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Assured Assurance


Only the Spirit God can inwardly “bear witness with our spirit that we are children of God” (Rom 8:16), thus He continually confirms and assures in our understanding we are His, which none other can do. Then there is the outward indication (which is not necessarily affirmed conformation) of being a child of God, which is “you shall know them by their fruits” (Mat 7:16).

I believe Romans Eight is one of the clearest descriptions concerning this discernment because it alternates between that which is of the sin nature, and that which is of the Spirit. The reason for its clarity is due to the use of contrasting between that which is true only of a believer, and that which is true only of an unbeliever.

It begins with the clear separation between the two by identifying those “who walk not after the flesh” and those who walk after the Spirit; and neither of the two can do both. Nobody can will after the “things” of the sinful nature and after the things of the Spirit of God (Rom 8:5). “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.” “Either make the tree good, and his fruit good, or else make the tree corrupt and his fruit corrupt” (Mat 7:18; 12:33).

“No man can serve two masters (i.e. sin nature and the Spirit), for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other” (Mat 6:24). James states parallel instruction with, “Does a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter? . . . so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh” (3:11, 12).

To “walk after” designs the intention of that which one wills over all things. Though believers are yet effected by the desires of the “old man,” their overriding and ultimate desire and will is always to please God; and it is this all prevalent “desire” (Phil 2:13) of which believers are continually aware. These are not only comforting and assuring but—ever present!
- NC
To know the mind of Christ is to walk in the Spirit that indwells us, guides us and teaches all truths as we walk in God's will and not our own.

Galatians 5:16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
To know the mind of Christ is to walk in the Spirit that indwells us, guides us and teaches all truths as we walk in God's will and not our own.
Galatians 5:16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
True, and thanks for your reply and comment! Myself, I do not believe one reborn can will after the flesh, which is a point I wanted to make with the article. The passage here is identifying one who is reborn, but some interpret it as though one reborn could choose to live after the flesh.

I agree as a Spiritually born again child of God we should never choose to live after the flesh. We no longer make a practice of sin, but yet this flesh is weak as it battles the Spirit daily and does win a few battles, but never the war between flesh and Spirit.
I agree as a Spiritually born again child of God we should never choose to live after the flesh. We no longer make a practice of sin, but yet this flesh is weak as it battles the Spirit daily and does win a few battles, but never the war between flesh and Spirit.
I know what you mean. I see the "wrestling" (Eph 6:12) against opposition as exercises in faith-training. Every time we exercise our faith in God's forgiveness (which we are never without) we strengthen our faith. To know more of God forgiveness is to know more of our sin nature!
we should never choose to live after the flesh
I think it's safe to say believers never intentionally sin because they are no longer after it but after the Spirit (Rom 8:9), via the new nature. To blame our sin nature can give the appearance (but not so) that we might not be owning up to our sins (as in Romans 7:17, 20), but it is just stating fact. We are regarded as being after the Spirit, thus what we are in the new nature is what we are, hence the phrase, "it is no longer I who do it" denotes being only in the new nature.

Some may consider that Paul in his new "I" doesn't sin, but he does in his old "I." But this would conflict with the fact that he never considers himself in or after the old I. Though the sin nature is still in us, we are not in it; and it still effect us to make (if you want to call this choice) the wrong decisions,. But for the saved it's just part of the learning process.
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I totally agree as it is no longer our want to sin, but to be led by the Holy Spirit as we walk after the Spirit and not the flesh. There is no excuse for a child of God to sin wilfully, but when we do we know we have a mediator before the Father who knows our heart and forgives us when we humble ourselves before Him and ask forgiveness.

Hebrews 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, 27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
I totally agree as it is no longer our want to sin, but to be led by the Holy Spirit as we walk after the Spirit and not the flesh. There is no excuse for a child of God to sin wilfully, but when we do we know we have a mediator before the Father who knows our heart and forgives us when we humble ourselves before Him and ask forgiveness.

Hebrews 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, 27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
To me, this passage describes one who has heard or learned (received) of the knowledge of truth but has not accepted it, evidenced by continuing in the sin nature even after knowing truth. The point I think here is that of only "knowing" truth but not believing it.
As this reads one who wilfully sins or continues to sin, even if they are taught it is wrong and know it is wrong, will in the end pay the penalty for their wilful sin as they stand before the Lord in judgement as they never repented of their sin.
As this reads one who wilfully sins or continues to sin, even if they are taught it is wrong and know it is wrong, will in the end pay the penalty for their wilful sin as they stand before the Lord in judgement as they never repented of their sin.
I believe "the truth" is in reference to the Gospel of Christ, e.g. salvation by Christ only. They only have "a notional knowledge, when there is no experimental knowledge; and which is received not into the heart, but into the head" - Gill
Without the Spiritual rebirth and indwelling of the Holy Spirit all there is is a carnal knowledge without the experience of truth, but only something that is believed, but not followed. It's like a child that is told not to touch the hot stove for they will get burned, but yet touch it anyway and pay the consequences for for something they were told not to do.
Without the Spiritual rebirth and indwelling of the Holy Spirit all there is is a carnal knowledge without the experience of truth, but only something that is believed, but not followed. It's like a child that is told not to touch the hot stove for they will get burned, but yet touch it anyway and pay the consequences for for something they were told not to do.
Yes, I think we agree here but might be saying it differently. My point is that some think that the phrase "receive the knowledge of the truth" means they received saving knowledge because to them "received" means accepted as true, but I don't see this as the intention of this passage.

Example: For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it (Heb 4:2).
I believe what it all boils down to is whose will we are walking in when we make choices in our life.
FHG, wanted you to know that my replies to you are not to refute (because they can appear that way to viewers) your comments but just to share what I believe is truth, and I'm sure it's the same with you, but mentioning this to avoid any viewers suspicions otherwise. Always appreciate your probing comments because they allow us to share our opinions when we have opportunity.
It's been a good discussion between us as discussions should be. In many things there are disagreements (not this thread), but they should never escalate into heated discussions. We also need to be humbled enough for correction when needed as correction comes by the Holy Spirit through others that the Spirit speaks through.

God bless you netchaplain and I do enjoy reading your threads. :)
It's been a good discussion between us as discussions should be. In many things there are disagreements (not this thread), but they should never escalate into heated discussions. We also need to be humbled enough for correction when needed as correction comes by the Holy Spirit through others that the Spirit speaks through.

God bless you netchaplain and I do enjoy reading your threads. :)
Thank you for the sincere and instructional reply! Good word on humility. I think it's one of the primary learning elements, in that our level of learning from God is commensurate with the level at which God has us in the maturity our humility. To me being humble means to "esteem others better than themselves" (Phl 2:3), which I find fertilizes love.

And concerning "striving" with anyone, it's the best exercise in putting it off (2 Tim 2:24) when communicating. Even the best of spiritual instruction is ineffective when not "speaking the truth in love" (Eph 4:15). From Genesis to maps, loving one another is the primary subject (John 15:12; Rom 13:8; 1 John 4:20), and is also the primary level indicator of spiritual maturity in Christ.
there definitely is a assurance of our salvation .i think so often we take words like assurance security eternal life and hit the panic button .i dont the time to make much comments. i have to study for the message tonight
there definitely is a assurance of our salvation .i think so often we take words like assurance security eternal life and hit the panic button .i dont the time to make much comments. i have to study for the message tonight
Hi and appreciate your reply, though I'm not sure what you mean by panic button.
God's blessings to your Family!