Bible Study Genesis 2-3

Does anyone realize that the OP concerns Genesis 2-3? The discussion was gone far away from this topic.
Thank you for your concern, but Genesis 2-3 brings many different things to the plate of various discussions here about good and evil, the tree of life and the New Jerusalem.
I don't know how I got it in my head that the tree is outside the city. I thought it was scriptural but I am wrong.

But the New Jerusalem is a real city which comes down out of the sky. This is not figurative in any way. It says, I saw a new Heaven and a new earth, and after that goes on to describe, then I saw a big new city come down out of the sky!

After all, we will need a place to dwell when we get there, right? I doubt we'll camp under the stars.

If Jesus didn't go to prepare a place for us and build it then what did that mean? I know, of course the Lord does not need Angels help to build mansions and streets of gold and stuff, but He is a kind God and will allow others to participate in the construction. So He set it up to work that way. And Jesus is probably the Site Superintindent!

They could build a pretty big city in 2000 years you would think. I think everything on earth is types and shadows of what will be in Heaven.
Except in Heaven you don't have to lock your doors. and you plumbing doesn't break down!
Here is my reasoning. Since we know that this present heaven and earth will pass away, Rev 21:1, and God will make new again, the new earth has to be a different size then what it is now, and since there is only outer darkness outside the gates of the New Jerusalem, the new earth would have to be much larger than what the present earth is now. So, I see that the New Jerusalem is not a part of the new earth, but is the new earth.

Maybe the new earth will have to be a different size, but it still describes the city new Jerusalem coming down and setting itself in place. So I don't see how we can say it is all the new earth?
Yeah, He said thou shalt be saved. He did not say, thou shalt be the Bride of Christ.

I don't buy it that everyone is the Bride of Christ. She is the unblemished one. The fewest of the few. Remember the parable of the Talents? There is a clue there also. One guy got 1 Talent. One guy got 5 Talents. One guy got 10 Talents! That shows evidence of a ranking system do it not?

And we know from scripture that there is four levels. You can be a Servant. We make ourselves to be Servants. Being a Servant does not even denote pay. Being a Servant is being a Servant and it can be with or without pay.

Want a promotion? Move up to being a "Friend" of God? Friends are closer and have more privliges than Servants. It says in James 2:

21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar?

22 Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect?

23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.../

So Abraham exercised his Faith and walked in it while doing his god works in the flesh and by doing so made Faith Perfect...and so, was called the "Friend" of God! That is how to be promoted to Friend!

Now don't forget about the Talents while I explain, lol. And that, to more whom is given, more shall be required, remember that?! So if one wanted to move up and be one of the Sons of God, we have the power to do that ourselves (John 1:12). We were given this with Salvation in the beginning. But more is required to take this step. More than walking in Faith! A dedication. Intensive study sessions, Berean style, lol. And...Praying without Ceasing! (Prayer accomplishes Everything!)

Essentially, when one prays without ceasing, one is being led by the Spirit of God. So pray without ceasing to pray. Romans 8:14
14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God..../

And...I can't recall seeing a scripture which delineates the Bride of Christ. So I suspect that in the case of if we would desire to become the "Bride" of Christ,'s highly likely to not be up to us to make that decision. That is the Bridegrooms decision!

I picked my own Bride! Why wouldn't Jesus?

So, my Dear Sister, can you show me somehow how the Theif on the cross is indeed the Bride of Christ? Because I can't fathom that in the face of all these other scriptures and teachings about Ankle deep, waist deep, swimming! To those more is given, more is required.

I understand the Thief picked door #1 and will live, and very well mind you, Praise the Lord! But, he didn't win both showcases! How could he? Not the Bride.
The thief submitted to the Lord which makes him a Bride of Christ by faith. I never heard of a ranking system in heaven or four levels. Do you have scripture for that so I can study this? I really can not see what the parable of the Talents has to do with this, other than the one which was faithful with what he had.

