Douglas Summers
- Jun 1, 2015
- 2,515
- 754
When God gave clear instructions to Adam and Eve about the Garden of Eden, Satan beguiled Eve by putting doubt about God's word and instructions in her mind. Satan did not make them disobey God's word, but instead, made God out as a tyrant, causing man to feel he could interpret God's word as they decided because God did not speak plainly. Ever since God has had a PEOPLE OF HIS OWN, they have been sorely troubled by the presence among them who PROFESSED TO Be, but WERE NOT of them.
Starting under the very GATE of EDEN, this state of things will continue until "the Son of man will send forth His angles, and they shall gather OUT of His Kingdom of them that offend and them that do iniquity ........Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father." (Matt. 13: 41-43)
Those who teach against the promise of eternal security, and any other Doctrine of Christ are noticeable by their: absence of Grace; their condescending attitude toward the born again believer; the absence of fellowship with born again believers, their flattery to those who are weak and taken in by their Heretical teachings; Their anger and insults on you when they are confronted with the proof of Scripture, Do not believe in being born again by the Holy Spirit, with out water baptism, you can not be saved, and believing in denominational doctrines over Spiritual wisdom of Christ. Who is the born again believers wisdom.
The Christ lost none of those that God gives Him and keeps them safe. (John 17: 11-19). And this was not a claim for just the Disciples, It is for all who believe. (Matt. 17: 20-26) If we can not believe God at His Holy Word, then we are without hope and left to the doctrines of men. Christ said, "no one can take you out of my hand," Why? Because we hear His voice....Not all who sit in the pews hear His voice! (John 10: 27-38). Have you ever noticed how the visible church is quick to pick teachers out of the assembly to fill a spot without checking what they believe? These teachers picked to teach can teach what ever they believe...and do. it is usually the teacher that by calling that is rejected for teaching, because the truth goes against the grain of the social gospel... or teachings of men. I know this to be a fact.
The born again believer has no fear of death, because of Christ in him, The guarantee of the purchased possession. If you have been born again, your salvation is secure, and you shall never see death. (John 11: 14-27) If a man can remove Himself from the Hands of The Savior...then he has never known Him and His word is not in him, Therefore that man teaches the doctrine of his own understanding....void of Christ. FAITH ALONE confers our standing in God's sight, the most fallible and infirm man on earth, if he is a born again believer, has the same standing before God as the most illustrious saint. All born again believers are saints (all). Saints are not inferred by any man. Saint actually means sanctified. All born again believers are sanctified. Many people who claim they are Christians, are not Christian! Too many are nominal Christians. The visible Church is a mixed multitude of tares and wheat. But God knows those who are His.
Starting under the very GATE of EDEN, this state of things will continue until "the Son of man will send forth His angles, and they shall gather OUT of His Kingdom of them that offend and them that do iniquity ........Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father." (Matt. 13: 41-43)
Those who teach against the promise of eternal security, and any other Doctrine of Christ are noticeable by their: absence of Grace; their condescending attitude toward the born again believer; the absence of fellowship with born again believers, their flattery to those who are weak and taken in by their Heretical teachings; Their anger and insults on you when they are confronted with the proof of Scripture, Do not believe in being born again by the Holy Spirit, with out water baptism, you can not be saved, and believing in denominational doctrines over Spiritual wisdom of Christ. Who is the born again believers wisdom.
The Christ lost none of those that God gives Him and keeps them safe. (John 17: 11-19). And this was not a claim for just the Disciples, It is for all who believe. (Matt. 17: 20-26) If we can not believe God at His Holy Word, then we are without hope and left to the doctrines of men. Christ said, "no one can take you out of my hand," Why? Because we hear His voice....Not all who sit in the pews hear His voice! (John 10: 27-38). Have you ever noticed how the visible church is quick to pick teachers out of the assembly to fill a spot without checking what they believe? These teachers picked to teach can teach what ever they believe...and do. it is usually the teacher that by calling that is rejected for teaching, because the truth goes against the grain of the social gospel... or teachings of men. I know this to be a fact.
The born again believer has no fear of death, because of Christ in him, The guarantee of the purchased possession. If you have been born again, your salvation is secure, and you shall never see death. (John 11: 14-27) If a man can remove Himself from the Hands of The Savior...then he has never known Him and His word is not in him, Therefore that man teaches the doctrine of his own understanding....void of Christ. FAITH ALONE confers our standing in God's sight, the most fallible and infirm man on earth, if he is a born again believer, has the same standing before God as the most illustrious saint. All born again believers are saints (all). Saints are not inferred by any man. Saint actually means sanctified. All born again believers are sanctified. Many people who claim they are Christians, are not Christian! Too many are nominal Christians. The visible Church is a mixed multitude of tares and wheat. But God knows those who are His.
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