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How to defend the trinity!

Yahweh did not retire or go away because of Yeshua and the Holy Spirit. He is still eternal.

You need to rephrase that.

The essay in posts 663-667 and then 717 and then 719

I believe in…
God the Father…Yahweh…God Almighty…Creator of Heaven and Earth and Adam and Eve…..

God the Son…Yeshua…the real Son of God…Messiah…Savior.

The Holy Spirit…the unnamed God…helper…guide… teacher… strengthener….nurturer….
Yahweh didn't retire? You missed the point. If He is the First and Last as in God there can be no other. If there are 3 Gods as you state is He mistaken or are you mistaken and there is only one true God (Yahweh)?
Is Jesus begotten or unbegotten like the Father?
From the Nicene creed
And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the only-begotten Son of God,
begotten of His Father before all worlds,
God of God, Light of Light,
very God of very God,
begotten, not made,
being of one substance with the Father;

Is Jesus of one substance with the Father or another God?

How many Spirits are their one or three?
Yahweh didn't retire? You missed the point. If He is the First and Last as in God there can be no other. If there are 3 Gods as you state is He mistaken or are you mistaken and there is only one true God (Yahweh)?
Is Jesus begotten or unbegotten like the Father?
From the Nicene creed
And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the only-begotten Son of God,
begotten of His Father before all worlds,
God of God, Light of Light,
very God of very God,
begotten, not made,
being of one substance with the Father;

Is Jesus of one substance with the Father or another God?

How many Spirits are their one or three?
I have already explained this.
In the Old Testament Yahweh said more than once He is the only God and there is no one like Him.
Then He begot a Son who was God in His own right.
God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit....equals 3.
Now in Heaven God the Son sits on the throne on the right of God the Father.

Now there is a hierarchy....Yahweh is the Supreme being....God Almighty and the Apostles understood this. But they also understood that Yeshua was a God.
Hello Wondering, And how are you all? I just wanted to let you all know I have viewed the video, thank you.
What did you think of it?
I thought it was packed with information and presented fairly and historically.
It taught a lot of detail I didn't even know.

Thanks for mentioning it.

And check out The Lounge,,,,Jokes
The womans brain, the mana brain...
It's a hoot!
What did you think of it?
I thought it was packed with information and presented fairly and historically.
It taught a lot of detail I didn't even know.

Thanks for mentioning it.

And check out The Lounge,,,,Jokes
The womans brain, the mana brain...
It's a hoot!
Not ignoring you....give a few minutes
What did you think of it?
I thought it was packed with information and presented fairly and historically.
It taught a lot of detail I didn't even know.

Thanks for mentioning it.

And check out The Lounge,,,,Jokes
The womans brain, the mana brain...
It's a hoot!
Giving it some thought and prayer, but I'll get back to you, thanks.
I have already explained this.
In the Old Testament Yahweh said more than once He is the only God and there is no one like Him.
Then He begot a Son who was God in His own right.
God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit....equals 3.
Now in Heaven God the Son sits on the throne on the right of God the Father.

Now there is a hierarchy....Yahweh is the Supreme being....God Almighty and the Apostles understood this. But they also understood that Yeshua was a God.
Jesus is before all things except God the Father. Therefore Jesus already existed before God stated to man He was the first and last. The alpha and omega. "Your stating "Then" afterwards God begat Jesus is a beginning for Jesus after the world began AND God stated He was the First and LAST. Gods statement was no God was formed before Him nor one after Him.
Jesus is before all things except God the Father. Therefore Jesus already existed before God stated to man He was the first and last. The alpha and omega. "Your stating "Then" afterwards God begat Jesus is a beginning for Jesus after the world began AND God stated He was the First and LAST. Gods statement was no God was formed before Him nor one after Him.
Interesting! I never thought of it this way.
So much thinking, and we miss little nuances like this that are a gem!
Jesus is before all things except God the Father. Therefore Jesus already existed before God stated to man He was the first and last. The alpha and omega. "Your stating "Then" afterwards God begat Jesus is a beginning for Jesus after the world began AND God stated He was the First and LAST. Gods statement was no God was formed before Him nor one after Him.
Well I disagree with your conclusion.
The pre-existing Christ?.....I agree but not in its fullest sense.

