- Mar 12, 2022
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I believe God created Adam in his image, which to me means Adam was made with a sense of right from wrong, but in scripture, eating from a fruit tree, being nourished or fed, can apply to our spiritual condition and not only our physical condition. For instance, the "fruit" of Christs' Spirit is love joy, etc.I don’t know how you gleaned this from the same verses I was reading. Can you tell me how exactly you came to this? Am I missing some verses?
God told Adam he would labor for his "harvest" in the sweat of his face. Then he said,
Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil Gen.3:22
My belief is that God was not only referring to farming, but to the crop of souls. Likewuse, he tells Eve,
I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children Gen.3:18
We can see the pain the church experienced in being fruitful bearing Gods' children. Paul said,
she shall be saved through her child-bearing 1Tim.2:15
Of course he doesn't mean all women who give birth are saved,
I speak concerning Christ and the church. Eph.5:32