(Mat 22:29-32 KJV)
(Mar 12:26-27 KJV)
(Luk 20:35-38 KJV)
Jesus specifically states that the statement pertains to the resurrection. He didn't say anything at all about the state at death. I've posted this before but it seems to get ignored. It seems people want to apply God's words outside the way in which Jesus applied them.
Okay. I buy that. I know that about that conversation. But He did say the Pharissees statement about Abraham in John 8 “Abraham is dead” was a lie. That’s pretty significant to me.
I’m simply saying that based on the lie (Lie #2) in John 8:52, the idea that physical death is all there is until the resurrection of a ‘person’ is contradicted. Plus, it contradicts Matt 10:28, in my opinion.
What about Moses? Will you accept his word?
7 And these are the days of the years of Abraham's life which he lived, an hundred threescore and fifteen years.
8 Then Abraham gave up the ghost, and died in a good old age, an old man, and full of years; and was gathered to his people. (Gen 25:7-8 KJV).
Yes, I accept Gen 25. Moses records Abraham’s death at the age of ~175 years “long” years. First, how does that prove or disprove your doctrine? Didn’t you just get through saying that (Mat 22:29-32 KJV), (Mar 12:26-27 KJV), (Luk 20:35-38 KJV) “didn't say anything at all about the state of the soul in-between death and the resurrection? Are you now suggesting that Gen 25 does teach something about the soul in-between physical death and the resurrection (the OP topic)? I’d like to hear your point(s) relative to that, if that’s the case.
I have a question for you about Gen 25:7-8, since you mention it. What do you think Moses means by (after Abraham’s death) he “
was gathered to his people”? Was he gathered to the bones of his people, i.e. buried? Are ‘bones’ people in-between death and resurrection or are they just bones/dust?
According to Genesis 2:7 a soul requires a body.
7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Gen 2:7 KJV)
According to this passage a soul consists of a body and the breath/spirit of God. A soul needs these two things to be a soul. Are you aware that the Scriptures call fish and animals souls? It says they are souls not that they have souls. Just like Adam, it says he "Became" a soul not that he has a soul.
First, let me answer your question as best I can. Yes, I’m aware that the bible calls living fish and living beasts souls. I don’t really want to get side-tracked however concerning whether Abraham is merely physically dead (his dust is dead) or is both his dust and his soul dead, however. Unless of course that’s all you have to say about John 8:52.
7 And the LORD God formed _Man (M)_ of the
dust (D) of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the _Breath of Life (BoL)__; and _M__ became a
Living Soul (LS). (Gen 2:7 KJV)
First I would note than when God formed Man of dust and His Breath of Life , then Man became a
living soul.
Not a dead sould, but a living soul.
Logically/mathematically that verse could be expressed God formed M = D + BoL; M = LS.
Man equals Dust plus the Breath of Life; (plus the work of God). I agree. I have no conflict with that.
Logically one could even say Man (The man Adam) = living Soul in Gen 2:7. At least Adam was living at that time. I agree a living Man is a living soul is Dust plus Breath of Life. I mean that’s what it says about Man’s creation, sure. I have no conflict with any of that. Nor, I suppose, do you. But then you say:
“A soul needs these two things to be a soul.” Hmm, That’s S = BoL + D (I suppose is what you mean, you don’t say what those two things are that are needed but I assume that’s what you mean. But are you speaking of a living soul or a dead soul? Cause this text only teaches what it takes to create a living soul. What does it say about a dead soul? Nothing, really. One way or the other.
This Scripture teaches that Man (Adam) needed two things (three really if you include God’s creative act which I do. I’m no evolutionist.) to be
a living soul.
I have no idea how you say this Scripture teaches “A soul needs these two things to be a soul.” That’s because it’s not a logical derived statement based on this passage. This passage teaches what is needed for man to become a living soul. The OP is about Jesus’ dead soul.
A living soul is Dust plus the Breath of Life (I’d include God’s creative work as well since that’s what the text says). All three come together to form a
living soul. Now, what’s a dead soul look like? I don’t know. This passage doesn’t actually say what a
dead soul is (if anything). If I had to speculate, I’d speculate that if you remove the “dust” (the biological material) from a living soul, you indeed have a dead soul. You do NOT have a
living soul anymore you have what we are discussing here, a dead soul.
M = D + BoL and if you take away (subtract) the Dust (D) from a man and put it in the grave, what’s left then?
M – D = D + BoL – D = BoL. Indeed to call what’s left a “living soul” is no longer accurate.
But calling what is left (BoL) a
dead soul, maybe is not to speculative?
If my math is right, that is. Correct me if I’m wrong here, but if a living soul is Dust plus the Breath of Life and you take away the Dust, you don’t have zero, you have the Breath of Life remaining. Else, you’ve got murders (like the Devil for example) able to do things he’s simply not capable of doing.
I know at least one Scripture that’s helpful (at least it is to me).
And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. (Matthew 10:28 ESV)
Aren’t you saying that “Abraham is dead” means that when Abraham’s body died there was nothing left of Abraham (until the ressurection)? [Studying the meaning of ressurection is also interesting].
But that’s simply not accurate to the text of Gen 2:7 or John 8.
Let’s assume for the sake of argument that “the Body” is what’s meant by “The Dust”. (I mean after all Gen 2:7 says God breathed the Breath of Life into Adam’s nostrils and the nostrils are part of the body.
Therefore, “to kill the body” is like death (i.e. Abraham “died” at the age of 175 years several thousand years ago). What’s left of Abraham now, based on these two passages Gen 2:7 and Matt 10:28? The Breath of Life is left, not zero. Plus, you’ve got the fact that not even murder destroys the soul. It might very well kill the living soul creating a “dead soul”. But did it “destroy” Abraham? No way. You still have the Abraham’s Breath of Life remaining.
There are some places where the word soul is used metaphorically, particularly in the Psalms, but the concrete usage of the word includes a body.
And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. (Matthew 10:28 ESV)
What constitutes a “concrete usage” versus a metaphorical usage to you? Do you think Jesus was speaking metaphorically to the disciples in Matt 10:28? I don’t think they were metaphorically persecuted and killed. I think they were concretely persecuted unto death. AND I think their Breath of Life remained even though they were no longer a “living soul”.
Very likely/ironically by some of the very same Pharisees that killed Jesus and that He was speaking to in John 8 when He said:
‘If anyone keeps my word, he will never taste death forever.