In others words......Yeshua by name or reference in not present in the Old Testament. Yahweh does not address or have a conversation with Yeshua....."And Yahweh said to Yeshua" Not there....The various events that occur in the Old Testament are not going to say Yeshua did this or that. The practicality of literary evidence of the presence of Yeshua is a combination of grasping at straws and fuzzy conclusions.

Part of the problem is the naming which was removed for Yahweh and Yeshua in the Bible as a whole.
Because Yahweh's name and or the Tetragrammaton was removed from the scriptures and replaced with the word God or Lord it causes a lot of confusion.....where the actual events would be attributed by name to Yahweh but now it says God and people can read anything into that…..anything they want to.

That is another topic. But yes I do believe in the pre-existing Christ, just not the same way you do.
Not ignoring you....give a few minutes
No problem GH.
In the meantime, I'd like to go back to our discussion of yesterday evening.

How do we understand the unity between the three Persons of the Godhead.

Here's my simple understanding:
God has always existed, as Randy stated, He is the first and the last.
There were no Gods before Him and there will not be any God after Him.
He is the only God.

But the bible speaks of 3...

God Father is God Almighty, the creator of heaven and earth and everything we see and do not see.
HOW did He create these things?
God SPOKE them into existence.
He spoke using His Word.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God.
Sure the Word was with was a part of God.
Also known as The Logos.
The Logos is the reason of God, His logic, His creativity.
This logos became incarnate in the person of Jesus of Nazareth.

That takes care of 2.
Now the Holy Spirit, which was the least understood.
And also for me...

The Holy Spirit is the breath of God....
God breathed into the dust of the earth and Adam became alive.
He is the very essence of God.
Can we say the Holy Spirit is the spirit of God?

Jesus was incarnated and BECAME, visible to us, the 2nd Person of the Godhead turned into Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit did not change in form but remained with God as God's spirit, His very breath.

It's difficult to understand the Trinity/Godhead, but we must come to some sort of understanding so that we can at least explain it to some degree when asked to.
One thing is for certain, the bible does not teach that there are 3 gods....

No problem GH.
In the meantime, I'd like to go back to our discussion of yesterday evening.

How do we understand the unity between the three Persons of the Godhead.

Here's my simple understanding:
God has always existed, as Randy stated, He is the first and the last.
There were no Gods before Him and there will not be any God after Him.
He is the only God.

But the bible speaks of 3...

God Father is God Almighty, the creator of heaven and earth and everything we see and do not see.
HOW did He create these things?
God SPOKE them into existence.
He spoke using His Word.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God.
Sure the Word was with was a part of God.
Also known as The Logos.
The Logos is the reason of God, His logic, His creativity.
This logos became incarnate in the person of Jesus of Nazareth.

That takes care of 2.
Now the Holy Spirit, which was the least understood.
And also for me...

The Holy Spirit is the breath of God....
God breathed into the dust of the earth and Adam became alive.
He is the very essence of God.
Can we say the Holy Spirit is the spirit of God?

Jesus was incarnated and BECAME, visible to us, the 2nd Person of the Godhead turned into Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit did not change in form but remained with God as God's spirit, His very breath.

It's difficult to understand the Trinity/Godhead, but we must come to some sort of understanding so that we can at least explain it to some degree when asked to.
One thing is for certain, the bible does not teach that there are 3 gods....

I would rather do this in a PM
Well I disagree with your conclusion.
The pre-existing Christ?.....I agree but not in its fullest sense.

In others words......Yeshua by name or reference in not present in the Old Testament. Yahweh does not address or have a conversation with Yeshua....."And Yahweh said to Yeshua" Not there....The various events that occur in the Old Testament are not going to say Yeshua did this or that. The practicality of literary evidence of the presence of Yeshua is a combination of grasping at straws and fuzzy conclusions.

