golfjack said:
William, I can see already that you don't know the Bible very well. Once being a Catholic, I did not no much of anything either. Never was taught. Now, I do understand some things, and to me Cathoilic Theology is out there in left field. Nevertheless, I will attempt to explain these scriptures for you.
Please know that I am a convert to the Catholic Church, which occurred in 1953! As for my not “knowing†the bible, I have one before me that has lost it covers in wear and tear, plus about five more English translations, one in Greek, and a Greek-English Parallel that I use sometimes. But yes, you are right to the extent that I do not know the bible enough, nor am I anywhere near a scholar of Holy Scriptures.
By the way, I bet I am older then you are!
Matt. 10:22. Jesus warned them that they would be persecuted for preaching the Gospel, and would have no physical defense. He said, Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves ( v. 16-23). The apostles suffered severe persecution; indeed, nearly all the apostles were put to death. They could have denied their faith and lived, but they refused. Why did they refuse? Read Matt. 10:19.
Which points to a truth that many fail to see - the more the Church is persecuted, the more she will be defended, even into martyrdom. As for Matt 10:19, I pray that I would be be given the grace to endure to the end, that by remaining faithful to Him, I will be saved in the end.
What if I were to recant and deny Christ under such circumstances? Some did, you know, as I read about in the persecutions of Christians in Ancient Rome.
Mk. 13:13: Jesus is merely speaking about the destruction of the temple in 70AD.
Not exactly. He certainly speaks of it’s destruction, but He goes on to speak of the coming persecution, and that those who persevere will be saved in the end. Those who fall back is another case, whether it be by persecution or by the temptations of Satan to do so.
Luke 9:62: Jesus is merely talking about the cost of discipleship. It has nothing to do with losing ones salvation.
Even if one looks back to return to his former way of life?

What does it mean not to be “fit for the kingdom of God,†jg?
Romans 5:2: Boy, you sure like to cherry pick scripture to fit what you believe. This verse and other verses here pertain to how faith triumphs in trouble. Always be joyful in bad times because our faith will always persevere.
Jg, think closely now and consider the key word here which is “hope.†Why “hope†if salvation is all that secure? But I would certainly agree that “faith triumphs in trouble,†but know that faith can falter and fall, which is why we always “hope†that this does not happen, a prayer to God that we are strengthened that we do not fall back in the faith.
Romans 8:24-25: Paul is talking about the redemption of our bodies. Is that so hard to understand?
Of course he is! And it is by hope (that key word again) that we persevere that we are redeemed in the end of our life!
1 Cor. 4:3-5: Basically, it is the Lord that judges and if we have been saved we already have been judged.
Notice the Paul makes no presumption on his own salvation. If you note in verse 2 (which I did not include in the original quote) that “stewards must be found trustworthy.†Why is this a concern if one is absolutely saved no matter what?
1 Cor. 9:27: Paul is talking about rewards here. You see, a believer can lose his rewards, but not his salvation.
Did you notice the possibility, even in Paul, of being “disqualified� I would propose that if one commits a “sin that is deadly†per 1 John 5:16-17 and is not repented of, such a disqualification would bring one to a loss of salvation and a condemnation to hell in our personal judgment before God in our time of judmente.
1 Cor. 10:12: Paul is talking about Israel of past days, and is admomishing the Cor, to not be overtaken by temptations because God is faithful , Who will not let temptation overtake you.
Excuse me but Paul is writing to the Corinthian born again “saved†Christians who have go astray, that that they must guard against a great fall if one presumes on their salvation! This is one of the most powerful quotes in scripture against OSAS, and you missed it that easy? In fact the entirety of 1 and 23 Corinthians was written that the very Church Paul established has fallen into serious sin! He is correcting them, least they indeed, loose it all and do not repent of their sins!
2 Cor. 6:3: Paul is saying that he don't want his ministry to be blamed because some were blaming his ministry for all the persecution that they had to endure. He suffered the same as they did.
No, he is speaking of our own actions that would cause others to stumble in their faith! And a fault in his ministry is a sin of his own, don’t you see? If the Corinthians are born again “saved†Christians, why the admonishment to them if they are saved? Why be concerned?
That, jg, is the ultimate weakness in the doctrine of “Once Saved, Always Saved.†Such a belief brings on the immediate tendency to drop your guard, not be diligent against temptations and if we sin anyway, that’s alright, it covered! Really? Is that not what Satan wants us to believe? Think about it, jg…
Gal. 5:1-4: Paul was saying that if one ( Jews) go back to the law ( Old Covenant) that they can fall from grace. In other words, they denied Christ, after they were saved, and they did lose their salvation and if they didn't have it in the first place, I don't really know.
1. Are not the Galatian Greeks actually, Jews? (Which brings forth the reason for the
Septuagint Greek text of the Old Testament that they used, since most of them lost the Hebrew language, I understand.)
2. If so, once they became Christians, is there not the great tendency to such converts from Judaism to tend to revert back to the old law ways?
To do so is to abandon the Gospel message and to commit a grave sin against the gospel message they originally adopted in faith and belief.
Phil 2:12: All this verse means is that we have our job to do while on earth, but our spirits have been complete in the new birth.
You disappoint me here, jg. “…work out your salvation in fear and trembling†is obvious in the reading! Why “fear†if salvation is that secure? Answer, Salvation is not secure while we work out our salvation here on earth!
Phil 3:11-14: What is the goal? To get to heaven. You see, believers have a race to finish, but some won't finish their race, but they will still go to heaven, but no rewards.
Again, the key word is “hope.†What if we fall by the wayside and fail to meet the “goal,†jg?
How is it to attain heaven, and how no rewards if heaven is the ultimate reward itself?
1 Tim 4:1: Yes, there will be apostacy. We see it today. We have churches that ordain gays. We have churches that don't believe in hell, and so forth. This is why we must holdfast to our confession of faith before we start believing what the devil says.
How does one fall into apostasy if one were not a believer in the first place? And what if we fail to “holdfast to our confession of faith,†jg?
1 Tim 5:15: During these times widows were mooching of the church. Paul said only help them if they really needed it. Aside for Satan. They probably were not saved in the first place.
Ah, jg, look at verse 15, not verse 16, where I think you went off here.
What does it mean to “turn away†if not to abandon what was first believed in the gospel message of Christ?
I believe by now, you get my drift. I suggest that before you study scripture, pray to God for enlightment. Be sure that you know who the authur is addressing. Find other scriptures that support the verse that you are studying. Make sure you know who Jesus is talking to and what dispensation He is addressing. Many times He is referring to the old Mosiac Law.
May God bless, golfjack
Nice try, jg, and I have to give you credit for attempting what you did here.
Again, I am a mere amateur of scripture and I need to study more.
I invite you to go to my profile and click on my website. Go to the apologetics section and you can see my feeble attempts at defending my Catholic Faith.
NOTE: I called you "jg" thoughout this reply and I see that is an error. Nexttime, can I just call you "Jack"?
God bless,
Prayer for Peace by Pope John Paul II
O God, Creator of the universe, who extends your paternal concern over every
creature and guides the events of history in the goal of salvation, we acknowledge
your fatherly love when you break the resistance of mankind and, in a world torn
by strife and discord, you make us ready for reconciliation. Renew for us the
wonders of your mercy: send forth your Spirit that He may work in the intimacy
of hearts, that enemies may begin to dialogue, that adversaries may shake hands
and peoples may encounter one another in harmony. May all commit themselves to the
sincere search for true peace which will extinguish all arguments, for charity
which overcomes hatred, for pardon which disarms revenge. Amen.