We are told to repent, then be baptized. Only believers are called to obey that command. Yes, Paul was already a believer when He was baptized, just as ALL OTHERS in Scripture were, professing belief in Jesus Christ FIRST.
Only believers are called to repent? Can you provide some Scriptures for that? Please explain how anyone is evangelized, if only the believers are called to repent...
EVERYONE is called to repent and believe. Why are you ignoring that?
Moi? Befuddled? I think not.
Hmm. Your refusal to address Scriptural verses is telling us otherwise.
Actually, your belief shows lack of trust in God to bring all who will come to Himself. Rather the RC parent and Church intervenes by their own will.
Is that how you explain the notion of PREVENTING God from working, in bringing about a birth from above?
It is His job to perform His plan on our children's lives and it is our job to train them in the things of God. Baptism does nothing to or for a baby.
Where is your Scripture that tells us that baptism does nothing for babies? Baptism is not dependent upon your faith or mine. It is a birth from above. I realize you want to work and earn your salvation by your proclamation, but can't you accept that God CAN AND DOES bring about a birth from above by His Own free will?
The bible says that baptism forgives sins. It makes one a child of God. Which Christian with children would NOT want their child's sins forgiven? To have a relationship with God as a child of His? To have an inheritance in heaven??? I find this conversation odd...
Rather it assuages some kind of fear in the parent, that, should a baby die, he will be received by God---when we know that our innocent babies are already acceptable to God.
We KNOW this? How do we know that? Where is your bible verse?
Pomp and ceremony that is unbiblical is empty, religious activity.
Tell that to the billion or so who watched the royal wedding...
Sponsors are unbiblical. Godparents are unbiblical.
We are talking about common sense and history. Sponsors were a necessity as early as the first century. The sponsor spoke for the candidate's conversion experience, partly to ensure no Roman infiltrators and partly to ensure that the candidate had indeed begun along the road to conversion, that his life was changing to God's ways. Writings such as the Didache vouch for this, written before the Apocalypse. The bible also notes that the Church has been given the ministry of teaching. Are you saying new Christians were not taking part in this ministry???
We disciple all our new believers.
Who is "we"? For us, the sponsor is the first point of contact between the community and the candidate. Is that different over there?
Nothing is done in the heavenly realm when babies are baptized
You have an amazing amount of knowledge based upon absolutely nothing concrete. You should consider writing your own addendum to the bible...
as there is no biblical mandate to do it.
Nor is there a biblical mandate that states the positive assertion you make - "that nothing happens when a baby is baptized". It is your responsibility to prove this is true from Scriptures, and absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. The best you can say is "I don't know". You have no evidence or proof to state otherwise.
I know what Jesus taught and what HE DIDN'T teach because I know the word.
The Word ITSELF says that there are things that Jesus taught and did that are NOT in the bible, dude.
Confirmation is unbiblical.
Whatever, so is "infant baptism is meaningless". I find no verses that suggest it.
If a 3 month old baby could read the Bible for himself...
You are missing the entire point of proxy faith statements, which ARE INDEED biblical. They are based upon another biblical idea that even YOU believe, I think. Interceding for another person.
Why do you intercede for someone else? According to you, ONLY the individual can make such appeals to God based upon their own personal faith. I suggest that you have fallen into this culture's way of thinking, rather than following the teachings of Sacred Scriptures. Jesus healed others based upon the faith of an intercessor. Even as far back as Abraham - interceding for Sodom and Gomorrah, so this isn't a NT line of thought. Circumcision is based upon the idea of proxy statements of faith and baptism of infants follows this biblical line of thought.
What is at issue for YOU PERSONALLY is not whether it is in the Bible or not, but whether it suits your own limited personal interpretations of Scripture. I say limited, because it is apparent that you are unaware that baptism forgives sins, that the Jews practiced circumcision on infants (and was a shadow of Baptism) and that God heals people based upon the prayers and intercessions of OTHER people. These are all biblical facts that you have chosen to ignore.
Jesus heals anyone at the behest of others--He honours the faith of others in that respect
Your denial seems strained and artificial.
Physical healing is connected to spiritual healing in the Gospels. Haven't you read them? Read Mark 2, for example. Jesus links the forgiveness of sins to physical healing. The Jews THEMSELVES were well aware of this fact - that sin and sickness were often related to each other, the later caused by the former. Another example is John 9. Paul verifies this in 1 Cor 11.
Baptism does NOT free us from sin. Jesus' BLOOD does that.
Are you serious? HOW are we linked to Jesus blood again? Baptism... Romans 6. Or you can read the speach of Peter immediately following the Descent of the Spirit on Pentacost. Come on now...
Saved people who are walking in the Spirit will sin occasionally, and we know to repent and are blessed to be restored immediately into fellowship again with God.
I can trust God with His promises about my children.
What are you talking about, wishful thinking? Which Scripture verses are you speaking of? What promises?
As far as I know, a person is born in sin and until that is washed away by the lather of salvation, you remain in sin. Now, PERHAPS God will grant mercy to infants - and perhaps God will judge them differently for parents who were too stubborn to yield to common sense and Scriptures. But I wouldn't be so "certain" about anything on this matter, since the bible doesn't state what happens to infants that die before baptism. We can only speculate, and that's a fact, since the Scriptures OR Sacred Tradition are not definitive on this.