Part of the problem is the naming which was removed for Yahweh and Yeshua in the Bible as a whole.
Because Yahweh's name and or the Tetragrammaton was removed from the scriptures and replaced with the word God or Lord it causes a lot of confusion.....where the actual events would be attributed by name to Yahweh but now it says God and people can read anything into that…..anything they want to.

That is another topic. But yes I do believe in the pre-existing Christ, just not the same way you do.
Hebrews 13:8
Well I disagree with your conclusion.
The pre-existing Christ?.....I agree but not in its fullest sense.

In others words......Yeshua by name or reference in not present in the Old Testament. Yahweh does not address or have a conversation with Yeshua....."And Yahweh said to Yeshua" Not there....The various events that occur in the Old Testament are not going to say Yeshua did this or that. The practicality of literary evidence of the presence of Yeshua is a combination of grasping at straws and fuzzy conclusions.

Part of the problem is the naming which was removed for Yahweh and Yeshua in the Bible as a whole.
Because Yahweh's name and or the Tetragrammaton was removed from the scriptures and replaced with the word God or Lord it causes a lot of confusion.....where the actual events would be attributed by name to Yahweh but now it says God and people can read anything into that…..anything they want to.

That is another topic. But yes I do believe in the pre-existing Christ, just not the same way you do.
In what way do you understand it?
********************The History of God’s Name*********************

My ministry is about confronting false beliefs and understandings….but the Truth can be shocking….I am prepared for that response.

Some of the Paleo-Hebrew scriptures contained God’s written name. At that time, very few copies existed and most were kept in the Temple and were only read my priests. At some point “someone or some group” apparently decided that even the priests should not see or read the true name of God, so they removed it. There are no historical names associated with these modifications. The reason for it and who did it is a matter of speculation. The best explanation I have heard was from a professor at Cambridge college and she said that at times, more peaceful times, young Israelite men were required to memorize the Torah, so they removed God’s name so that it would not be uttered casually. True or not I think it is at least a good guess because they followed through in the New Testament to hide Christ’s name. But that does not explain the sequence of events that totally erased any personnel identifier of God from the scriptures…

So it appears that God the Father’s name was pulled from the scriptures during the copying process and replaced by what is called the Tetragrammaton -- YHWH, written as יהוה in the Hebrew scriptures. The oldest inscription found of the Tetragrammaton is around 840 BC. From there, it slowly made its way into other copies over the following centuries. The ancient copy and distribution process was a very slow process with many differing copies existing at the same time, meaning copies with God’s name and copies with the Tetragrammaton existed at the same time.

The Tetragrammaton was used to represent His name. This is a personal identifier, probably one designed to help the high priests remember how to pronounce His name correctly when it was appropriate. Yahweh intended for His name to be pronounced in reverence. He never told His people not to pronounce His name, just not in vain. It would be an insult to God for His name never to be spoken or written, and then forgotten. But then His people erased His name from the scriptures and then lost it from memory…..for a long time.

Many scholars believe that it probably sounded like e-Yahweh, the Hebrew Y having an “e” tang to it. The Hebrew alphabet does not include most of the vowels, as they say…A, E, I, O, U. So if you take the A and E out of Yahweh you have YHWH, it is that simple….Right? No…The most proper name for God is pronounced with and O and a V… Eh-ho-va….Yehovah…. again the e-tang. They found written evidence of this in 2017. But I just use Yahweh because more people recognize it and avoid using God’s name casually.

