It only seems that way to some because they are not used to having to actually see their own sins from the eyes of scripture and tend to run away from seeing themselves "honestly."
I have my doubts that you've grasped the subject matter intricately and personally. Most can't. And there are scriptural reasons they can't. See Romans 11:8 for an example of what happens to the majority. I don't "blame" and "accuse" any person who can't hear/see in any case as scripture doesn't allow that either. 2 Cor. 5:19.
As to freewill? Nah. Nobody comes even remotely close to usurping Gods Own Control over all of
His creation. It's kind of a ridiculous premise from the git go. It's like saying a baby can defeat a silver back gorilla in a fight.
I don't know why believers have a problem with A Perfect God being in full control of all things and claim rather their own freewill. Particularly when it is easily proven from the scriptures they can't see or hear to start with. I try to keep that in mind when I witness. The wax of sin in people's ears is pretty hard and thick.
There are a couple of scriptural measuring sticks I employ when trying to gauge how well believers really think they hear Gods Words. After many years of employing this tool it's a petty joke to me at this point. But here it is:
How many believers have read this scripture and personally rejected hearing it as applicable to themselves (on whatever [contrived] basis)?
Luke 13:27
But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are;
depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.
Yet every honest believer
knows full well they themselves commit iniquity.
Go figure.