Scriptures that use the words Bride/wife and Bridegroom/husband:
Matthew 25:1-13; John 3:29; Ephesians 5:27; Rev 19:7-9; 21:9-10

It's all those who endure until the end that will be saved and caught up to Christ when He returns on the last day. The Church is called the body of Christ with He being the head of the body as in Bride and Groom/husband and wife. She is to keep herself pure from the rudiments of this world, Colossians 2:8.

1. Members of the Body of Christ are joined to Christ in salvation, Ephesians 4:15-16

2. Members of the Body of Christ follow Christ as being their Head, Ephesians 1:22-23

3. Members of the Body of Christ are the physical representation of Christ in this world. The Church is the organism through which Christ manifests His life to the world today.

4. Members of the Body of Christ are indwelt with the Holy Spirit of Christ, Romans 8:9

5. Members of the Body of Christ posses a diversity of gifts suited to paticular functions, 1 Corinthians 12-4-31. The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts, and though all parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ.

6. Members of the Body of Christ share a common bond with all other Christians, regardless of background, race or ministry. There should be no division in the body, but its parts should have equal concern for each other, 1 Corinthians 12:25.

7. Members of the Body of Christ are secure in their salvation, John 10:28-30.

8. Members of the Body of Christ partake of Christ's death and resurrection, Colossians 2:12

9. Members of the body of Christ share Christ's inheritance, Romans 8:17.

10. Members of the Body of Christ receive the gift of Christ righteousness, Romans 5:17
Maybe the new earth will have to be a different size, but it still describes the city new Jerusalem coming down and setting itself in place. So I don't see how we can say it is all the new earth?
We just have different views in how we understand and that's alright as I see no absolutes. We will definitely know in the end, but for now anticipate it's arrival.
The thief submitted to the Lord which makes him a Bride of Christ by faith. I never heard of a ranking system in heaven or four levels. Do you have scripture for that so I can study this? I really can not see what the parable of the Talents has to do with this, other than the one which was faithful with what he had.

Scriptures that use the words Bride/wife and Bridegroom/husband:
Matthew 25:1-13; John 3:29; Ephesians 5:27; Rev 19:7-9; 21:9-10

It's all those who endure until the end that will be saved and caught up to Christ when He returns on the last day. The Church is called the body of Christ with He being the head of the body as in Bride and Groom/husband and wife. She is to keep herself pure from the rudiments of this world, Colossians 2:8.

1. Members of the Body of Christ are joined to Christ in salvation, Ephesians 4:15-16

2. Members of the Body of Christ follow Christ as being their Head, Ephesians 1:22-23

3. Members of the Body of Christ are the physical representation of Christ in this world. The Church is the organism through which Christ manifests His life to the world today.

4. Members of the Body of Christ are indwelt with the Holy Spirit of Christ, Romans 8:9

5. Members of the Body of Christ posses a diversity of gifts suited to paticular functions, 1 Corinthians 12-4-31. The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts, and though all parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ.

6. Members of the Body of Christ share a common bond with all other Christians, regardless of background, race or ministry. There should be no division in the body, but its parts should have equal concern for each other, 1 Corinthians 12:25.

7. Members of the Body of Christ are secure in their salvation, John 10:28-30.

8. Members of the Body of Christ partake of Christ's death and resurrection, Colossians 2:12

9. Members of the body of Christ share Christ's inheritance, Romans 8:17.

10. Members of the Body of Christ receive the gift of Christ righteousness, Romans 5:17
Do you recall the parable about how the master rewarded different faithful servants in different proportions depending on how well they served him, and how they invested in his talents? Even the one who made very little of a profit still received a reward. This is a major basis for the doctrine of different heavenly rewards.

That and just our common understanding of justice. If I offer to mow a neighbor's lawn, he might pay me more depending on how well I do the job.
What is your source for this?
Glory, Eddif, neither of you answered my question. Based on my explanation of "conditional immortality", If you were living in the "New earth", and an individual having an unfallen nature, along with a freewill once like Satan or Adam, chooses to sin, and God destroyed that person that day, would you think God's action were in love, having experienced a life in a fallen world?

Answer the question, and I'll give you my sources you seek.
Glory, Eddif, neither of you answered my question. Based on my explanation of "conditional immortality", If you were living in the "New earth", and an individual having an unfallen nature, along with a freewill once like Satan or Adam, chooses to sin, and God destroyed that person that day, would you think God's action were in love, having experienced a life in a fallen world?

Answer the question, and I'll give you my sources you seek.
First I have never heard of "conditional immortality". Do you have scripture for that so I can go study this?

I will answer your question with scripture as that is the best answer I can give.

1Corinthians 15:54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

Rev 21:27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.

Nothing that enters into the New Jerusalem can become evil again as Satan will be cast into the lake of fire along with the false prophet. There will be no more temptation to fall into as there will be nor more evil principalities in the New Earth or New Jerusalem.
Do you recall the parable about how the master rewarded different faithful servants in different proportions depending on how well they served him, and how they invested in his talents? Even the one who made very little of a profit still received a reward. This is a major basis for the doctrine of different heavenly rewards.

That and just our common understanding of justice. If I offer to mow a neighbor's lawn, he might pay me more depending on how well I do the job.
The talents are about rewards for faithfulness, not about different levels we will have within the New Jerusalem. Look at what Jesus said at the end of judging these three men.

Mat 25:30 And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
See, that's kind of what I'm saying right there. What it amounts to is like was posted, we will retain free will so there will be a certain amount of trustworthiness vs untrustworthiness which must take place.

For instance, will the thief who was crucified beside Jesus , the one told today you will be with me in paradise, be in as trusted of a position in Heaven as say...Paul will have? Or how about Mary?

Let's be realistic, those passages are describing the compassion of our God!

These people are saved people mind you! But they died with forgiveness, but also with blemishes. They are "potentially" untrustworthy. No they don't het keys to Fathers house! So I would susupect that the thief who got crucified will live outside the walls. Maybe he was a murderer? I don't know. But this man will be absoulutely ecstatic to have a nice small cottage right down by the River of Life somewhere! He will be praising God for all his days, because, He Lives!!!

His cup will runneth over even if it is only the size of a thimble.

Those inside the walls have already shown themselves to be trustworthy to various degrees.
Mom gets a key to the house. Even spares!
Sons and Daughters get keys to the house (now don't lose this...!??)
Some friends can get keys to the house. Not all friends, but a select few?

I think this is all about our spiritual development here on earth. If we skip classes maybe we can still muddle by and pass while others apply themselves and the principles in the Bible and...Voila'!! They made the Dean's list at Graduation, Yay!!!!! So they have a bigger cup than the guys outside. And it will overflow also.

So I think the reality is, Jesus has so much love and compassion for us that He is going to save some of the Lukewarm ones. But, other lukewarm ones He is going to say, away, I never knew you! That's scary if you ponder it.
This post is in response to those post that think saints live inside the New Jerusalem while saints with little works, and, or unbelievers live outside. First let me address the contexts of (Rev. 22:14,15) It has to do with the second coming,(Rev. 22:12-21) at which time Christ takes the redeemed/his bride, back to heaven, to the Fathers house, Christ is preparing for us, New Jerusalem.

At the end of the 1,000 yrs. New Jerusalem, with the saints inside is bought down to earth. New Jerusalem measures 1,500 miles square. Unbelievable. Anyway. this will be the new throne of God, as well as homes for the redeemed, who will be God's priest. Remember we are to be a Kingdom of priest, who will, it seems, serve God throughout His perhaps expanding universe. After New Jerusalem settles on earth, the second resurrection occurs in which the wicked of all ages are raised to face there judge, Christ. Christ will reveal to each why their lack of faith in Him, disqualifies them for citizenship in His new kingdom. Afterward every knee will bow and confess that His judgment is true, and yet Satan will gather them together to overtake and destroy New Jerusalem. However, God calls fire down from heaven and all the wicked angels and mankind are destroyed/consumed by the fires of Hell. (Rev. 20:1-14; 21: 1-4)

After the earth outside of New Jerusalem is purified by fire, Jesus will recreate it as it was in the beginning, perfect. What will make the event unique is that the saints will be able to witness Jesus while He speaks it into existence, for the second time. Afterward Jesus will open the gates of the Holy City, and say to the saints go inhabit, build yourself a country home for this is your inheritance as well, for did I not tell you while I lived on earth, " the meek shall inherit the earth". (Mat.5:5)

For those who think that some believers may live inside and others outside due their works here on earth. Let us not forget that all who ever enter the Holy City will only be there because of Christ righteousness, and not because of any of our works. For our works only reveal our level of faith. So any notion that their will be saints living in and others living outside the holy city because of works performed here on earth is just not biblical.
The talents are about rewards for faithfulness, not about different levels we will have within the New Jerusalem. Look at what Jesus said at the end of judging these three men.

