You claim "This Man" from Luke 14:1 was all those things you prove it. Can you prove what he was wearing? Can you prove that he was part of the 70? Can you prove he was part of the Levitical Priesthood?
I'm not necessarily making this claim about a specific person, I'm not saying the Rich man directly represents this member of the Sanhedrin, but I am saying that some of them present and likely he too were Levites, as they had the authority according to the Law to interpret the Law. I cited Lexical authorities to validate this claim, as well as OT Scriptures that proved the Levitical Priesthood were the only ones who had the right to interpret the Scripture.
If you'll notice they questioned Jesus' authority.. but not John the Baptists, that's because John the Baptist was the son of Zechariah a PRIEST! They still believed these things to be true and lived by them. You simply need to study up on 1st Century Jewish Culture and beliefs a bit more in this area.
Also, I am not claiming that they were presently wearing fine linen... I'm saying that the Levitical Priests Garments were made with fine linen.
And they made the
tunics of fine linen, a weaver’s work, for Aaron and for his sons, 28Â and the
turban of fine linen and the headdresses of the headbands of
fine linen and undergarments of the linen cloth, finely twisted, 29Â and the sash of finely twisted linen and blue and purple and crimson yarns, the work of an embroiderer, as Yahweh had commanded Moses. (Ex 39:27–29).
This is describing the how the garments for the Levitical Priests were to be made.
Also my point about the Purple being in regards to royalty comes from other sources of course and common knowledge of the time, but it's also Biblical.
And they put a
purple cloak on him, and after* weaving a crown of thorns they placed it* on him. 18Â And they began to greet him, “Hail,
king of the Jews!”(Mk 15:17–18).
Why did they put a thorn and a purple cloak on Jesus? Because they were mocking him, and dressing him up like a king. The priesthood was known to be a royal priesthood, as we now as believers are a royal priesthood. Also, the Levites were priest-kings after the Maccabean revolt.
You seem to think that just because the OT law said only those from the tribe of Levi were to be teachers of the law this group did not believe they were educated enough to side step that law and allow whom they deemed worthy to be teachers.
What basis do you have to believe they side stepped this? They were EXTREMELY religious about being precise with these things, they were Pharisee's who held to a scholarly interpretation of Scripture who affirmed not only the written but oral tradition, thus they were extra careful to have their practice in alignment with the Tanakh and Talmud.
There is no reason to believe this function of the Levitical Priesthood stopped as the Levitical Priesthood functioned as it should, up until the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70.
If you are telling the truth in your profile my Religious Education degree is older than you are. BTW, it does not take a formal education to see the problems I am spotting in your theory. A simple reading of scripture tells us you are taking huge leaps here.
"Your Religious Education degree is older than I am"?? What does that mean?
1. I didn't ask about your formal education.
2. I asked what how educated you were on this particular subject.
3. You're misunderstanding what I am saying for the most part.
One more thing....about the color purple and cloths made of linen.......
Proverbs 31:22 ESV
She makes bed coverings for herself; her clothing is fine linen and purple.
Did you look these up in a concordance? What was the purpose of quoting this? Do you think Luke 16 was alluding back to Proverbs 31?