I agree with Webb here, Warfrog...you need to study the Bible more...not on whether or not baptism is essential for salvation.
But, on what we should be doing once saved.
If salvation were the only thing that is remotely important...then as soon as we believe we should just be put to death right then and there. Why not? If salvation is all that there is...it would save a lot of headache and heartache just to go on to eternity.
Just because something isn't necessary for salvation doesn't mean it isn't necessary as part of our vital walk with Christ.
Look at what Ephesians 2 says about works:
For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.
Why are we saved in the first place? We are saved, created in Christ Jesus for good works. We should walk in them.
Yes, we are baptized by the Holy Spirit. But, we are also to be baptized in water...Christ not only commands that we be so, but He commands that we baptize all who come to Him. In Matthew 28 Jesus is not commanding the Holy Spirit to go and make disciples, baptize them and to teach them to do ALL He has commanded us to do...He's telling us to do that. And, He isn't saying to think about it, or that if we want to He'd appreciate. He said, "GO and DO."
How are you doing on that anyway? How are you going forth and making disciples and baptizing them, or bringing them to be baptized...without being baptized yourself?
Rhetorical question...but one to think about!
You said, "It's not essential, its recommended for the sake of profession, its an acknowledgement done before men in confession towards the need of Christ."
Nowhere in Scripture that I know of teaches that baptism is for the sake of profession or an acknowledgement done before men in confession towards the need of Christ.
I've looked at baptism forward and backwards for a number of years now. I've seen the arguments for and against whether or not it's essential for salvation. I've seen the arguments for and against whether or not infants should be baptized. I've seen the arguments for and against immersion versus sprinkling.
Nowhere in the many texts I've studied have I seen that baptism is for the sake of profession or an acknowledgment done before men in confession towards the need of Christ.
So, brother...I am in agreement with Webb and exhort you to go back to the book and re-study this issue...not whether or not it's necessary for salvation...but whether or not you should just give your pastor a call about setting up a time that you can obey the Lord in this.