Mat 25:30 And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
And what was Jesus talking about if not rewards in the afterlife? Even the servant who produced the tiniest amount was rewarded. Only the ones who produced nothing are punished.
Where do these "rewards for faithfulness" go to if not the heavenly kingdom?
I never heard of a ranking system in heaven or four levels. Do you have scripture for that so I can study this? I really can not see what the parable of the Talents has to do with this, other than the one which was faithful with what he had.

I laid out a bunch of scriptures for you already in post 114.

Romans. John...
This post is in response to those post that think saints live inside the New Jerusalem while saints with little works, and, or unbelievers live outside. First let me address the contexts of (Rev. 22:14,15) It has to do with the second coming,(Rev. 22:12-21) at which time Christ takes the redeemed/his bride, back to heaven, to the Fathers house, Christ is preparing for us, New Jerusalem.

At the end of the 1,000 yrs. New Jerusalem, with the saints inside is bought down to earth. New Jerusalem measures 1,500 miles square. Unbelievable. Anyway. this will be the new throne of God, as well as homes for the redeemed, who will be God's priest. Remember we are to be a Kingdom of priest, who will, it seems, serve God throughout His perhaps expanding universe. After New Jerusalem settles on earth, the second resurrection occurs in which the wicked of all ages are raised to face there judge, Christ. Christ will reveal to each why their lack of faith in Him, disqualifies them for citizenship in His new kingdom. Afterward every knee will bow and confess that His judgment is true, and yet Satan will gather them together to overtake and destroy New Jerusalem. However, God calls fire down from heaven and all the wicked angels and mankind are destroyed/consumed by the fires of Hell. (Rev. 20:1-14; 21: 1-4)

After the earth outside of New Jerusalem is purified by fire, Jesus will recreate it as it was in the beginning, perfect. What will make the event unique is that the saints will be able to witness Jesus while He speaks it into existence, for the second time. Afterward Jesus will open the gates of the Holy City, and say to the saints go inhabit, build yourself a country home for this is your inheritance as well, for did I not tell you while I lived on earth, " the meek shall inherit the earth". (Mat.5:5)

For those who think that some believers may live inside and others outside due their works here on earth. Let us not forget that all who ever enter the Holy City will only be there because of Christ righteousness, and not because of any of our works. For our works only reveal our level of faith. So any notion that their will be saints living in and others living outside the holy city because of works performed here on earth is just not biblical.

At this point it is clear to me that I put my foot in my mouth about that. Not sure how but I did. And I never said unbelievers live outside! I said the blemished do.
I laid out a bunch of scriptures for you already in post 114.

Romans. John...
In scripture we have friends of God, children of God and also being a royal priesthood of God, but I do not see these as rankings, but just that of what we are to God as being the pure Bride of Christ. I see no scripture that says there are different levels in the New Jerusalem as I would also count Adam and Eve as part of the Bride of Christ.

James 2:14-26 is about faith without works is dead. Vs. 23 a friend of God is one who has faith and faith works like that of Abraham. That would make all of us a friend of God, but we are also brothers and sisters to Christ making us children of God through faith, thus being the Bride of Christ.

John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:14 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.
John 15:15 Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.

1Peter 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

Rev 1:5 And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,
Rev 1:6 And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

What truly matters is that we are prepared for the return of Christ so we are caught up to Him in the end.
I will answer your question with scripture as that is the best answer I can give.
My question did not ask for a bible texts. I'm am asking a common sense question. I sense the attached quote may be your reasoning.

Following is a quote taken from: The Untold Story of Jesus, pg. 20, by Larry w. Wilson.