But the Tetragrammaton YHWH was not carried over to the Septuagint that was commonly used. The excuse given for the removal of Tetragrammaton; That it was too holy to appear in the holy scriptures. (I recommend that you do not buy that explanation!) Certainly God was not offended by His own name and the Tetragrammaton that they replaced it with was a literary symbol or abbreviation of God’s name and it posed no offence. But still “they” decided to remove that too. Removing God’s name from the Old Testament scriptures was evil! The people of the time period never knew this was done. When the Jewish priests read the scriptures in the temple they never said God’s name out loud anyway, so they would always say LORD or GOD. Then today the Jews even have issues with the word God….writing it as G-d. That is hilarious! So the people never knew that the scriptures were being changed. So after the alteration, God’s name was not there to pronounce anymore. In effect, not only was his name removed but He was given a generic designator….God.
Today, when you read the Old Testament, and you see the word “LORD” or the word “God” you are reading a substitute word for God’s name or even the Tetragrammaton. As it is the Tetragrammaton absorbed several names for God the Father in the Old Testament, including the names that started with “El” like Elohim and also El, El is actually an old name for Yahweh. As far as the phrase “Lord God” sometimes this is not only a substitution, it is also a rearrangement of the words and an alteration to their meanings. In the phrase “Lord God” the word Lord is the title and God is the person, making Yahweh’s name God is a huge modification of meaning. In the actual scriptures it was either YHWH your God, YHWH, or “Lord YHWH” or “God YHWH.” Where God was the title and YHWH was the person, like President George Washington. Replacing the phrase Lord YHWH with the words “LORD God” caused many people to think that God was Yahweh’s name, not a title or a description. Which does not workout, not only for accuracy but also functionally. The Hebrew word can only be used to describe a position because the word has multiple meanings that designate positions in three references. The Hebrew word used for a false god, Yahweh, or the goddess are the same Hebrew word and the Hebrew language does not have upper and lower case letters. The Hebrew word for God denotes a position not a particular person. How many ways did this cause confusion?

The changes that were made were sweeping as well as the problems and confusion that it caused. For example, to remove God’s actual name from the Old Testament was a huge modification, but then to remove the Tetragrammaton they had to remove, substitute, add, and modify, and sometimes change the meanings of the words, as well as rearrange the words, particularly if the word God was already there. For example, if the scripture read God YHWH, they would rearrange the phrase and insert the word LORD. So in our Bibles it reads LORD GOD. If only the name YHWH was there they would remove His name and put the word GOD or LORD there. The Septuagint was in Greek so they used either KURIOS OR THEOS or both, by the time they were done, they made 6828 modifications to insert these words. When translated to the English Bibles KURIOS THEOS appeared as LORD GOD. So at this point God the Father’s name is long gone from the scriptures, Old and New Testament. Guess who would want God’s name removed from the scriptures? And as it is most Christians are oblivious to all this alterations to the scriptures. We will discuss Christ’s name shortly.

The problem with all this....besides removing God’s name from the Old Testament scriptures, is that this process required 6828 distinct removals and as it is if you count the removals, replacements, substitutes, additions, and re-arrangements, as separate actions the count can be well over 35,000 specific changes to the words in the scriptures.... all just to remove God’s name from the Hebrew scriptures. Over 35,000 alterations just in the Old Testament alone. This constituted no less than a massive degradation of the scriptures and it took considerable planning and effort. Again the explanation given; God’s name was too sacred to be in the Holy Bible. If you are not buying this and you think it is something that Satan would are right! There was a reason that this was done and I will explain.

Why was Satan concerned about this? It is all about power. The power of the True name of God and the energy and power that the pronunciations of His name possesses and its affect on us, and the world. A world filled with Bibles with God’s name in it…..but no more! God the Father’s name, never to be written or uttered again!
Well maybe there is an effort to put Yahweh’ and Yeshua’s names back in the Holy Bible….they are called Sacred Name Bibles.

Then when it was time for Rome to take the helm of the scriptures they embraced these changes because it helped validate their “own” definition of the Trinity. Once the God that had a name was removed from the scriptures and the meaning of the word God was changed from a title to a personal name, they could then manipulate the term “God” to define the one person God formula. Since there was no longer a name to identify a singular God, then God could be the name of all the Gods in Christianity, implying that the term “God” had always meant “three Gods in one.” Standard Christian doctrine defines “God” as three persons in “one God” and then defines God as “one” and then “one and only.” If God’s name, Yahweh, was there it would be more difficult to rationalize that the name Yahweh meant, Yahweh + Yeshua + the Holy Spirit. So with His name being God in the Old Testament and it appearing as God in the New Testament it made it much easier to perpetuate a false doctrine.

