Didn't you read all of my post? God's life IS eternal life. And He gives this life only to believers. 1 Jn 5:13So basically you're saying because Adam doesn't have eternal life, he doesn't have God's life in him.
And I have already agreed. But God giving life isn't the same as God giving His life. His life is eternal and He gives that life ONLY to those who believe in Christ.To me, all life, eternal or temporal comes from God. God is Life.
Human life is not God's life. Which seems to be your position. You've not demonstrated that from Scripture.
God did not breathe eternal life into Adam. He breathed in him human life. Not His own life.Of course it makes no sense since here you speak of the Christ when I'm speaking about before Christ came. Read above, you acknowledge what I'm talking about above when speaking about God breathing Life into Adam.
It says the Word of God lights every man. John 1:9 9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
This word for life in Greek is zoe.
Outline of Biblical Usage
- life
- the state of one who is possessed of vitality or is animate
- every living soul
Again, God is Light, and in Him is no darkness at all. 1 Jn 1:5 Light and Truth are synonymous.
No, the Word didn't "become" the Christ. The Word IS the Christ. I believe you are misunderstanding Scripture.I'm referring to "the Word" and the "Word made flesh?". Two different froms of the same person. The Word is the power of creation according to John 1:3. This power of creation created man, and is what gives him life and light John 1:4. The word which is the power of creation was made flesh, John 1:14. So you see I am not talking about the Christ, I am talking about before the Word became the Christ.
What??! Renew man?? Where do you get that? He came to save sinners. 1 Tim 1:15The Word is the same person as the Christ before he came as the Christ, and he has always been the light of man from the creation. After the fall, he came in the flesh to renew man. Consequently, he says Before Abraham was, I am.
I refer you to John 13. Where love is defined. That is how one loves another.No, God didn't give guidelines how to Love one another. For He is Love.