget what farmers do for our society or that I am not acknowledging its origin. I just don't want to think about it while I'm eating it. Do you think that girl in your office was really ignorant that eggs come from where they actually come from, or was she asking (as I would ask) if they came directly from the farm. Color me weird, but we've had friends give us eggs from their own small farms. I couldn't eat them. We thanked them for the eggs, and the moment they left, they went right in the garbage.
Color me weird, but we've had friends give us eggs from their own small farms. I couldn't eat them. We thanked them for the eggs, and the moment they left, they went right in the garbage.'re weird. :nod
I much prefer the taste of farm fresh eggs over the ones found on grocery store shelves. Actually, not many people realize that farm fresh eggs will keep longer than store bought because the cleaning process of those you buy from the local grocery outlet removes some of the inherent protective layers that seal the egg.
lol Handy regarding people thinking eating animals is sinful, if your going to bind yourself up in one OT verse or 2 you might was well obey all the 600 other laws in the OT too too. I think coz we are under grace now neither of the genesis verses are that binding the pro veges and pro meat eating ones. I decided not to live under the law. I'm not stirring but just trying to avoid a trap in thinking. Paul in Corinthians also said go into the meat market and buy whatever you want without the guilt imposed by the law regarding food.
This does not mean you must by meat but the idea is you are under grace don't be bound by lawmakers ideas regarding Ot stuff. That was his message to the audience at the time he wrote it.

Eat whatever you want your under grace its personal preference. You make your own mind up here.

So then If I choose not to eat meat on ethical reasons It is 100% correct..for me.

If Mike wants to eat meat this is 100% correct...for Mike.

If Handy is somewhere in between..!00% correct...For Handy
I'm going from memory here but weren't much of the OT sacrificial animals also to be used for food by the priests?
Color me weird, but we've had friends give us eggs from their own small farms. I couldn't eat them. We thanked them for the eggs, and the moment they left, they went right in the garbage.

This is when you need to know the rancher. One lady here in the valley will flood ya with 'ranch' eggs i wont use 'em. She cant remember which bucket has the fresh ones! Across the street her eggs are always fresh.

For a person who likes eggs really likes the taste of eggs fresh 'ranch eggs' are the way to go.... and the best Angelfood cakes
Lev 6:25 Speak unto Aaron and to his sons, saying, This is the law of the sin offering: In the place where the burnt offering is killed shall the sin offering be killed before the LORD: it is most holy.
Lev 6:26 The priest that offereth it for sin shall eat it: in the holy place shall it be eaten, in the court of the tabernacle of the congregation.
Genesis:27:7: Bring me venison, and make me savoury meat, that I may eat, and bless thee before the LORD before my death.
Not sure what your point is. I trust it is not "since Isaac asks for meat, this shows that God wants Christians to eat meat"?

David pursued an adulterous affair with another man's wife.

Does that mean God wants me to do that?


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