Many things we believe in we cannot see, electricity, the air we breathe, gravity, are just a few things we believe in without seeing.
Simarly we can believe in other things which we cannot see or experience.
Have you been to London, do you believe the accounts of those who have visited London?
There are no pharisees points to be gain by being more spiritual than the next Christian.
Ever noted how the apostles built there preaching on facts how Luke write ' I carefully investigated, that you might know,'
Christianity is not an emotion.
It is reality and that means it is factual, if Jesus did not rise from the dead, if it was just conjuring trick with bones, if it was a spiritual explanation for a real death with no resurrection then there is no Christianity.
Literally you are believing a lie, if Jesus is still dead.
That Jesus is not dead means you have a historical fact you can rest your faith upon.
You may not want or need it.
But how do atheists react to your claims of faith?
Atheists have a hard time when confronted by the evidence for Jesus's resurrection.
It is factual because something happens when the Lord moves in a supernatural way for someone and answers a prayer or something. And it is a fact but the Lord usually always does things in a way that it gets confirmed to who gets the miracle or wot not but not in a way that can be proven scientifically or tested in a lab, is why I said it like that.
And in the recounting of the miracle testimony to people, some receive it and believe it as truth and sometimes other Brothers and Sisters don't want to believe it, for many reasons, maybe they think that God doesn't do those things anymore or that they would have miracles and don't so I I'm probably lying or something///And atheists will never believe it as truth and always attempt to explain how it could have happened in a scientific way and that I simply misunderstood what happened because I want it to be a supernatural miracle so bad, for bragging rights or whatever. Many times they can make a very good case for it didn't really happen. And even my own flesh carnal mind will not accept spiritual truths and it will scream doubts to me saying that was not God and so forth (it can't receive spiritual things because it is carnal.
My carnal mind is so good at provoking doubt within ,e too. Even if it happened in such a way that there can be no other explanation except divine intervention from God. It's made me start doubting myself when I know it happened. So I tell my flesh to shut up and I pray and praise God because I know He helped me!
In my spirit I know certain things that I do not know in my carnal mind. And it takes the faith as a little child to believe and receive these truths. Spiritual things are only perceivable by our spirit because they are spiritual.
I think there's a difference between carnal logic and intellect and having that type of knowledge, and then we also have...intuition, where we just now things in our heart sometimes. And it is different than knowledge. And if one is not used to the difference between them it is not easy to believe certain things.
You ever get something through intuition? You walk into a room and you get bad vibes or something? Or you're driving and intend to go one route but all of a sudden you know you're supposed to detour, turn right here..? And many times it turns out to be true or was a warning to save a bad thing from happening to you. I have had that happen many times in my life. Others do too.
It's either our spiritual senses or the Holy Spirit or something. But our heart thinks and it thinks differently than our brain. Most people do not pay enough attention to thoughts and voices within them to realize that, it is different. That's not my imagination or simply my own voice. We have multiple voices within us and if you pay attention, it gets easier to know who's talking within us.
For instance, our carnal mind will not agree with scripture or spiritual matters, but our spirit or conscience always will. Our conscience is always right and says do the right thing. And it gets easier.
The Lord will also talk to us within with His still small voice, and I know that's true because it happens to me and when God speaks within us, He talks like He talks and He has said things to me that...I don't think in that speech form or grammar usage. So that was not me. But I can't prove it. I can only give my testimony but it each individuals personal faith which allows them to receive it or to not receive it and believe. Am I making sense to you?
But every time that the Lord has done something for me, He ALWAYS gives a confirmation.