Bible Study good Friday

Oh. I said I dismiss the 3 nights...Italians talk like this....I have no problem with it.

Re Galatians:
Paul's 3rd missionary journey, about 45 to 56 AD.
From the NASB and with much doubt expressed....
In fact, they give 3 alternatives....
Well, read the first two chapters and add up the dates given... Subtract those from the date you think it was written and that gives you Pauls conversion date... That gives us known dates that we can cross check with other events recorded in the Bible, like Acts 15.
Well, read the first two chapters and add up the dates given... Subtract those from the date you think it was written and that gives you Pauls conversion date... That gives us known dates that we can cross check with other events recorded in the Bible, like Acts 15.
I took the later date of 55 AD
deducted 14 years
deducted 3 years
and came up with 38 AD for the conversion date of Paul.
I think that's very close!

However I think it would be earlier...I believe, as you do, that Jesus most probably died in 30 BC (or 29 or 31)
and I'd say Paul was converted closer to the date of 30 AD ... I think 8 years is too long but I don't know why.
I took the later date of 55 AD
deducted 14 years
deducted 3 years
and came up with 38 AD for the conversion date of Paul.
I think that's very close!

However I think it would be earlier...I believe, as you do, that Jesus most probably died in 30 BC (or 29 or 31)
and I'd say Paul was converted closer to the date of 30 AD ... I think 8 years is too long but I don't know why.
For immediate gratification, read Acts 9:20-26 keeping the new time frame in mind that Paul gave you in Gal 1.

unfortunately, I'm driving home and have band practice. I'll try to pick this back up tomorrow.

I will leave you with this, if you want to support Friday being Nisan 14, then you will have to work all of your biblical dates to come back to 27 or 30 CE as these are the only two dates where Passover occurred on a Friday. The 27th doesn't work due to the Emperor and Herodians...
Do you understand I support Passover, the 14th of Nissan to have occurred on 30 CE which would have fell on a Friday?

Furthermore, do you understand how I account for the 3 days and 3 nights using the understandings of the Jewish people?

P.s. Jesus was Jewish...

No I don’t understand how you account for Jesus being an n the heart of the earth for three days and three nights according to the understanding of the Jewish people.

Do you understand that for Jesus to be in the heart of the earth for a literal three nights, that He would have to be there for 4 days?

30 CE has nothing to do with anything.


Sunday . . . . . resurrection day
Saturday . . . . routine sabbath day
Friday . . . . . . Passover sabbath day
Thursday . . . . preparation day

FAQ: How is Passover a sabbath day?

A: The seventh day of the Jews' civil week isn't the only day in their religion that's designated a sabbath. For example:

In regards to Yom Kippur, the Bible says: "It is a sabbath of complete rest for you. You shall humble yourselves. Beginning on the evening of the ninth of the month, you shall keep your sabbath from evening to evening." (Lev 23:32}

Two more special sabbaths like Yom Kippur's are Feast of Trumpets (Lev 23:23-25) and the beginning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread; which commences with the night of the Passover lamb. (Ex 12:16, Lev 23:5-8)

A Catholic once suggested to me that the routine sabbath and the Passover sabbath were coincident, i.e. they fell on the same date. So I countered that his suggestion would not work to Catholicism's advantage seeing as how the standard Good Friday model is short by one night. The only possible way to produce that third night is by allowing the Passover sabbath it's own date.

NOTE: John 19:14 and John 19:31 verify that Luke 23:54 is speaking of the Passover sabbath instead of the routine sabbath.

FAQ: Doesn't your "Passover sabbath" model produce one too many days?

A: DO NOT count preparation day as one of the three days Jesus predicted in Matt 12:40. Wait until the Jews' preparation for Passover comes to an end and they're ready to sit down and dine upon their paschal lambs before starting your chronology or it won't come out right. It's essential to leave preparation day set aside for the slaughtering of lambs; including the one on the cross.

Which day are you claiming Jesus was crucified?

Thursday or Friday

if you want to support Friday being Nisan 14, then you will have to work all of your biblical dates to come back to 27 or 30 CE as these are the only two dates where Passover occurred on a Friday. The 27th doesn't work due to the Emperor and Herodians...

There is nothing in the scriptures that mention any dates such as 30 CE or 27 CE.

That will only add confusion to simple math.

He rose on the third day. Sunday. Day 3

It doesn't say, when He risen.
Could had been 3pm Sat.
They just happened to go there near dawn, and He had already risen.
Remember, this was a Sabbath day.
They came on the first day of the week.