Since the three person God concept is not a working model in the Old Testament, or in other words, since God does not function as a trio in the OT….nor is He described as a trio…. nor does He describe Himself as a trio, or mention or communicate with the other two Gods in the Old Testament ....they needed away of working around the their term for Him had to be the same in the Old and New Testament “the one and only God.” Once the word God was defined as a person rather than a title, all the false doctrine promoters had to do was associate the word Trinity to the word God. The Church knew that God’s name had been removed but they were not about to put it back in there because the word “God” as a name worked much better for them when they were defining the God Yahweh, the God Yeshua, and the God Holy Spirit as one. This way, regardless of what the scriptures said they could twist the truth.

In the end the only thing the people had to work with was the word Jehovah, which showed up four times in some translations. It is a deception and a distracter. For one, some of the letters in Jehovah did not exist during the Old Testament period, in fact the word Jehovah did not exist in any language during this period. I address this with the explanation of the “J” slam where they changed all the Y’s to J’s

So now a days, some people think that God is His name. Kind of like having a hall of past presidents and under each picture, just the word “president” is inscribed…like they don’t have names. In this modern age of green and our non-confrontational society, when they read the bumper sticker “In God We Trust” it never dawns on them, that it could mean any god from any religion. This all plays into Satan’s hands because he thinks he is a god too, so this politically correct generic phrase plays into his hands!

Ever watch a commercial and can’t figure out what the point of it was?
Well here is the point.
Yahweh is the name of God the Father.
Yahweh is the name of the only Israelite/Jewish God in the Old Testament.
The Jewish religion is about one God not three. Three Gods would be sacrilegious to them.
God is not the name of Yahweh. God is a Divine Position.
The belief in “one God” is the belief in Yahweh, not Yeshua and the Holy Spirit.
Yahweh wants His name written and pronounced in reverence.
It was wrong and possibly the work of the devil to take Yahweh’s name out of the Old and New Testament and substitute it with the words God or Lord.
Yahweh and Yeshua deserve to have their names in the Holy Bible.
Removing Their names skews the understanding and meaning of the scriptures.

Yahweh is the God of the Old Testament Israelites and here are the scriptures to prove it. The scriptures are clear on the point….one God and no other and He is alone.

"Before Me there was no God formed, And there will be none after Me." Isaiah 43:10

"Yahweh, He is God; there is no other besides Him." Deuteronomy 4:35

"Hear, O Israel! Yahweh is our God, Yahweh is one!" Deuteronomy 6:4

"I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me" Isaiah 46:9

"You are great, O Lord God; for there is none like You, and there is no God besides You" 2 Samuel 7:22

"Yahweh, He is God in heaven above and on the earth below; there is no other." Deuteronomy 4:39

"See now that I, I am He, And there is no god besides Me" Deuteronomy 32:39

"There is no one like Yahweh our God." Exodus 8:10

"You are great, O Lord God; for there is none like You, and there is no God besides You" 2 Samuel 7:22

"For who is God, besides Yahweh? And who is a rock, besides our God?" 2 Samuel 22:32

"Yahweh is God; there is no one else." 1 Kings 8:60

"You are the God, You alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth." 2 Kings 19:15

"O Lord, there is none like You, nor is there any God besides You" 1 Chronicles 17:20

"You alone are Yahweh." Nehemiah 9:6

"For who is God, but Yahweh? And who is a rock, except our God" Psalm 18:31

"You alone [bad], Lord, are God." Isaiah 37:20

"'I am the first and I am the last, And there is no God besides Me." Isaiah 44:6

"Is there any God besides Me, Or is there any other Rock? I know of none." Isaiah 44:8

"I am Yahweh, and there is no other; Besides Me there is no God." Isaiah 45:5

"Surely, God is with you, and there is none else, No other God." Isaiah 45:14

"I am Yahweh, and there is none else." Isaiah 45:18
The History of the True name of the Messiah

Hang on to your hats!!!
Yeshua, Yoshua, Yob, Yacob, Yames, Yeremiah, Yericho, Jerusalem is Yerusalem pronounced Yerushalayim these are some of the words that have been modified by the J slam.

I am sure the history of God’s name was shocking…. Well, what comes next will be shocking information for even the most well versed Christians! Even though what happened to God’s name in the Old Testament was not initiated by the Christians, they did perpetuate it in their translations by continuing to use the designators of “God and Lord” with no concern for accuracy.

