"Does the Bible teach there is a second chance in the afterlife to be saved by Jesus?
Some believe we have only one life on earth to make our decision for or against God. Hebrews 9:27 says "it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment." They believe Jesus' parable reveals no second chance for the uncharitable Rich Man in Hell. When he asks Lazarus to warn his family about hell he is told they have sufficient warning in the Bible to take the opportunity to repent and be saved during this life.
However, the very next verse (Hebrews 9:28) says after death and the "judgment" those judged "eagerly wait" for Christ's Second coming, for salvation. Therefore, the "judgment" (2920 κρίσις krisis) is "the second chance", in Greek
krisis is a "trial, contest, selection…opinion or decision given"-
Strong's Concordance. Clearly, all who repent and believe in Jesus "won" this "contest", because now they "eagerly wait for Him…for salvation":
Jesus taught the same thing. While still in the Grave the Dead will hear Christ's voice, and those who obey "do good" and therefore will rise to the "resurrection of life":
What about Jesus' parable? To begin with, its not a parable, it’s a prophecy Christ would send the risen Lazarus to the mocking Pharisees (Luke 16:14) and they would treat Lazarus (John 12:9-11) just as they treated Moses and the prophets, rejecting their testimony about Christ (Luke 16:29-31). As a "prophecy" it is truth, not "false prophecy."
The context implies a second chance exists for the Rich Man.
1.)Rather than a self-absorbed man who curses both Abraham and God for his plight, the Rich Man shows selfless concern for his family (Luke 16:. 2.) Abraham affectionately calls the Rich Man "son" (Luke 16:25). It is impossible Abraham would speak affectionately if the Rich Man were an irredeemable enemy of God: "Do I not hate them, O LORD, who hate you? And do I not loathe those who rise up against you?" (Psalm 139:21). 3.) Abraham and others wanted to comfort the Rich Man, but an impassible chasm prevented them (Luke 16:26). It is impossible the redeemed would rebelliously want to subvert God's punishment of the wicked (Rev. 15:3-4). Therefore, the scene does not depict God's punishment. 5) When the Rich Man cried "I am tormented (3600 ὀδυνάω odunao) in this flame (5395 φλόξ phlox)", his words convey meaning many don't see. The Rich Man is in "sorrow" (cp. Acts 20:38 3600 ὀδυνάω odunao) for his sins, for the first time he is 100% aware how badly he missed the mark of God's perfection. God's inspection, His "eyes like a flame of fire" are bringing every dark secret and sin to the light, all self-delusion is being purged. Just as it is written: The Lord has washed away the filth… and purged the blood of Jerusalem…by the spirit of judgment and by the spirit of burning" (Isa. 4:4 NKJ)
Christ's prophecy to the Pharisees revealed even the children of Abraham(Matthew 3:9-10) like the Rich Man, if they die enemies of the gospel rejecting His authority, they will be chastised in Hades contrary to their belief Abraham would not permit an Israelite enter Hades: “In the world to come Abraham sits at the gate of Gehenna, permitting none to enter who bears the seal of the covenant” (Genesis Rabbah xlviii). Paul touches on this subject declaring "the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable". All Israel will be saved even if they must pass suffer the torments of hell first (Romans 11:26-33; 1 Corinthians 3:11-15).
Those who have not committed eternal sins will be purged of all that subverts their ability to make the free will confession Jesus is the
Christ, the Son of God and have life in His Name (John 20:28-31). All addiction to sin and self-delusion is burned away by the torment (931 βάσανος basano) of God's inspection, revealing the truth of the individual, who he really is. Once liberated and fully able to make a free will choice the gospel of Christ is preached, for belief or non-belief in Christ are the only grounds for judgment (Matthew 21:42; Mark 12:10; John 3:16-18; 5:24; 14:6; 20:31; Acts 4:11-12;1 Peter 2:6-8). Therefore, only after a definite and formal presentment of the Gospel of Christ is made to a soul fully capable of making an informed and free judgment will God judge the conscious and deliberate acceptance or rejection of Christ.
For the rest of this article listing scripture support:
Scriptural Evidence of Universal Opportunity for Salvation in Jesus “God is to us a God of deliverances; And to Yahweh the Lord belong escapes from death.” (Ps. 68:20) "Christ is the door to salvation. His sacrifice is for all—living and dead." What about those who never heard His name? Those...