The third day being the first day of the week.

Very simple.

But if you don't want to learn, please stay out of my way and try to stifle my personal growth.
i am not in your way i disagreed with statement of using the Bible very dangerous. i will continue to do so . any student of the Bible who reads that statement should feel the same way . you are into trying to perfect exact dates .that is fine this goes back to the statement using the Bible is very dangerous i agree using or trying to use our own reasoning is wrong ..i know i kicked over the golden cow stirred the hornets nest .. that just how the ball bounces..agree disagree life goes own another day time.. we find something we agree on..
i am not in your way i disagreed with statement of using the Bible very dangerous. i will continue to do so . any student of the Bible who reads that statement should feel the same way . you are into trying to perfect exact dates .that is fine this goes back to the statement using the Bible is very dangerous i agree using or trying to use our own reasoning is wrong ..i know i kicked over the golden cow stirred the hornets nest .. that just how the ball bounces..agree disagree life goes own another day time.. we find something we agree on..
You replied that you were born in 1961 and Jesus was born 2019 years ago. How do you know this? Bigger question, do you believe it?

I mean, the Bible doesn't say Jesus was born 2019 years ago. For all we know, Jesus could have been born 100 years ago if we didn't have outside sources to verify these things.

Look at it this way, how do you know the Bible is telling the truth that Pilate was a real person, or Tiberius? How do we know outside the Bible that these are real people?

Simply put, Outside sources give us reliable dates that we can use to validate the truthfulness of the Bible. We can prove Pilate and Tiberius, among others, that they were real people in a real period of time.

You can claim blind faith, but then your really no better off than believing that the Spaghetti monster is God because you believed some story that appealed to you, or you grew up having it engrained into your head and you were taught to accept it without question.

Simple fact of the matter is this friend. The Bible wasn't written in a bubble that was isolated from the rest of the world. To believe it was is very dangerous, and for many reasons.

Now, you and others such as JLB may say AD 27 or 30 has no significance to the crucifixion, but that's an ignorant statement because we know, and can prove which days of the week the 14th of Nisan fell. So, regardless if you agree or not, by default, when anyone ascribes a day that Jesus died, they automatically fall within a specific set of years for Jesus death based on the agreement that this is 2019. Simply put, if you believe Jesus died on a Friday, then by proxy you are saying Jesus died in 27 or 30 AD.

Perhaps this confuses you or JLB and maybe even other folks, and if it does, simply learn to ask questions to better understand instead of railing against it.

Do you have any questions? If so, I will answer them tomorrow. I'm late...
You replied that you were born in 1961 and Jesus was born 2019 years ago. How do you know this? Bigger question, do you believe it?
i dont i said < by man calendar > you missed my opening remark
You can claim blind faith, but then your really no better off than believing that the Spaghetti monster is God because you believed some story that appealed to you, or you grew up having it engrained into your head and you were taught to accept it without question.
nope that is your theory i do accept the birth the death burial resurrection by faith
Perhaps this confuses you or @JLB and maybe even other folks, and if it does, simply learn to ask questions to better understand instead of railing against it.
nope not confused at all please dont assume what i am saying i am not railing against your so called study . i challenged your remark of using the bible alone as very dangerous
Do you have any questions? If so, I will answer them tomorrow. I'm late...
nopers i sure don't and never did might i add this is exactly what i done in theology before you banned me . so i challenge in this section
does it really matter ?
Not really, lol.
He arose!
The Good News!

As I stated before, Passover is suppose to be 15 days after the Spring Equinox, which, here, was March 20, then here it states Passover began this year on Sat. April 20. The day after Good Friday.

It is all mixed up.

Just trying to defend, the 3 days and 3 nights.
That's ok, I don't agree with any other days other than Friday. However, I do respect how you and others come to any other day rather than Friday.

I don't expect us all to reason the same, but I think what is more important is not coming to an agreement on what day Jesus was crucified, but rather, understanding how we each come to the conclusions we come to and respecting each other in the process.

B.T.W, depending on which day anyone picks also determines which year Jesus died because we know exactly which day the 14th of Nissan fell on.
Also, we know what year Pontius Pilate died, as well as other historical figures.

Taking history into consideration, it is very dangerous to use just the Bible and ones own reasoning to make a decision on which specific day Nissan 14 fell on.