The Church would be the first to preach that it is a sin to tamper with the scriptures.....but apparently that did not stop them. The understanding of God and Faith is based on the scriptures, so small errors can be devastating. A study of this topic will result in about a dozen explanations for it and there is no agreement on how, who, or when it all came to be, but the larger point is that there is power in the names of the Gods and that power residing in the sound of Their names. Satan knew this and this is why he had Yahweh’s name removed from the Old Testament scriptures. Likewise it was his plan to remove Christ’s name from the New Testament. Removing his name would reduce the power of the scriptures, but also he knew by removing the name of the Messiah, he could possibly stop Salvation! Because the scripture says that only one name could be called upon for Salvation (Acts 4:12) What if you do not know it?

As in the Old Testament, having Christ’s name in the scriptures would invoke a power and a presents on Earth that Satan did not want, so he had to get these names erased from the Bible completely! As long as Satan could keep the names of the Gods out of the Holy Bible he could limit the power of the scriptures and have power over the translations of the Holy Bible as well as power and influence over the churches of God and what they preached. So either removing or changing their names was one of his primary objectives. How did he do this…did he convince religious leadership that only the most holy of Christians should know the names of the Gods.

To confuse matters even more, when it came time to translate the Holy Bible to English, he convinced them to make another sweeping change. Get rid of the evidence! They changed the Y’s to J’s in the Old and New Testaments. (This required thousands of additional alterations.) This could not have happened before the 1400’s, because before that, the letter “J” did not exist in any language and really was not in use until the 1600’s. This is a unilateral event, because both the Protestants and the Catholics did it nearly at the same time. Conspiracy to deceive? I will leave that for you to decide. Me? I believe Satan had a hand in it. You have to understand, the Bible that you have, does not have the names of the Christian Gods in it! They have been erased! Why would the Holy Bible be written without the names of the Christian Gods in it!? Why!?

This event is not done arbitrarily, there is a pattern, the “J’s” are not just distributed throughout the Bible, they mostly target the first letter of the names of people, places, and things, but the most important target was names of the Gods. Any person or place or thing that had a “Y” as the first letter of the word, was changed to “J” This constituted thousands of alterations to the Bible, for no other reason than to deceive. To make this clear, the letter “J” nor its sound, ever appeared anywhere in the True scriptures.

So when they wrote the New Testament they substituted Christ’s name with a Greek word? Part of this is humorous but mostly sad because it denotes the intelligence level of the scholars that were studying these things for centuries, because they should have noticed some obvious things. LOL The word in the scriptures for Christ is Ἰησοῦς or transliteration Iēsous. And they have been trying to say that it translate to Jesus….Well no one knows where the word Jesus came from, it first appears in the 17th century and Ἰησοῦς cannot be translated to Jesus. And they have been discussing this for how long? Well here is the problem LOL

What does Ἰησοῦς-Iēsous mean?
In the Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, the name Iēsous comes from Hebrew/Aramaic and means "healer or physician.

Well this is not a name it is a Greek word. They should have noticed that no one in history is named Iēsous LOL Because it is not a name, it is a word. And if they thought for a moment….who would think that Miriam…. Christ’s mother, would name here Son with a Greek name much less a Greek word. LOL Someone should have noticed this!!!

No literary history for Jesus; This is a fact, at the time the protestants were writing their Bibles, the word Jesus did not appear or have an intrinsic meaning in English or in any other language. The name Jesus came out of nowhere and before the 1600’s was never known as a word or a name. The first time that name ever appeared anywhere was probably in the publications of King James Version of the Bible that were printed. But not the first printed KJV’s. At first the word Iēsous was used in the KJV’s as it was also used in the Geneva Bible.

Christians are taught that Jesus was a common name in the Old and New Testament. That is a lie! It was Yeshua that was a common name and it appears in the Old Testament as Yeshua or Yoshua….or Jeshua or Joshua after the J slam.