Proof Text Demands

Some people demand a “proof text” for everything said about an in finite God as though a “sound bite” is the only or best solution. Bible verses are building blocks and when properly arranged, we discover truths which are otherwise unknown. I am not opposed to the use of “proof texts” as long as they are not used to put the Bible in a state of internal conflict. I am opposed to the idea that everything God wants us to understand is explicitly stated. God draws us into a study of His Word by requiring that we analyze line upon line and precept upon precept. Every truth does not require or have explicit statements. For example, suppose two facts in Algebra are stated: A = B and B = C. From these two facts we can deduct a new fact, A = C, even though there is no explicit statement saying that A = C.

The Bible is full of precious truth, some truths are explicitly stated; many have to be deducted. This makes studying the Bible so exciting! Truth is proven true by the harmony that comes from the sum of its parts. Unfortunately, some people are not reasonable, they insist on a “proof text” declaring that A = C when there is none. I often find this belligerence to be a smoke screen. Some people have staked out a position and are afraid their “theological house of cards” will fall, or be found inferior, if A = C. An honest-hearted, mature Bible student knows when the Holy Spirit is leading him into “all truth,”2 many “theological houses” have to fall and be rebuilt. I do not believe today what I believed fifty years ago! I have had to tear down many of my “theological constructs” to resolve apparent conflicts. This process never ends and it is so exciting! I do not fear what the truth may be, I just want to know what it is and apply it to my life!

The Jews in Christ’s day loved to spar using “proof texts” in their debates, as though eternal life depended on it; but for all their learning and memorization of Scripture, they missed 1. John 15:9; 2 Peter 1:17 2. John 16:13the profound truth that Jesus was the promised Messiah! This happened because they errantly searched the Bible to support their religious bias and beliefs, not to understand God’s love, ways, plans, and thoughts. They did not understand John the Baptist was “the Elijah who was to come” because there was no “proof text.” In fact, many Jews rejected Jesus as Messiah because Elijah did not show up. Their bigoted experience should be a siren warning us that the Bible should not be treated with arrogance; remember, when it comes to matters pertaining to God, everyone has impediments. Tread softly!
Do you recall the parable about how the master rewarded different faithful servants in different proportions depending on how well they served him, and how they invested in his talents? Even the one who made very little of a profit still received a reward. This is a major basis for the doctrine of different heavenly rewards.

That and just our common understanding of justice. If I offer to mow a neighbor's lawn, he might pay me more depending on how well I do the job.
There are rewards for good as in eternal life with the Father, and then there are rewards for evil as in damnation. Chose you this day in whom you will serve. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord, Joshua 24:15
I see no scripture that says there are different levels in the New Jerusalem as I would also count Adam and Eve as part of the Bride of Christ.

As above, so below, right? On earth as it is in Heaven?

In scripture we have friends of God, children of God and also being a royal priesthood of God, but I do not see these as rankings, but just that of what we are to God as being the pure Bride of Christ. I see no scripture that says there are different levels in the New Jerusalem as I would also count Adam and Eve as part of the Bride of Christ.

No Rankings in Heaven? Ok let's look at this from a different perspective then.

Matthew 6:20
20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:.../

Why are we instructed to lay up treasures in Heaven for ourselves? If God is absolutely fair and gives everyone the same split as everyone else, then why go do good works?

That's a dumb question because there are two Judgements coming. The judgement of the condemned who are punished according to their bad works and with the same measure, that they used on others in life.
And the Bema seat where the Believers are rewarded for their works. Isn't that right? I'm pert sure that's right.

We all know that there are many different types of hearts that people have. Some people go out of their way to not help people and be super stingy. While others may go out of their way to help others and even over extend themselves without a thought just to be able to help...

Now let's think Talants Parable again. There's 3 guys. They work for their Master (The Lord!). The Lord gives one of the men one Talent, to the 2nd man He gives 5 Talents, and to the 3rd man He gave to Him 10 Talents!

The guy with 1 Talent buried it so it wouldn't get lost, and He got Fired for it! That was dumb. Should've at least got Interest on it! ...Give it to the man who has 10/20.