What historical information can you or others provide to support the day you have chosen?
Because one should get 3 days and 3 nights out of it.
Before dawn He already risen, the first day of the week.
Friday, does not do this.
Simple math, really, the Bible gives you all that took place, and what time.
We know they measure with the sunset through sunset.
12 hours in a day, 12 hours in a night.

Don't need to pick the year, really.
I've been gone part of the day and have a lot to catch up in here. This is what I have been studying the last couple of days. StoveBolts you will be interested in this. – calculating Easter using the Jewish calendar

Resurrection Day (Easter) falls on the first Sunday following the Paschal full moon. The Paschal full moon is the first full moon on or after the 21st of Abib (March). The days would change, but to keep Passover to the original date of the 14th of Nisan found in Exodus Chapter 12.

In Exodus Chapter 12 it wasn’t until the middle of the 2nd month, Nisan (April), in the land of Sin (Sinai) that God instructed Israel on the 7th day Sabbath cycle. The New Testament describes Jesus death and resurrection as a shadow picture of the Exodus events. Even John the Baptist testified that Jesus was the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world.

The Exodus Day – William Struse

Here is the chronological of Exodus Chapter 12.

Israel killed their Passover lambs on the 14th of Nisan (day of preparation) at evening just before sunset which began the 15th of Nisan. The night beginning the 15th of Nisan they ate the Passover leaving nothing of it until the morning as they were commanded. When the morning of the 15th came Israel fully dressed, shod, and with much treasures from their Egyptian neighbor’s, departed Rameses. Numbers 33:3-8.

Exodus 16 established a basis for the weekly Sabbath cycle.

After arriving in the land of Sin (Sinai) one month after the exodus Israel was fully aware of the reality of their new life. The certainty of servitude had been replaced with the uncertainty of a life that would require faith.

And the whole congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness because in Egypt they were in servitude to Rameses who fed them as they never went hungry. Now in the wilderness they thought they would starve to death. So God sent them the “bread from heaven”, but the gift came with conditions. They were only allowed to gather the “manna” for six days. On the seventh day they were required to rest.

In summary, Israel came into the land of Sin (Sinai) on the 15th day of the second month (Nisan). The following morning God gave them “manna”. For six days they gathered this bread of heaven and rested on the 7th day. So the 16th day of Nisan was the first day of the week.

Now turning back to the Exodus chronology we can count the days backwards to the first month of Abib. By this reckoning the Passover lambs were killed just before sundown on the 5th day of the week (14th Nisan) A few hours later on the 15th of Nisan the Feast of the Unleavened Bread began with the Passover supper beginning the 6th day of the week.

Not really, lol.
He arose!
The Good News!

As I stated before, Passover is suppose to be 15 days after the Spring Equinox, which, here, was March 20, then here it states Passover began this year on Sat. April 20. The day after Good Friday.

It is all mixed up.

Just trying to defend, the 3 days and 3 nights.
i heard a interesting background on the dates how they off set it so it doesnt fall on the big muslim day ramdah . i want to focus on the good news the dates times is just speculation
Jesus hung on the cross for most of the day then at the ninth hour He died.

That was the first day.

The next day, the second day, was the Sabbath.

On the third day he rose, which was the first day of the week, which we all know as Sunday.

1st day being the afternoon when he died
1st night when they laid Jesus in the tomb before sunset was Thursday

2nd day sunrise to night sunset Jesus laid in the grave (Friday)

3rd day sunrise to night sunset Jesus laid in the grave (Saturday)

Sunday began after sunset Saturday and sometime between sunset Saturday and sunrise Sunday Jesus was raised from the grave.

All you have been counting is days as you have never mentioned the night.
It's all from sundown to sunrise that makes three days and three nights.
We can prove Pilate and Tiberius, among others, that they were real people in a real period of time.

We have scripture to prove Pilate was a real person, in that time.

i heard a interesting background on the dates how they off set it so it doesnt fall on the big muslim day ramdah . i want to focus on the good news the dates times is just speculation
:nod, lol

Hebrews 2:14-18
Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also Himself likewise took part of the same, that through death, He destroyed him that had the power of death, that is, the devil.

And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.

For verily He took not on Him the nature of angels, but He took on Him the seed of Abraham.

Wherefore in all things it behooved Him to be made like unto His brethren, that He might be a merciful and faithful High Priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people.

For in that He Himself hath suffered being tempted, He is able to succour them that are tempted.
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