You are missing the entire point of proxy faith statements, which ARE INDEED biblical. They are based upon another biblical idea that even YOU believe, I think. Interceding for another person.
Why do you intercede for someone else? According to you, ONLY the individual can make such appeals to God based upon their own personal faith. I suggest that you have fallen into this culture's way of thinking, rather than following the teachings of Sacred Scriptures. Jesus healed others based upon the faith of an intercessor. Even as far back as Abraham - interceding for Sodom and Gomorrah, so this isn't a NT line of thought. Circumcision is based upon the idea of proxy statements of faith and baptism of infants follows this biblical line of thought.
Baptism is not intercession. Every person must obey the command oneself. Just like salvation!
What is at issue for YOU PERSONALLY is not whether it is in the Bible or not, but whether it suits your own limited personal interpretations of Scripture. I say limited, because it is apparent that you are unaware that baptism forgives sins, that the Jews practiced circumcision on infants (and was a shadow of Baptism) and that God heals people based upon the prayers and intercessions of OTHER people. These are all biblical facts that you have chosen to ignore.
Sorry, but that is a disingenuous statement. Your understanding of scripture is filtered through your church.
Let Holy Spirit teach you the truth about this.
Yeah, as if you can discern that...Your denial seems strained and artificial.
Physical healing is connected to spiritual healing in the Gospels. Haven't you read them? Read Mark 2, for example. Jesus links the forgiveness of sins to physical healing. The Jews THEMSELVES were well aware of this fact - that sin and sickness were often related to each other, the later caused by the former. Another example is John 9. Paul verifies this in 1 Cor 11.
Babies are healed all the time, praise God.
Romans 6:4 NLTAre you serious? HOW are we linked to Jesus blood again? Baptism... Romans 6. Or you can read the speach of Peter immediately following the Descent of the Spirit on Pentacost. Come on now...
For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives.
It is representational. Babies do not experience the 'new life' until they receive Jesus PERSONALLY, therefore, until they experience their own salvation moment, they are EXEMPT from this ordinance--just like any other unsaved person.
What are you talking about, wishful thinking? Which Scripture verses are you speaking of? What promises?
The one promise among others, is one I have already mentioned: if we are faithful to train our children up in the way they should go, THEY WILL NOT DEPART from it when they are older.
As far as I know, a person is born in sin and until that is washed away by the lather of salvation, you remain in sin. Now, PERHAPS God will grant mercy to infants - and perhaps God will judge them differently for parents who were too stubborn to yield to common sense and Scriptures. But I wouldn't be so "certain" about anything on this matter, since the bible doesn't state what happens to infants that die before baptism. We can only speculate, and that's a fact, since the Scriptures OR Sacred Tradition are not definitive on this.
God does have mercy on babies and young children. We shouldn't be so worried and untrusting of God in that area that we rush foolishly into performing meaningless rituals over and to them to force God's hand where He already has His hand and eye on them.
Babies who die before they come to an understanding of their need for a Saviour are under the blood of Christ, considered innocent and will have a home in heaven. Even King David was comforted in his own assurance that he would see his dead infant son again!
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