Historians and linguists are not even sure where the word Jesus came from. Some believe it is a more modern derivative of Zeus to English with the added J. Its closest phonic similarity in the Greek, is Gesus which means Earth pig or dirt pig! The translated Greek or Latinized names for Jesus are pronounced “hey-soos” meaning “hey horse or hey beast.” There is no reason for this! The English language contains the letter “Y.” It is just as easy to say and spell Yeshua and Yahweh as it is to say Jesus and Jehovah. Considering the importance of Their names, and the devastating effects, satanic influence is the most probable cause. I know this sounds alarmist, but the only other explanation would be the total break down of the competency of the translators with an intent to deceive over a period of millenniums. Still back to the same conclusion….evil! Even the Romans knew Christ’s name and on that sign above Christ’s head on the Cross was written; Yeshua the Nazarene, King of the Jews. Written in three languages, Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. And the name Jesus could not have appeared on that sign.

Actually the only legitimate debate is if Yeshua was sometimes called Yehoshua because these names are kind of like Ed and Edward. Yeshua means “he-rescues or saves” and Yehoshua literally means “Yahweh is Salvation.” This makes a little more sense then hey horse or earth pig, and it is no mystery, that Yeshua appears several times in the Old Testament. (Just look for Yeshua with the Y replaced with a J...Jeshua or Joshua.) But the bottom line is, His mother yelled “Yeshua!” when she called Him to dinner and unlike hey-horse, the name Yeshua has Divine power.

The Truth was lost due to Satan’s influence, because he wanted the names of the Gods out of the scriptures and he wanted to erase the one name that could be called upon for Salvation. So when translating the scriptures the Church interjected an alphabetic symbol, sound, and pronunciation that did
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not exist in the Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek alphabet, language, or phonics. The insertion of the Letter “J” was a sweeping corruption of the scriptures, and we can see the extent of this deceit because it affects any person’s name in the Old and New Testament that was mistranslated to start with a “J.” Jehovah, Jesus, Jacob, Joshua, Jesse, Job, Jeremiah, John, James, Joseph and even cities like Jerusalem and Jericho are all mistranslations. Just ask a Jew how Jerusalem is pronounced. For centuries Satan’s deception was successful but today none of this is really a secret, just not noticed by those that are “taught” their religion and are really not interested enough to care. These facts regarding the names of the Gods, Yahweh and Yeshua, as well as all of those that had their names changed by the substitution of the letter “J” can be easily verified in any popular Exhaustive Concordance or Biblical Dictionary and the Lexicons will give you more information. Look it up for yourself! Christ’s mother never heard of a name pronounced Gez-us, unless someone sneezed.

It is this topic and others that nails down that fact that the one God formula for the Trinity is not only wrong, but a deception. “Three Gods United” not “Three Gods in one person” ….the study of theology will reveal that it does not take much to skew the truth. In this case it took an extreme amount of effort over millenniums to get the job done. People do not live that long so it cannot be a plan of any human or human group. The Truth is that the Trinity is Three Gods United. Now how does this effect Salvation? Is knowing the True names of the Gods important? I would say so, and now you know. The fact that the names of God the Father and God the Son are not in the scriptures does not mean that the Holy Bible you have is useless. Personally I write the names of God the Father and God the Son at the top of the some of the pages.

So as it is, in Heaven Yahweh God Almighty sits on a throne and His Son a God Yeshua sits to His right on a throne.
Well maybe there is an effort to put Yahweh’ and Yeshua’s names back in the Holy Bible….they are called Sacred Name Bibles.

Then when it was time for Rome to take the helm of the scriptures they embraced these changes because it helped validate their “own” definition of the Trinity. Once the God that had a name was removed from the scriptures and the meaning of the word God was changed from a title to a personal name, they could then manipulate the term “God” to define the one person God formula. Since there was no longer a name to identify a singular God, then God could be the name of all the Gods in Christianity, implying that the term “God” had always meant “three Gods in one.” Standard Christian doctrine defines “God” as three persons in “one God” and then defines God as “one” and then “one and only.” If God’s name, Yahweh, was there it would be more difficult to rationalize that the name Yahweh meant, Yahweh + Yeshua + the Holy Spirit. So with His name being God in the Old Testament and it appearing as God in the New Testament it made it much easier to perpetuate a false doctrine.

