gila said:
Can true Christians lose their salvation ?
No, but who is the judge who is a true one or not? Jesus, no one else.
AH, a WISE and understanding answer.
While I have encountered MANY that would PROFESS a KNOWLEDGE of their FATE, the Bible offers a BIT of a 'different' understanding.
IF we ARE to 'run' the race like we MEAN to WIN IT, then ISN'T this a perfect offering that those that LOOSE will receive 'something LESS' than what has been offered? And this BEING the case, would those that end up LOOSING the race not THINK like others in that they WERE INDEED 'saved'?
We ARE to HAVE faith in the promises offered. But we MUST take into consideration that the promises make ARE CONTINGIENT on certain 'truths'. NOT ONE single thought or idea. So, no matter HOW much 'positive thinking' we are able to MUSTER, if that is NOT coupled with the 'conditions' of Salvation, it is NO different than believing one can FLY. Keep 'thinking' that and one day you will find out that it was JUST A DREAM.
For we also have contained within that Word that one day there WILL be MANY that will offer these words to Christ: "Look at all the wonderous things that we've done in YOUR name". And we have HIS words that: "Go away from me, for I know NOT who you are''. Not only an offering that their DEEDS were based on 'false presumptions or intentions, but that Christ DOES NOT EVEN KNOW THEM.
So, here we HAVE a 'perfect example' of those that THOUGHT that they were DOING what it TOOK to GAIN their Salvation. And from the offerings that they made it is OBVIOUS that they THOUGHT that they WERE 'good Chrirstians'. But the truth being revealed is that their HEARTS WERE FAR FROM CHRIST. Believing did NOT offer them what they EXPECTED.
So, we find that 'positive thinking' offers NO assurance of ANYTHING other than a 'personal PEACE' or possibly even a 'false sense of security'. Likened to this simple statement: "fooling themselves''.
So, back to the topic; HOW do we determine WHO the 'Christians' ARE? For to answer this question REQUIRES that we DEFINE 'Christian' to begin with. And NO AMOUNT of 'talk' is able to PRODUCE one SPECK of surity on such an issue.
This is the PURPOSE of the question: Do ANY of us TRULY KNOW 'anything' concerning our FATE? While we can CERTAINLY convince ourselves to BELIEVE, does THIS offer ANY sureity whatsoever concerning TRUTH? CAN we KNOW that we ARE Saved UNTIL 'judgement'? If SO, then what's the PURPOSE of Judgement. For even those that are LOST, when confronted with TRUTH that CANNOT be denied, EVEN THESE would KNOW their STATE immediately upon an UNDERSTANDING of the TRUTH.
Fear and trembling my friends. And there can BE NO fear and trembling in the minds of those that are ABLE to 'convince themselves' that they have ALREADY obrained that which is offered.