SputnikBoy said:
The worst that can happen to those not born again is that they will not gain heaven. There is no literal hell. They will be eternally dead ...the very opposite to those who will be eternally alive. When are some of you going to catch on?
Catch on?
I know. No loving God would commit non-believers to such a tragedy as hell forever. Doesn't make sense to do such a thing does it?
Thing is, His ways aren't susceptable to our judgment.
The second death? Ah, the future of His judgment, something we can't fathom as being reality because it hasn't yet happened. Why is it we can't learn from the past ignoring that which has already occured? His judgment. How can a loving God commit ALL of mankind to ALL the suffering in this world for the fault of one guy, Adam? I mean, come on now. So he ate an apple. Does that mean we and all life on earth are tossed to the hell of suffering? Animals too since they are under our dominance. All life comdemned to suffer for the disregard of one simple commanmdment by a guy we don't even know.
Does that make any sense to your sensibilty of righteous and humanistic judgment? If so please explain how that one trangression warrants death to come into the world for thousands of years and who knows how much longer.
In human terms I would think maybe cast Adam and his lot out of The Garden and leave the rest of us there. Seems only right, no? After all, it wasn't our fault Adam fell to temptation right? Why comdemn us all to the first death in the first place because of someone else's disregard for God's integrity?
So I ask those who cannot accept His future judgment as the work of a righteous and loving God why He made things so miserable for us for milleniums passed? How can you justify His judgment back then as OK but toss out His future comdemnation as something He wouldn't do?
Sometimes I think we allow our sense of right and wrong to overshadow the authority of God Himself solely based on how we feel about something. And how can one justify the destruction of The Flood against those who may never heard of the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob in the first place let alone comdemn those that follow to a world of depravity?
Before we condemn His future judgment to the trash heap I think it wise to consider what He's done in the past. Even if that judgment goes against our sense of fairplay. And I believe it prudent to take that as a very strong warning that God is not interested in man's opinion of righteousness or man's sensibilities. After all, even the non-believer shares in the suffering of this world. Is that right?
Look at it this way.
If one wants to believe the second death as oblivion and not as eternal separation from God where there is no good then that's up to them. But God gave us, one and ALL, a very powerful shot across the bow instituting the first death. that includes believer, nonbeliever, young, old, infirm, healthy, the idiots and the academically gifted. If we heed that not then God's next reprisal against rebellion isn't going to be the death as many want to believe, like unto that of the first.
It's up to you. Heed His warning or not for His first judgment still stands, the first death and nobody can or has appealed that to a higher court. The first death is a warning of coming and greater punishment no matter how unrighteous or repulsive to you that may sound. He doesn't mean to tickle the ear... He means business.