I say if OSAS is true then what happened to Lucifer, the angel who resided IN heaven, but then "fell from heaven"? I truly beleive that once we are in heaven we can even lose our salvation IF we think our own WILL is ever allowed to take over with some slight transgression. Holiness is white... not spotted. And we must diligently seek to NOT engage in any sin, no matter how small. I beleive that to continue in a sin without repentance... we do not find any form of salvation. How can you have salvation from a transgression if there is not any repentance of it?
If OSAS goes without a doubt no matter how much sin is still in your life after you say you have accepted Christ Jesus into your heart and have been baptised (in ritual), then what about the person(s) who sin and think nothing of it? They think if they sin it's okay because God forgives them. But they continue in sin without repentance OF that very sin because they think it is forgiven without having to make any changes in regards to it. They think to continue is okay because all men are sinners and there's nothing they can do about that. They think that they have Christ Jesus as the one who took upon himself all their sins for them. But then they think..... it's okay Jesus carries the burden of it. I can still do my party hardy stuff because the bible says 'all men are sinner' anyway. That type of attitude, are they in the category of OSAS?
Some people will say, well those who continue in sin like that were never really saved in the first place. Others would say, they are still saved, Paul had a thorn in his flesh, and besides, Jesus took their sin to the cross. They need not do anything else, because it's taken care of.
Then there are these types who are struggling with sin to be gone from out of their lives, but find they just can't get rid of it. People like the alcoholic.... the fornicator, the person who is a compulsive thief, the person who is a compulsive liar, the person who is a glutton, the person who is lazy, a sloth etc, those who know they are having problems with sin but are seeking to be rid of it but find no relief... those people who are attending church have said, they asked the Lord to take away that sin, but they still have problems with it, they just don't know how to discipline themselves. What about them? They are asking God to take that sin away from them but find it still in their lives? Their faith is lacking. Are they in the category of OSAS?
If all people who claim they accepted Christ Jesus into their lives were OSAS, then why is it that some people end up in hell thinking they were OSAS?
Jesus says in
Matthew 7:22-23
22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Why is it that people don't take into account their obligation to self discipline? why is it that people think that even though sin is there in their lives, they need not do anything about it because they think they have this seal of salvation upon them that no matter what they do for the rest of their lives, they are still saved and no problem then.... they can sin without consequence of acting upon it, or for having an accountability for it?
I believe the one who does NOT repent and thinks they are OSAS is in for a surprise at judgement day.
The one who DOES repentance for each act of sin they find themselves to have done, is truly a person after God's heart. King David is our example of a man who was a sinner, but yet he was grievous over those sins, he had remorse, the asked for forgiveness and found it. I don't think King David set out to continue IN that same sin he was found of.
So, there in lies the difference of a person who is Saved and one who is only fooling their own self by continuing IN the sin they have found themselves to be in.
OSAS vs. One can lose their salvation..... The difference lies in if are you truly Repentant of the sin you are found to have done, or not and think you can get away with that same sin each and every time. Do repeat offenders have a true repentance? 70x7... I believe, yes (for the repentant ones) , but then why does Jesus say in Matthew 7:22-23
"I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity" IF OSAS is valid for those who think they can still sin and not be repentant about it
Those who are not in a interactive true "relationship" with Christ and just think they are saved without having to abide by any other scritpures, are in my opinion, lost and mislead.
We are ALL Obligated to have works along with the faith of the things hoped for which are not yet seen. In other words,
responsibility and self discipline to DO what is considered the righteousness of God, and to not continue in the sins that have been revealed to us. That is sign of true repentance and an honest, integral walk in ones claim to Christianity.
James 2:18-20
18Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.
19Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
20But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
We must not walk in the lie, but we must deny the lie and walk in truth.
please excuse, I didn't have the time to edit this posting for redundancy, I hope it's not too much. Do you forgive me?