Hi Justin,
I'd like to suggest that one's "experiences" don't trump the word of God. As you've pointed out Satan can deceive those who are not aware of his devices.
My experience doesn’t trump the Word of God. I never said such a thing so please don’t put words in my mouth. It nearly compliments what the Word has meant to so many Christians out there. Maybe not in your little Christian circle, but in the one I’m in I see these signs and wonders all the time. Though, not as you state it. These are from God and Him alone! It’s also funny how you say “end times†only mentions the signs being from satan. There are many verses that use “end times†along with these miracles especially the one I keep on mentioning, but you ignore them if it doesn’t fit your agenda.
That's not to say that the miracles you've seen aren't from God they probably are. However, as I've pointed out God performing a miracle doesn't mean He's given a gift to someone. God does miracles all of the time, however, that doesn't mean He's dispensing the gifts.
Last I checked God works through His people. I hear about Jesus here on earth walking around laying hands on people.
In OT and NT God uses people of faith. People without faith are never used. I highly recommend you read Hebrews 11:1 - 12:2
Studies have shown that many people who claim to be healed later die of the very thing they supposedly were healed from?†Whose studies? I have friends who’ve seen the dead raised, go tell them that! The deaf boy who God healed can still hear, and as for myself, I can still walk upstairs.
8 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. (Mar 16:18 KJV)â€
“It's been my experience that Christians don't claim to have either of these. It would be very easy to validate these.â€
Jesus answered, "It says: '
Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"
Mat 16:4b (NIV) "A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a miraculous sign."
You said you were seeking truth. I'm not so sure that is the case as I read some of your posts. It seems to me that you are defending the positions you already hold. However, if you are seeking the truth I’d like suggest to you something to consider. No one in the NT gives a list of how to be saved. No one says to go down a list and check off, x, y, and z. For instance Paul says in Romans 8, "we are saved by hope." In Ephesians 2:8 He says we are saved by grace. Peter said in 1 Peter 3:21 that "baptism does now save us." It's not an either or, it's a combination of all. We must go through the Scriptures and look at "ALL" of the passages that deal with salvation put all of the elements together and then we can see how salvation is worked out.
I already quoted Titus 3:5 saying it’s not by works, than your claiming that I’ve given some sort of check list? Clearly your mistaken, and then said for yourself that we are to put all of them together for the checklist to make it to heaven. It contradicts Titus 3:5 How about my statement earlier? Baptize in the name of Jesus = Spirit Baptism because that would make a whole lot more sense! Considering if we do not have the Spirit we are hell bound, it is the very thing that seals us. Simple enough a child can understand this.
Paul doesn't tell us that, he told the Corinthians that. Context is of the utmost importance, without it one can make a passage say anything they want it to say. If we are going to understand the Scriptures properly we "Must" understand them the same way original audience would understand them. You've got to remember that Paul is writing to a church where the gifts are active. They were active in Paul's day.
The Bible appears to be just a history book for you, but for me it’s alive!
So your saying God’s plan died when the 12 apostles died in the flesh?
The gifts are still here and just because you don’t notice them or don’t have the faith to receive it yourself, doesn’t mean God doesn’t want to us His people to reach out to this lost and dyeing world. That was the original plan for God to send Jesus so we could receive the Holy Spirit.
in the OT anyone who had the Holy Spirit inside them had “giftsâ€. It’s why I stated earlier do you believe the Holy Spirit lives inside us? As far as I can gather your against the move of the Spirit and grieving the Holy Spirit. Maybe it’s cause your taught wrong, or just believe the Bible is a history book?
Especially since he's told the Corinthians they would cease.
Everything your doctrine means relies on this one verse, which is clearly misread because it contradicts the Word of God.
Do take the time to read Hebrews 11:1 – 12:2 again. It’s an encouraging to all believers! ☺
2Th 2:9 (NKJ) The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders.
Can you think of a counterfeit miracle? I quickly think of all the quack doctors that live here In the Philippines. Sad part is sometimes people do get temporary relief so people continue to go back to them.
I believe the end times “anti Christ†will do big miraculous signs to even fool His elect. Maybe fire from heaven? He is the prince of the air.