Since the three person God concept is not a working model in the Old Testament, or in other words, since God does not function as a trio in the OT….nor is He described as a trio…. nor does He describe Himself as a trio, or mention or communicate with the other two Gods in the Old Testament ....they needed away of working around the their term for Him had to be the same in the Old and New Testament “the one and only God.” Once the word God was defined as a person rather than a title, all the false doctrine promoters had to do was associate the word Trinity to the word God. The Church knew that God’s name had been removed but they were not about to put it back in there because the word “God” as a name worked much better for them when they were defining the God Yahweh, the God Yeshua, and the God Holy Spirit as one. This way, regardless of what the scriptures said they could twist the truth.

In the end the only thing the people had to work with was the word Jehovah, which showed up four times in some translations. It is a deception and a distracter. For one, some of the letters in Jehovah did not exist during the Old Testament period, in fact the word Jehovah did not exist in any language during this period. I address this with the explanation of the “J” slam where they changed all the Y’s to J’s

So now a days, some people think that God is His name. Kind of like having a hall of past presidents and under each picture, just the word “president” is inscribed…like they don’t have names. In this modern age of green and our non-confrontational society, when they read the bumper sticker “In God We Trust” it never dawns on them, that it could mean any god from any religion. This all plays into Satan’s hands because he thinks he is a god too, so this politically correct generic phrase plays into his hands!

Ever watch a commercial and can’t figure out what the point of it was?
Well here is the point.
Yahweh is the name of God the Father.
Yahweh is the name of the only Israelite/Jewish God in the Old Testament.
The Jewish religion is about one God not three. Three Gods would be sacrilegious to them.
God is not the name of Yahweh. God is a Divine Position.
The belief in “one God” is the belief in Yahweh, not Yeshua and the Holy Spirit.
Yahweh wants His name written and pronounced in reverence.
It was wrong and possibly the work of the devil to take Yahweh’s name out of the Old and New Testament and substitute it with the words God or Lord.
Yahweh and Yeshua deserve to have their names in the Holy Bible.
Removing Their names skews the understanding and meaning of the scriptures.

Yahweh is the God of the Old Testament Israelites and here are the scriptures to prove it. The scriptures are clear on the point….one God and no other and He is alone.

"Before Me there was no God formed, And there will be none after Me." Isaiah 43:10

"Yahweh, He is God; there is no other besides Him." Deuteronomy 4:35

"Hear, O Israel! Yahweh is our God, Yahweh is one!" Deuteronomy 6:4

"I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me" Isaiah 46:9

"You are great, O Lord God; for there is none like You, and there is no God besides You" 2 Samuel 7:22

"Yahweh, He is God in heaven above and on the earth below; there is no other." Deuteronomy 4:39

"See now that I, I am He, And there is no god besides Me" Deuteronomy 32:39

"There is no one like Yahweh our God." Exodus 8:10

"You are great, O Lord God; for there is none like You, and there is no God besides You" 2 Samuel 7:22

"For who is God, besides Yahweh? And who is a rock, besides our God?" 2 Samuel 22:32

"Yahweh is God; there is no one else." 1 Kings 8:60

"You are the God, You alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth." 2 Kings 19:15

"O Lord, there is none like You, nor is there any God besides You" 1 Chronicles 17:20

"You alone are Yahweh." Nehemiah 9:6

"For who is God, but Yahweh? And who is a rock, except our God" Psalm 18:31

"You alone [bad], Lord, are God." Isaiah 37:20

"'I am the first and I am the last, And there is no God besides Me." Isaiah 44:6

"Is there any God besides Me, Or is there any other Rock? I know of none." Isaiah 44:8

"I am Yahweh, and there is no other; Besides Me there is no God." Isaiah 45:5

"Surely, God is with you, and there is none else, No other God." Isaiah 45:14

"I am Yahweh, and there is none else." Isaiah 45:18
According to all this scripture Yahweh is the only God and there is no other as He stated.

Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

1 Corinthians 8:6 yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we exist. And there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we exist.