There's so many lessons in this Parable. It teaches us that we are to be profitable Servants unto the Lord, and that more wffort and diligence will receive more rewards. The Lord rewards Obedience. (James 1:22-25)

Shall be blessed in his deeds. If you do more you're blessed more than the others who have done less work or been less obedient.

Which is why the 3 men got differing amounts of Talents to begin with! The one guy who received 10 Talents at first...why did he receive 10 and the other guy only receive one Talent? Well, because one's a Private and one's a Sargeant! Rank. Get it? I think it's apparent all over scripture.
James 2:14-26 is about faith without works is dead. Vs. 23 a friend of God is one who has faith and faith works like that of Abraham. That would make all of us a friend of God, but we are also brothers and sisters to Christ making us children of God through faith, thus being the Bride of Christ.

If everyone were the Bride of Christ, then can you tell me why the Lord God let Moses talk Him into letting him see Him. God said, you'd die if you seen the front so I'll let you see my back....remember that? SO why would God do that for Moses, but He wouldn't do it for...say, TE Smith?

If God had showed as much of Himself to Smith as He did Moses, then Smith would be talking a much different line here, lol.
Moses simply has a higher rank than Smith. That's why.
My question did not ask for a bible texts. I'm am asking a common sense question. I sense the attached quote may be your reasoning.

Following is a quote taken from: The Untold Story of Jesus, pg. 20, by Larry w. Wilson.

Proof Text Demands

Some people demand a “proof text” for everything said about an in finite God as though a “sound bite” is the only or best solution. Bible verses are building blocks and when properly arranged, we discover truths which are otherwise unknown. I am not opposed to the use of “proof texts” as long as they are not used to put the Bible in a state of internal conflict. I am opposed to the idea that everything God wants us to understand is explicitly stated. God draws us into a study of His Word by requiring that we analyze line upon line and precept upon precept. Every truth does not require or have explicit statements. For example, suppose two facts in Algebra are stated: A = B and B = C. From these two facts we can deduct a new fact, A = C, even though there is no explicit statement saying that A = C.

The Bible is full of precious truth, some truths are explicitly stated; many have to be deducted. This makes studying the Bible so exciting! Truth is proven true by the harmony that comes from the sum of its parts. Unfortunately, some people are not reasonable, they insist on a “proof text” declaring that A = C when there is none. I often find this belligerence to be a smoke screen. Some people have staked out a position and are afraid their “theological house of cards” will fall, or be found inferior, if A = C. An honest-hearted, mature Bible student knows when the Holy Spirit is leading him into “all truth,”2 many “theological houses” have to fall and be rebuilt. I do not believe today what I believed fifty years ago! I have had to tear down many of my “theological constructs” to resolve apparent conflicts. This process never ends and it is so exciting! I do not fear what the truth may be, I just want to know what it is and apply it to my life!

The Jews in Christ’s day loved to spar using “proof texts” in their debates, as though eternal life depended on it; but for all their learning and memorization of Scripture, they missed 1. John 15:9; 2 Peter 1:17 2. John 16:13the profound truth that Jesus was the promised Messiah! This happened because they errantly searched the Bible to support their religious bias and beliefs, not to understand God’s love, ways, plans, and thoughts. They did not understand John the Baptist was “the Elijah who was to come” because there was no “proof text.” In fact, many Jews rejected Jesus as Messiah because Elijah did not show up. Their bigoted experience should be a siren warning us that the Bible should not be treated with arrogance; remember, when it comes to matters pertaining to God, everyone has impediments. Tread softly!
The attached quote is not my reasoning and have never heard of this person. We are not sparing, but sharing the scriptures and how we understand them. I let scripture interpret itself when need be as I did those ones I gave you for my answer to your question. I do not answer with a carnal mind or logic, but by the very words of God. If it's only my opinion then I will state that it is my opinion. Everyone that has known me for years in here have never had a problem with the scriptures I share, even if we disagree at times in how I use them. This is why I discuss and not argue nor debate the word of God, but only give my understanding of them.

Common sense can be carnal at times that allows us to stray away from truth when it comes to discussing scripture.