no its not entirely as phony as you think. the doctrine of eternal security is very biblical. if taught in the right way according to scriptures.
There is a distinct difference between the Holy and the profane, assuredly. And that "difference" is to be "marked" in the sanctuary, the temple, our body.
We can not possibly, legitimately drag the vain, contrary body into the realm of the Holy. It doesn't work. Never will.
What we will find, concerning the flesh body is this. It is planted in weakness, dishonor, corruption. 1 Cor. 15:42-49. We will find it vile. Phil. 3:21. We will find sin indwelling it. Romans 7:17-21. We will find the body subject to lusts/temptations. Gal. 4:14, Romans 7:7-13. We will find it contrary to the Spirit. Gal. 5:17. We will find it with evil present, Romans 7:21. BECAUSE of the very real conditions we have "in the body."
Can we say that any of these things are HOLY? Never. Saved? Never. By failing to mark out these conditions, to claim them holy, to lie and say it's not true or truthful doesn't do any of us any favors as a Spiritual Body. It just makes the majority of us into hypocritical liars. I happen to utterly detest having to take either or both of those "seats" as they simply are NOT GODLY.
So, regarding any "doctrine" does it do the condition of the body ANY good to believe any particular slant? No. It's actually rather unimportant if we can not be TRUTHFUL. Do we think our vile body, flesh contrary to the Spirit, evil present with us gives TWO HOOTS about the Trinity or that understanding the Trinity makes any of these factual conditions depart the body? No.
If any theological understandings can't be built on TRUTH, then the foundation is rotten all the way to the top. So, we essentially start "temple building" on a foundation of "dust and ashes."
And this is representative of the condition of our body, in the sight of the Spirit.
And I might add that the contrary to the Spirit vile flesh including ALL it is subject to will never TAKE these terms. It is, in short, a bucking kicking mess. If we observe the status of the churches, this sight is called "a house of bickering flesh and divisions."
This can not change, til God Himself changes us.
So, what do we say of these matters? I might observe that it is critical to be 'truthful' to be "in Truth."
the problem with the osas doctrine is not in scripture but those who use it in a manner .that is not Bible based there are those who will say it gives one a license to stay in sin.
The body of no one will escape what it factually is. A believer who looks on any flesh body, thinking theirs is better sees exactly nothing in the Spirit.
Paul addresses this sight, the "are we better" sight, and comes back with a resounding NO.
Romans 3:9
What then?
are we better than they?
No, in no wise: for
we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are
all under sin;
then you have those who truly live it. it is a very controversial subject in the Church
It is only controversial to the flesh/vile body that resists the sights of scriptural accuracy. This doesn't change after salvation. And there are scriptural reasons it doesn't. Nobody really likes to hear about the sorry state of their own hide by disclosures of the Spirit.
IN effect, the flesh can not and will not hear of it.
. the way i believe is those who are truly saved will stay with it. those who walk away and never return was never saved
its not so much the teaching as the person using it as a excuse
There is absolutely ZERO slack given by the Spirit to a single evil thought. Not going to happen.
But that is where we all end up landing "in the flesh." We fall into denial. Hypocrisy. Lies.
So, here we sit, wondering why no one can get along?
We were never meant to. In the final analysis I have long pondered these matters, and understand that only a remnant will be HONEST. It is somewhat disheartening, but it is rather marked out this way. It is certainly not up to me to be able to make any believer to see their current state of contrariness. But I see my own, for sure. And I relate to every believer in the O.T. who, by the Spirit, exclaimed "WOE IS ME."
And woe is me if I do not speak the truth of the lesser matters, and hide them from God, in my vanity.
I could act better than any sinner in church. And it would only serve to make me an even bigger hypocrite.
When was the last time you heard a pastor declare himself to be the worst sinner in the church?
When was the last time you heard any teacher make such a declaration? Sadly, if they did, none would listen and none do.
Yet, the Apostle of our Church made this EXACT declaration in 1 Tim. 1:15. And it was not based on his external actions,
but because of the mortal enemy of our soul who wages REAL WAR in our own mortal, vile, contrary, corrupted, dishonorable, weak body, where that snake battles, unseen.
Where do we find the workings of the viper, the snakes in the New Testament?
Why, in the leaders of the SYNAGOGUE. There's a deep Spiritual lesson to be had there. It's found in Mark 4:15.
Matthew 3:7
But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of
who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?
These will NOT escape by any religious cloaking devices.
There is actually a "reverse" principle that IS at work. The more God's Word is upheld, the more resistance follows, and does so "in the flesh."
This is shown here for example:
Romans 7:
13 Was then that which is good made death unto me? God forbid. But sin, that it might appear sin, working death in me by that which is good;
that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful.
and here:
1 Corinthians 15:56
The sting of death is sin; and
the strength of sin is the law.
Paul acknowledges this "adverse" to the Spirit activity in his own flesh. And by no means sought to "exonerate" the reality of this in his own flesh or cover it up, under the guise of OSAS or works or "acting" like it's not true, when it is completely true.
He bared himself, for us to see. The O.T. promises the same sight:
Psalm 18:28
For thou wilt light my candle:
the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness.